from today Nikkei

2009年07月30日 21時47分35秒 | 新聞記事から
「ポイント」1兆円規模に 買い物で発行、相互利用拡大 実質値引き 業績圧迫も

In Japan, many private companies issue so-called " points" acoording to the purchases of their customers. And the market size of such kinds of points is expected to surpass the 1 trillion level in fiscal 2009.In fiscal 2008, the amount of the issuance is estimated to be around 820 billion yen. This year, another type of the point called "eco-point" as a sales -promoting measure for the energy-saving household appliances is added to the category.
Now,in various areas of our daily lives,including the use of mobile phones,utilization of air flight services,or buying through the Internet, the point-issuance service is widely spread.In some companies like Yamada-Denki Comapny,Limited there has occured a move that companies coopetate with each other in issuing or utilizing the point servicce.Then the value of the point service as a kind of currency has been increasing. However, it is virtually a discountof the price, so there is a possibility that it will squeeze the company's business performance.
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from today Nikkei

2009年07月29日 23時04分47秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
資源確保へ円借款活用 政府 アフリカや南米の銅山周辺 インフラ整備支援

According to sources,the government likely will secure resources, espacially so-called rare metals, by utilizing yen-loan assistance scheme in such regions as developing countries. Specifically,implementing building the infrastructure around the copper mines in the coutries in Africa and South America is to be carried out under the yen-loan scheme.
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from tgoday's Nikkei

2009年07月28日 16時12分45秒 | 新聞記事から
民社が政権公約発表 生活支援を前面に 子育てや農業など 必要財源16.8兆円 消費税増税 鳩山氏、議論は容認

The Democratic Party of Japan has anounced its political pledges, and it has put to the front livelihood assistances in the fields of child rearing and africulture. The necessary resources for them is expected to be about 16.8 trillion yen. With regrd to the consumption tax, the DPJ President Yukio Hatoyama refused to calrify whether the party is for the tax rate increase or not,but said cleary that the discussion of how the tax should be is necessary.
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2009年07月27日 21時25分50秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
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from today Nikkei

2009年07月18日 10時28分53秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
企業の農業参入加速 規制緩和背景に イオン3年で10農場運営 PB野菜を全国販売

General companies' participation into agricultural business has accelerated recently. Specifically, Aeon Co.,Ltd has a plan that it will have ten or so agricultural farms in the areas including Ibaragi Prefecture within the next three years and will put on sale nationwide its private brand products, which are 10 to 30 percent cheaper than others.
These kinds of deals by general companies are the result of deregulation in the field of domestic agriculture.

参考:accelerate は自動詞でも他動詞でも使える。
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