円借款 事業期間を半減 手続き簡略化 基盤整備3-4年で 無償資金や民間投融資 一体支援を促進
According to sources,the government likely will drastically revise the scheme for its yen loan programs,which serve as an central pillar of Japan's Official Development Assistance activities. At present,it takes 7 years on average to complete an infrastructure-building program in a developing country,includin the time for preparatory research.The government intends to reduce the time needed to around half the present one,that is, 3-4 years.Another strategy it is going to adopt is to promote so-called "hybrid support scheme" consisting of the government's grant assistance and the private sector's investment and loan.
Under such a new scheme,Japan is going to help developing countries build their infrastructure on a whole basis.That is, not only conventional basic infrastrucure like roads and electricity facilities but also the infrastructure of the faclities for hospitals and schools will be included among the items of the program.
According to sources,the government likely will drastically revise the scheme for its yen loan programs,which serve as an central pillar of Japan's Official Development Assistance activities. At present,it takes 7 years on average to complete an infrastructure-building program in a developing country,includin the time for preparatory research.The government intends to reduce the time needed to around half the present one,that is, 3-4 years.Another strategy it is going to adopt is to promote so-called "hybrid support scheme" consisting of the government's grant assistance and the private sector's investment and loan.
Under such a new scheme,Japan is going to help developing countries build their infrastructure on a whole basis.That is, not only conventional basic infrastrucure like roads and electricity facilities but also the infrastructure of the faclities for hospitals and schools will be included among the items of the program.