from today's Nikkei

2007年01月31日 09時44分19秒 | 新聞記事から
日本車 アジア生産、北米抜く 中印など昨年大幅増 戦略車拠点に 
Production in Asia by Japanese car makers exceeded that in Norh America for the first time in 2006. In addition to the growth in the markets in Asian countries,such as India and China, Production and exports of world-wide strategic vehicles for sales in multiple countries incresed sharply. Japanese manufacturers have placed much importance in the North American market.But the Asian markets have recently become more important for them, with Asia coming to a main production hub along with North America.
参考:言葉の組み合わせ、言葉の分析:「アジア生産」というとき、この言葉は「アジア」と「生産」のふたつのことばで出来ている。で、その意味は、アジアにおける生産であり、アジアはこの場合誰かが行う生産のなされる場所を示す。したがって意味的にはproduction in Asiaとなる。しかし、アジアが何かを生産するのであれば、Asian production とかAsia's productionとなるだろう。だけど、Asia production というやや意味不明のわけのわからない言い方もあるだろう。「戦略車拠点」の場合、「戦略車」と「拠点」の言葉からなり、「戦略車」はさらに「戦略」と「車」になる。strategy, stretegic, car, vehicle, hub ,base などの言葉を大体の人は知っている。人によってはこの言葉を覚えることにエネルギーを使っている人もあるが、大体の人はこのレベルはわかっている。問題はこれらの基本的な言葉を使って実際に生活場裏で使われる言葉をいかにして的確に作るかである。一番簡単なのは上から言葉を並べて行く方法である。strategic vehicle hub, strategic-vehicle hub(base). しかしこの場合、startegic-vehicle とhub の関係が不明なので、a hub for stretegic vehecles, a production hub for strategic vehiclesなどとするほうがbetterになる。基本的言葉を如何に組み合わせるべきか、という頭の訓練をすることが、学習上不可欠である。これは日本語の漢字で私たちが日ごろほぼ無意識にしていることなのですが。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年01月30日 09時37分30秒 | 新聞記事から
「隠れ借金」60年で完済 交付金不足補う借入金18兆円 政府方針 法律で義務化 07年度、まず1兆7000億円 
The government has decided that it will repay the amount of the borrowed money from the private sector's financial institutions in order to make up for the shortage of the local allocation tax, which has now totaled 18 trillion yen, in the period of 60 years.According to the plan, the government intends, first of all, to repay 1.7 trillion yen in fiscal 2007,and after that,will repay the rest of the debts at the pace of 300 billion yen repayment a year. The debts have been criticized by many critics and experts,being referred to as " hiden debts" through the specila account in the local allocation tax system. These measures mentiond above will be authorized
by legislation.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年01月29日 10時18分10秒 | 新聞記事から
JEF 現代製鉄と提携へ 日韓新連合 高炉技術を供与 相互出資も検討 新日鉄に対抗
JEF Steel Corporation has started to negotiate with Hyundai Steel Co.,a company affiliated with Hyundai Motor Co. in South Korea, for making a wide range of business alliances.JEF Steel intends to make the best use of Hyundai Steel's advanced technology in the blast furnace. The two companies also have a thought that they invest in each capital on a reciprocal basis,and have begun to deliberate on the matter.These moves means heralding the new era between Japan and South Korea in terms of private sectors's business tie-ups.The JEF Steel's strategy shown in these moves is that worked out for coping with Nippon Steel group's sterngthening the business in the global market including this region.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年01月28日 21時03分55秒 | 新聞記事から
資源・円安、利益押し上げ ブルジストン 今期、営業増益 マツダ 100億円上振れも
It is learned that the reduced prices of material,such as crude oil, and the weaker yen have boosted the profits in many companies. For example, in Bridgestone Corporation's operating profit will likely increase in this business term. And in Mazda Motor Corporation, its operatin profit of this term is sure to swing upward around 10 billion yen.
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from today's Nikkei-おかしさにきずいて後で少し修正

2007年01月27日 18時19分35秒 | 新聞記事から
三菱UFJ銀に業務停止 不正関与で金融庁命令へ 新規の企業融資 大阪などで数ヶ月有力 
It is learned (on) Friday that the Financial Services Agency has enterd its final stage of arrangement for issueing the administrative orders,such as suspension of some of business operations to The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubish UFJ.This is because the bank's involvement in the so-called The Foundation of Asuka-kai former-President's scandal has recently been revealed.It is predomimantly believed ( It is very likely )that new loans for corporate customers will be suspended for several months in some areas including Osaka.
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