from today's Nikkei

2007年04月30日 09時41分39秒 | 新聞記事から
在宅医療の報酬上げ 開業医に往診など促す 厚労省方針 08年度改定で 入院減らし医療費抑制
The Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare likely will revise the related laws and rules in fiscal 2008 and then raise the medical treatment fee for doctors who are able to make a home visit.Accordint to the ministry's plan,the fees for doctors who are dependent only on outpatients and do not care for home medical care will be reduced.These are aimed at curbing the medical expenses by reducing people's going into the hospital,which is more expensive than at home medical care in terms of medical treatment cost.
参考:開業医practitioner 往診するmake a home visit, make (a) house call 外来患者 outpatient 入院患者inpatient 入院しているin (the) hospital
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月29日 18時56分47秒 | 新聞記事から
都心ビル賃料1割上げ 大阪・名古屋も上昇基調 不動産大手、バブル後最大 最新設備に需要
Major real estate firms,such as Mitsubish Estate or Mori Building,intend to significantly raise their rents for the building they own in the Tokyo's central area by 10-15 percent,and then will soon start negotiations with their tenants.This raising range has been the largest ever since the collapse of the so-called bubble economy.The rents are in the trend of increase in the Osaka and Nagoya areas also.In these areas demad is very strong for up-to-date offices.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月28日 08時57分04秒 | 新聞記事から
日米、強固な同盟 再確認 北朝鮮核放棄へ連携 合意不履行なら 追加制裁も 首脳会談 温暖化対策・経済も協力
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President George W. Bush had summit talks at Camp Dadid in the suburb of Washington D.C. on the morning of April 27.They reconfirmed the two countries' firm alliance,and also agreed to cooperate with each other in pursuing North Korea's dismantling of its nuclear weapons.They also confirmed that if North Korea defys the agreement reached in the six-party talks in Beijin,additional sanction should be added to the current one,and that the two countries will cooperate with each other in the issues of global warming and economic activities,too.

参考:4月27日の午前中という場合は、普通はin the morningというところをon the morning とする。前置詞がonになります。特定の日の午前中とか午後はinがonに変わるわけです。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月27日 12時10分35秒 | 新聞記事から
日興株TOB成立 米シティの傘下に きょう発表 買収額7000億ー1億円程度
Take-over-bid offer by Citigroup in the U.S. of acquiring Nikko Cordial Group has been accomplished with more than half the whole stake agreeing with applying for the offer.This is announced today. And Nikko Cordial will be under the umbrella of U.S Citigroup.The total money for the company acquisition is expected to be the 700 billion yen to 1 trillion yen level.
参考:「the ...level」で、「の程度」を表現しています。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月26日 09時48分31秒 | 新聞記事から
ソニー、金融子会社上場 今秋メド 調達3000億円規模 電機事業の投資資金に
Sony has decided to list the shares of its wholly-owned subsidiary Sony Financial Holdings, a finance company, around this autumn.After the listing,it intends to raise money of about 300 billion yen by selling its shares in the stock market.The money is invested in its electrical machinery business.
参考:全額出資の子会社は他には a 100 percent subsidiary, a 100-percent-owned subsidiaryなどが可能か? 3000億円規模の規模にこだわるなら level を使う。money of the 300 billion yen level。level を使うと前にthe をつける。
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