from the October 7 Nikkei

2011年10月10日 13時00分57秒 | 新聞記事から
円高 長期化にらみ対策 想定レート見直し 富士フィルム値上げ検討 DIC欧州新工場

Companies are now propelling their preparations for tackling the higher yen, which seems to last long,amid the European countries debt crises.They include raising the prices of their products as well as increasing overseas production and local component purchases. Many companies are revising their expected rate ofthe yen to the dollars upward. Specifically, Fujifilm Corporation has enterd into discussing how to raise its product prices and DIC Corporation has decided to build a new plant in Austria in 2013.
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from the October 8 Nikkei

2011年10月10日 12時32分56秒 | 新聞記事から
復興特区 法人税ゼロ 法案大枠決定 新設企業、5年間

All the measures for the reconstruction from the disaters by the Great East Japan Eathquake have been worked out and now on the table. The government decided Friday (on Ocotber 7) the bill for special deregulated zone for reconstruction and the bill for establishing the Reconstruction Agency.According to the policy by the special deregulation zone bill,a corporate tax will be actually zero for a five -year period for a newly established corporation in the specila zones.

At the same time the outlines of the fiscal 2011 third supplementary budget bill and the reconstruction tax increase bill were decided in the Cabinet Meeting.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年10月10日 08時28分25秒 | 新聞記事から
世界景気「悪化」3割超す 国内の先行き「横ばい・改善」大勢 景況感、内外で差

According to the data comipled Sunday by The Nihon Keizaishimbun about the survey of "the Presidents 100 People Questionnaire," there is a big difference between domestic and overseas economic prospects among business leaders.
More than 30 percent replied "world economy is worsening mainly due to European countries debt crises," a significant increase from the previous 6.5 percent in July.

On the other hand, about domestic econmy,many replied " it is moving sideways,or flattening, or improving a little."
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from today's Nikkei

2011年10月09日 08時16分16秒 | 新聞記事から
最速スパコン「京」輸出 資源開発・医療に活用 まずサウジ、豪州にも 官民で売り込み

According to sources familiar with the matter, the government has recently decided to launch the export of supercomputer"Kei," developed in Japan and ranked top in the world in terms of caluculation speed. Its expected destination is emerging countries or resources-rich countries. It is negoatiating with as many as 5 countries ,including Saudi Arabia and Brazil, with the order of as much as 200 bilion yen over the next 5 years expected. TO such countries Japan will make a proposal for using the Kei in the areas of cutting-edge medical treatment or resource exploitation where advanced simulation technology is needed. This initiative is done by the public and private sectors' concerted efforts.
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