from July 25 Nikkei

2011年07月31日 21時07分50秒 | 新聞記事から
日本、首位企業も劣勢 2010年世界シェア調査 響く円高 中韓台頭 国内10品目で首位交代

The Nihon Shimbun has compiled and released on Sunday the data of the 2010 survey of shares of major products and services. According to the data, in terms of the world shares of 32 products Japanese firms are ranked top in 10 products, which is one more than previous year. However, in 6 products Japanese firms decreased their shares. The number of Japanese firms ranked within the top five position declined to 50 from 52 of previous year. Meanwhile, the number of Chinese firms ranked best five increased to 14 from 10, and in Soth Korean firms it increased to 19 from 18. It is clear that Japanese firms were weighed down by higher yen. But Chinese and South Korean firms advanced over the period.

According to the domestic share survey results released at the same time, in 10 products there was a change of top ranked firm.
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from July 26 Nikkei

2011年07月31日 19時56分45秒 | 新聞記事から
電力5社 2兆円燃料費 原発停止で今期 赤字相次ぐ公算 料金への転嫁困難

Due to suspension of many nuclear power plant reactors, fuel costs are soaring in the utility firms.
As they transfer their production to thermal power generation, purchasing costs for crude oil and others have increase. Then, looking into the top five utilities( firms of Tokyo,Kansai, Chubu, Tohoku and Kyushu), estimated fuel cost of five firms combined in the business term ending at March 30, 2012 is up about 2 trillion yen compared with the previous term. This figure is more than their recurring profit combined. However it is regarded to be very difficult for them to immediately transfer the cost to the utility charges.
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from July 27 Nikkei

2011年07月31日 19時43分42秒 | 新聞記事から
東電リストラ 大型データセンター売却 1000億円超 賠償資金を捻出 リクルート株も対象に

The outline of property restructuring plan Tokyo Electric Power Co. is to submit to the government by this autumn was made public on Tuesday. Under the plan, TEPCO will sell a data center business its subsidiary is now operating for more than 100 billion yen. Another measure is selling stocks of information-related companies like Recruit co.. this is because they want to secure necessary funds for compensations for the victims affected by the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant accident following the March 11 earthquake and ensuing tsunami.
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from July 29 Nikkei

2011年07月31日 18時51分13秒 | 新聞記事から
米債務問題 世界が緊張 国債格下げを意識  日経平均1万円割れ 保証料率最高に 金融機関や企業 備え

More and more people in the world have become concerned about the U.S. debt ceiling problem.
Conscious of a possibility that U.S.Treasurey bonds would be downgraded, all market players are now alert to the worst scenario.Under these circumstances, the Nikkei Stock Average plunged below the 10,000 yen threshold. And the credit guarantee rates for the Treasury bonds have risen to the record-highs.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2011年07月31日 09時02分02秒 | 新聞記事から
復興基本方針を政府決定 増税10兆円明記できず 3次補正難航必至 民主は反対大勢、大幅譲歩

The government decided Friday the basic policy for restoring from the Great East Japan Earthquake under which additional 13 trilion yen will be invested over the next 5 years. However, as to the sources of funds, they could not concretely stipulate a temporary tax hike of 10 trillion yen consisting of the hikes of income tax, corparate tax and consumption tax, which has been discussed. Instead, they only stipulate provisional tax measures should be done. In the process of compiling the third fiscal 2011 supplementary budget,discussion of whetehr to increase some taxes rate is inevitable. Then a rough passage or twists and turns seem to be seen.
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