中国・宝鋼 新日鉄に出資要請へ ポスコにも日中韓連合も視野
Shanghai's Baosteel Group, which is the largest steelmaker in China,announced that it will ask Japan's steelmaker Nippon Steel Corp. to hold a equity stake in the firm.It also will ask Posco,which is the largest steelmaker in South korea,to acquire a equity stake in the company.Thus, the possibility that the three big steelmakers in East Asia would form business and capital alliances has come to be real.
Shanghai's Baosteel Group, which is the largest steelmaker in China,announced that it will ask Japan's steelmaker Nippon Steel Corp. to hold a equity stake in the firm.It also will ask Posco,which is the largest steelmaker in South korea,to acquire a equity stake in the company.Thus, the possibility that the three big steelmakers in East Asia would form business and capital alliances has come to be real.