from today's Nikkei

2007年02月27日 08時15分02秒 | 新聞記事から
排出権 国内初の取引所 国際協力銀など6月にも 外国企業も売買に参加
According to sources, some Japanese companies,such as The International Cooperation Bank and Chuo-Mitsui Trusut Bank, will set up a so-called " transaction market" of the rights of greenhouse gases, in June, for the first time at home.In Japan, companies have been making efforts in reducing their emission of such gases as CO2, for reaching the goals set up based on the agreement in the Kyoto Protocol.In these circumsatnces, power companies or steelmakers are,especially, eager to buy the emission rights there.People concerned say that the framework will be made so that foreign companies will actively take part in the deal there.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年02月26日 09時45分21秒 | 新聞記事から
中国の高速道路 日本に技術支援打診 ハルビンー大連 川重など検討 厳寒下の安定性 カギ
The Chinese governmernt has sounded Japanese railroad car makers,such as kawasaki Heavy Indusries,and railroad companies on whethere they can give their technological assistance in building the railroad constructiuon of the line between Ha'erbin and Dalian in the north-eastern region,among the construction projects of high-speed railroad networks in the country,which are exclusively utilized for passenger transportation.The point would be how to assure the security under a sivere cold weather condition where minus 40 degrees Celcius is common in winter.
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from today's Niikei

2007年02月25日 20時47分33秒 | 新聞記事から
国の貸出債権 1000億円規模で証券化 財務省07年度 政府資産を圧縮 10年間で最大20兆円
The Ministry of Finance has worked out a framework plan that the government renders the state's loan credit for the government's financial institutions into a number of ramified securities,which would be sold to the private sector's organizations or individuals, in order to compress the state's assets and realize the path for a small government.First of all,in fiscal 2007,it intends to sell about 100 billion yen's securities thus made.It also plans to reduce the assets in such a way by up to 20 trillion yen.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年02月24日 15時02分18秒 | 新聞記事から
米シティ、日興支援を検討 上場廃止なら完全子会社も
存続の場合 出資の1/3超
It is learned Friday that Citigrpoup in the U.S. is deliberating on supporting Nikko Cordial Group by increasing the stake.The Tokyo Stock Exchange will decide whethere listing of the Nikko's stocks will be abolished from its bourse or not in March. Given such circumstances, when listing continues,Citigroup will have more than 33.3% of Nikko's shares,and when listing is quittted,it will make Nikko a perfect subsidy.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年02月23日 09時48分54秒 | 新聞記事から
欠陥住宅保障 売主に保険加入義務 09年度 破綻時も購入者保護 優良業者ほど保険料安く
The Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport has worked out(drwan up)a new system where people are compensetaed for defective housing.According to the plan, the government oblige all sellers of newly built houses such as detached houses or condominiums to participate in some insurances. Under such circumstances,even if sellers goes bunkrupt,buyers can get compansation when they need.The ministry intends to make the system in effect by the middle of fiscal 2009.In the system, the more highly sellers are esteemed,the more cheaper the premiums sellers have to pay will be.
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