from the September 22 Nikkei top news

2014年09月26日 22時33分26秒 | 新聞記事から
「需要の弱さに直面」 G20 機動的に財政出動 共同声明 ドル独歩高、事実上容認

The meeting of finance ministers and central bank chiefs from the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies came to its end on Sunday( on September 21). At the same time they agreed on the joint statement which included the expression " the world economy has been facing a long-standing sluggish demand." In the process they all confirmed and shared a recognition again that they should each carry out so-called fiscal policies effectively in the case of necessity.
Concerning the high dollar seen in the recent foreign exchange markets in the world, there was no specific reference, so it was actually deemed as within an allowable range.
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from the September 21 Nikkei top news

2014年09月26日 21時56分09秒 | 新聞記事から
バス・電車 地方にリース 公共交通維持 企業を支援 国交省、自治体と共同会社

The Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport has a plan to create a scheme in which passenger carriages can be easily put to lease by bus and railway service operators in local areas. To be more specific, for each community, with a local government and financial institutions, the ministry will establish a joint entity providing a lease service for public transportation service operators. Given a situation that many of local public transportation service firms are facing difficulty in their business operatrion, to the extent that they are not able to easily replace aging carriages to new ones, due to factors such as decreasing number of users, the ministry has decided to give some support to such companies.
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from today's Nikkei

2014年09月26日 10時49分19秒 | 新聞記事から
産学連携 実用にシフト 企業から研究費12.9%増 学長アンケート 京大 武田とバイオ医薬 名大 炭素繊維で量産車

The business-academia alliance are getting momentum in Japan, with its emphasis shifted to a practical research and development. According to the data compiled on Thursday (September 25) by The Nihon Keizaishimbun based on the survey on the universities' activities, it is learned that as many as 149 universities got in fiscal 2013 the joint R&D funds, up 12.9 percent from a year before, from private companies. And the main areas of their R&Ds are shifting to practical research from basic one, with a lot of firms increasing the supply of the funds for the academia in developing epoch-making products. Specifically,Kyoto University is engaged in developing biomedicines along with Takeda Pharamaceutical Co.,Ltd., and Nagoya University is addressing the car's efficiency by taking use of carbon fibers in coperation with Toyota Motor Corporation. Like these instances, this kind of alliance between the business and academia will surely play a leading role in recovering Japan's industrial competitiveness.
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Findings when I translate Japanese songs into English

2014年09月26日 09時02分19秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

「やや、時代遅れの男と女がいた。2人は昔互いを愛する恋人どうしであった。しかし、今はそうではない。しかしながら、時々あって、食事をしたりするような間柄である。歌の主人公は女である。今でも好きなのである。演歌が似合うような2人であり、もし今でも愛を告白することが許されるなら、演歌を歌って表現するのが一番に合っているのだが、それも恥かしいから、あえて言うなら、不得意な英語で、I love you とでも言うのかなと、女は思っている。しかし、口にしたわけではない。」




You and I/together/got through the time of Showa (あんたとふたりで 昭和の川を)
Love songs and others / we've come down here,blown off(恋唄舟唄 流れてきたね)
If in spring, enjoying....cherry flowers and saki (春なら夜桜 人肌酒で)
While you're tipsy/ fall in love with me once again (酔ったまんまで 惚れ直してね)
Aaah/out of date/a man and a woman (ああ 時代屋の 男と女)
Enka song suits us, nevertheless(演歌が似合っているけれど)
I love you/ I wanna....say in English (I LOVE YOU と英語でね)
It's's you .....who I love(あんたが あんたが大好きよ)

You and I/together/got through the time of Showa (あんたとゆられて 昭和の川を)
Tiny boat/small boat/ we've come down here, floated(笹船小舟で 浮かんできたね)
When we're caught in a shower/sharing an umbrella (秋ならしぐれの 相合傘で)
Like in old days/ be my lover again (昔みたいに 恋人してね)
Aaah/out of date/a man and a woman (ああ 時代屋の 男と女)
No need of words/ red string between us(言葉はいらない 赤い糸)
I love you/ I wanna....say in English (I LOVE YOU と英語でね)
It's's you .....who I love(あんたが あんたが大好きよ)

Aaah/out of date/a man and a woman (ああ 時代屋の 男と女)
Enka song suits us, nevertheless(演歌が似合っているけれど)
I love you/ I wanna....say in Englis (I LOVE YOU と英語でね)
It's's you .....who I love(あんたが あんたが大好きよ)
I love you so much! (大好きよ)

we've come down here, blown offのblown off が分詞構文です。
enjoying....cherry flowers and saki も分詞構文です。
we've come down here, floated のfloated が分詞構文です。
sharing an umbrella も分詞構文です。

tipsy という単語は重要です。ここはほろ酔い状態であらねばなりません。
酔っぱらった状態では、ここは意味をなさないのです。だからここでdrunk はだめです。

It's you, it's you の後は、that I love/ whom I love も可能ですが、
音声的には who I love が いちばん良かったのです。
またwho I really love と副詞のreally を入れると、音声的にはインパクトが下がりました。



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from the September 23 Nikkei (in a conversational way)

2014年09月25日 17時28分35秒 | 新聞記事から
シニア 共働き広がる 8組に1組、消費下支え 

According to a survey, more and more couple are working among those who are 65 years and over. This is a findings from the survey done by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. To be more detailed, one of eight couples are working, the survey says. This means that there are lot of elderly people who are healthy and active in working, and also a lot of companies which hire such kind of people. This also leads to bolstering individual consumption.
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