円高 長期化にらみ対策 想定レート見直し 富士フィルム値上げ検討 DIC欧州新工場
Companies are now propelling their preparations for tackling the higher yen, which seems to last long,amid the European countries debt crises.They include raising the prices of their products as well as increasing overseas production and local component purchases. Many companies are revising their expected rate ofthe yen to the dollars upward. Specifically, Fujifilm Corporation has enterd into discussing how to raise its product prices and DIC Corporation has decided to build a new plant in Austria in 2013.
Companies are now propelling their preparations for tackling the higher yen, which seems to last long,amid the European countries debt crises.They include raising the prices of their products as well as increasing overseas production and local component purchases. Many companies are revising their expected rate ofthe yen to the dollars upward. Specifically, Fujifilm Corporation has enterd into discussing how to raise its product prices and DIC Corporation has decided to build a new plant in Austria in 2013.