from today's Nikkei

2013年01月13日 19時14分40秒 | 新聞記事から
平均給与増で税額控除 政府・自民 増加分の最大10%  賃上げ促す法人減税固まる

The government and the ruling party Liberal Democratic Party have decided on the details of employment-increasing tax system, which they will include in their tax system revision in fiscal 2013. According to the plan, they will deduct up to 10% of the increased payroll of a company from its corporation tax, if the company has increased its employees's average salary. Thus they intend to improve the environment related to employment by promoting the increase in both wage and employment.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年01月12日 19時53分30秒 | 新聞記事から
薬ネット販売解禁 厚労省 安全確保へ検討会 最高裁「禁止の省令、無効」
The Health,Labour and Welfare Ministry has imposed a ban against selling nonprescription drugs on the Internet, but decided Fridat that it will lift the ban under a specific condition. This decision came after the Supremee Court's second petty bench,presided by Judge Yukio Takeuchi,ruled on the same day that the health ministry ordinace banning sales of the drug through the Internet is invalid. The ministry likely will start discussing how to ensure security of such drugs, or to prevent possible side effects.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年01月09日 13時30分14秒 | 新聞記事から
原発に非常用冷却施設 規制委 テロ対策も強化  新基準原案 

As Nuclear Regulation Authority has been discussing the safety standards newly applied to nuclear power plants, its draft has been made clear recently. According to the plan, they intend to put into effect severe regulations , taking into consideration tsunamis, earthquakes, aircraft crashes,and others. They are also considering installing an emergency cooling facility for preparing the case that a nuclear power plant losts its function. Other measures they are going to implement expand to the areas such as preventing fires and floodings and preparing for terrrorism attacks.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年01月08日 17時23分08秒 | 新聞記事から
成長戦略 官民で基金 事業規模20兆円超 緊急経済対策 科学技術に5000~6000億円

The government decided its outline on Monday of the so-called emergency measures of economic revitalization, it has been learned. They include increasing public works projects, establishing a fund one after another with efforts of public and private combined,which aims at stimulating investments from the private sector,and allocating budget enough for advancing state-of-the -art technologies in terms of a business and academia cooperation. Thus the government will make its polycy clear and understandable to the public of tackling the issue of revilatizing Japan's economy by uniting the expertise of public and private. The supplementary budget envisioned now of this fiscal year will become more than 20 trilion yen level. Especially, the budget expected to be allotted to science and technology is said to be 500 to 600 billion yen.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年01月06日 16時51分19秒 | 新聞記事から
製造業復活へ税優遇 基金で海外進出促す 政府が成長戦略方針案
成長戦略の3本柱 産業再興 国際展開 市場創出 

As Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization, chaired by the prime minister Shinzo Abe, has been discussing basic policies on the growth strategy for the Japanese economy,the outline of its basic ideas has been made clear.
In order to realize economic revitalization, a top priority for the Abe administration, the headquarters will have completed working out the growth strategies by June for the three sectors; Japan's industrial revitalization plan, global business strategies, and new targets-setting policy.Specifically, it will establish a fund for helping small and medium-sized firms expand their businesses overseas.Another is to establish a special ecoinomic zone where companies located there could enjoy tax incentives.
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