from today's Nikkei

2009年04月30日 14時17分17秒 | 新聞記事から
日中、予防対策で協力 新型インフル 首相会談 6カ国協議、早期に 羽田ー北京に定期便 チャーター

Prime Minister Taro Aso arrived at Beijing for his official visit to China on Wednesday and met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the Great Hall of the People.The two premiers reached an agreement on the issue of taking necessary measures for preventing so-called swine flue epidemic from spreading further.Specifically, the two countries will cooperate with each other in sharing information and intensifying quarantine procedures.Regarding the North Korea problem, the two confirmed the two countries' shared stance that North Korea should come back to the six-party talks and then the talks should be resumed as soon as possible.Another agreement is that the regularly scheduled charter flight service will be established between Haneda and Beijing in October this year.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年04月29日 20時54分02秒 | 新聞記事から
新型インフルエンザ発生を宣言 WHO「警戒水準4」に上げ 政府が対策本部 水際阻止を徹底 メキシコ死者149人 韓国でも1人「感染濃厚」

The World Health Organization hold its emergency meeting on the 27th evening(JST:on the 28th morning) on the swine flu now spreading in many countries in the world and declared that the flue is a new strain of the flue having a possibility of spreading from human to human on a community basis.Following the declaration,the WHO also raised the alert level from Phase 3 to Phase 4.

In Japan, the government set up an emergency headquarters chaired by Prime Minister Taro Aso in order to quickly take necessary measures at home and held its first meeting on the Tuesday afternoon. And they decided to implement the measures to prevent the swine flu virus (from) entering the country.

In Mexico, where the number pf people suffering the flu is the largest among countries, the number of the death toll from the flu reached 149. In South Korea a woman who have traveled in the southern part of Mexico from the middle to the end of April was diagnosed as being highly estimated to be infected with the swine flu.

In these circumstances,we have to closely watch the situation for a while.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年04月28日 09時20分40秒 | 新聞記事から
次世代携帯電話 日中が協力 首相会談で合意へ 端末やインフラ整備 

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao are scheduled to meet in Beijing on Wednesday and they will reach an agreement in forming a framework for jointly developing the technologies for the new-generation cellular phone communications. Given the situation that the principal future communication protocols in China will be so-called "3-G" or "3.9-G,"which have already been utilized or envisaged in Japan,the two governments have intiated the deal participated by bodies from both the private and public sectors of the two countries.Under the program,they will develop new handsets and necessary infrastructures.Developing contents like animations is also one of the items they should seek to develop.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年04月27日 20時28分31秒 | 新聞記事から
国民年金納付率最低に 62%前後 目標の8割弱 昨年度 記録漏れや雇用悪化響く

The payment rate of national pension premiums in fiscal 2008 is likely to be around 62% and that means it will be lower than that in fiscal 2002,which was 62.8%.The payment rate of national pension premiums is the figure that shows the rate of the number of people who have legitimately paid their national pension premium to the number of all the people who should pay their national pension premium.The figure of 62% in fiscal 2008 is less than 80% of the state's targeted figure.The rate has been lowering for the third consecutive year. Furthermotre,the gap beween the actual each year's rate and the state's targeted rate of 80% has been widening.It is thought that this is because the Social Security Agency's personnel in charge of collecting premiums have been forced to deal with the agency's blunder of failing to accurately lodge some people's pension records and also the worsening of employment conditions have been affecting the payment rate.

参考:英語で言いたいことを言うというとき最後に問題になるのが、名詞化の問題です。概念の名詞化。概念は時代とともに消え、生まれる。生まれた概念には言葉を当てはめてやらなければいけない。内容が明確であればある言語で人々に理解されている概念は絶対に英語でも名詞化出来る。国民年金納付率は正式には国民年金保険料納付率というべきであるが、この場合の核となる概念は、率である。これを英語ではhead noun という。問題はこのhead noun に対してどのように言葉をつけていくかである。まず前置修飾だと、The national pension premium payment rate といっても文法的に間違いではないが、前置修飾が長すぎて意味が不明である。こういうときは後置修飾を一部採用する。つまり、the payment rate of national pension premiums である。けれどもこれでも不十分であるともいえる。意味がわからないではないかということです。もっと正確に言うためには、関係代名詞で後置修飾しなければならない。the payment rate of national pension premiums,which shows the rate of the number of people who have legitimately paid their national pension premium to the number of all the people who should pay their national pension premium
要するに、これだけの事を言わないと説明がつかない。はっきりとした内容を持つ概念は、長くなるとしても、必ず名詞化出来る。その際のポイントは後置修飾である。後置修飾のポイントは関係代名詞であり分詞である。分詞とは関係代名詞の簡略版である。関係代名詞がわかれば、関係副詞はすぐわかるだろう。あと名詞句を作るthat 節は軽視できない。situation that S V の形ですね。
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2009年04月26日 09時55分52秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
人工透析してます:Artificial dialysis is available.→Artificial Dialysis Available  
夜間透析もできます:Dialysis in the night time also would be possible(available). The night-time dialysis also would be possible(available).→The Night-Time Dialysis Possible
道路凹凸:There is a bumpy place ahead.→Bumpy Ahead
50M先工事:There is a construction work site 50 meters ahead.→Construction 50M Ahead
工事中につき左に寄ってください:Keep left for a construction work.→Keep Left for Construction
車の通り抜けはできません:Automobiles can not pass through the road.禁止の場合はAutomobiles are not allowed to pass here.→Automobiles Not to Pass Here
出口専用:Here is only for the exit.→Only for Exit と思ったが、英語の実際例ではonly の使い方でよくあるのはHere is for the exit only.→For Exit Only
信号が青になってからわたりましょう 交通弱者用押しボタン:Press button for the traffic-handicapped. Walk the zebra crossing when the traffic signal has changed to green.→Press Button for Handicapped Walk Crossing When Signal Green
山田小児科:Yamada Pediatrics Clinic
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