from the October 6 Nikkei

2013年10月29日 09時40分09秒 | 新聞記事から
ビッグデータで街づくり 日本IBMなど 渋滞を予測・解消 東京五倫再開発にらむ 

There is a project for making people's urban life more comfortable by making best use of so-called"big data," which collects and analyzes a huge amount of data. In IBM Japan, they are making efforts to help to maintain expressways' traffic to be optimum conditions by combining the weather disaster forecast system and the traffic conjestion forecast system. In its traffic conjestion forecast, they are going to anticipate traffic jams by making tens of millions of vehicles run on the virtual roads. In Fujitsu Japan, they are going to find out the spots with a high risk of an accident by analyzing traffic data. In anticipation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, redevelopment of the Tokyo urban area will be advancing. So, their efforts which aim to seek both efficiency and security will surely help redevelop Tokyo to a new city suitable for the world event seven years from now.
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from the September 13 Nikkei

2013年10月29日 08時39分33秒 | 新聞記事から
ジャパンディスプレイ上場 年度内、2000億円調達 スマホ用増産 革新機構、初の資金回収

Japan Display Inc., a firm established by Hitachi, Toshiba and Sony for manufacturing small and mid-sized liquified crystal panels, has decided to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange within this fiscal year. Market capitalization is expected to be around \70 million, one of large-scale listings. The fund raised throught this process would come to be \20 million, which will be used in investment for increasing the production of panels for smartphone devices. Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, the government-affliated fund, has 70 percent stake of Japan Display, and will get a return for its investment for the first time.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年10月28日 18時20分42秒 | 新聞記事から
米データ通信会社買収 NTTコム 企業向けに回線 クラウド企業の買収も最終調整 投資額1000億円規模

It is recently learned that NTT Communicatons Corporation will take over a U.S. company named Barbara Technology Service (based in Colorado), which is specializing in data communications services for corporate users. The value of this deal is expected to be around \50. NTT Communications will likely form a framework for building networks used for a cloud service aimed at corporate clients in the world. Another target of takeover by the company is a cloud service company, with which it has entered into a final negotiation stage. If it is realized, the total value of the deals this time would likely come to nearly \100.
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from the October 26 Nikkei

2013年10月28日 17時12分19秒 | 新聞記事から
洋上風力発電に優遇策 買い取り価格1.5~2倍 経産省が来年度 再生エネ 太陽光偏重を是正
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has a plan to raise the price in buying the power generated by wind on the sea in terms of renewable energy's fixed-price purchasing system, it is learned. The ministry intends next fiscal year to establish an exclusive price for the ocean wind power generayion, which is expected to be around \30 to \40 per kilowatt, or 1.5 to 2 times as much as that for the land wind power generation. At present, when it comes to renewable energies, main interest is biased toward the sunlight power generation. Under such circumstances, the ministry likes to make energy sources diversfied by promoting wind power generation nationwide.
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from the October 24 Nikkei

2013年10月28日 16時44分22秒 | 新聞記事から
半導体部門の社員半減 パナソニック、7000人に 一部工場の売却検討
It is learned that Panasonic Corporation will likely cut back its semiconductor businesses on a large scale. Specifically, it is expected to reduce the number of its total relevant employees from the current 14,000 to 7,000, half the present, by fiscal 2014, and also starts to deliberate on selling off some of its factories.
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