from the August 17 Nikkei

2014年08月26日 14時27分49秒 | 新聞記事から
研究開発減税を縮小 投資増なら優遇拡充 政府検討 法人税率下げの財源に

The government has decided to discuss revision of the strategic tax reduction related to coporate's research and development expenses in the works of the fiscal 2015 tax system revision.
According to the present draft, the tax reduction range will be enhanced if a company increses its R&D expenses. But if a company's expenses in the field does not increase, the tax cur range will become smaller. The ammout of its tax cuts is expected to get smaller compared with the present as a total. The funds created in the process will be used as a source of corporate tax reduction expected to start in fiscal 2015.
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from the August 14 Nikkei

2014年08月26日 14時07分41秒 | 新聞記事から
景気、緩やか回復続く 設備投資増加へ  

It is likely that Japan's economy will get back to a moderate growth track toward the end of the year. It logged a minus growth of negative 6.8 percent in the perid of April to June this year, due to the consumption tax rate hike to 8 percent from 5 percent, but it is expected that consumers' consumption will become recovered and coporates' capital investment will increase from the period of July to September on.
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from the August 15 Nikkei

2014年08月26日 13時27分01秒 | 新聞記事から
ソニー 「車の目」参入 自動運転車に弾み 来年から量産  車の電子化 電機成長の柱に

Sony Corporation has decided to enter into the business of the image sensors for cameras which will be used as if a human eye for confirming the situations in circumference when a car is moving. It says mass-production of the sensors is expected in 2015 and they will be installed in the vehicles which will be sold in 2016 by major car makers. Critics think that this technology will bring about a momentum for realizing so-called "automatically -drived cars." This is only one of concrete realizations of digitalization of vehicle parts.But there is a possibility that this technology will become a pillar of the electronics industry.
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from the August 16 Nikkei

2014年08月26日 12時41分46秒 | 新聞記事から
日米欧、 金利低下が連鎖 成長力の低下懸念 債権・株に資金同時流入 日本一時0.5%割れ、独1%割れ

There have recently been an incessant declines of the long-term interest rates in advanced economies in the U.S., the Europe and Japan. Following the phenomenon that interest rates went below 1 percent for the first time in Germany, the interest rates declined below 0.5 percent in Japan on Friday, August 15, for the first time in a year and four months. In such circumstances, many are concerend about economic growth in advanced econnomies that it will be declining. That has led to a further eased monetary policy, and the increased money has come to flow into bond and stock markets, making the long-term interst rates have resulted in staying in the very low level.
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from the August 19 Nikkei

2014年08月26日 12時03分45秒 | 新聞記事から
スカイマーク支援を検討 エアアジア 出資で経営主導 国内外大手が争奪戦も

It was learned on Monday, August 18, that AirAsia in Malaysia, a biggest LLC in the Asia, had entered into its discussion whether or not it would help Skymark, the third-ranked carrier in Japan. A capital tie-up is one of its agenda. Skymark is now in its business slump, with a lot of LLCs participating in the field, but it has a lot of departure and arrival slots at the Haneda Airport dubbed "a gold mine." So, besides AirAsia, there are a lot of companies which are interested in the business development of Skymark at home and abroad. It could not be denied that there will be a possibility of a tug of war for vying for the company.
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