平均給与増で税額控除 政府・自民 増加分の最大10% 賃上げ促す法人減税固まる
The government and the ruling party Liberal Democratic Party have decided on the details of employment-increasing tax system, which they will include in their tax system revision in fiscal 2013. According to the plan, they will deduct up to 10% of the increased payroll of a company from its corporation tax, if the company has increased its employees's average salary. Thus they intend to improve the environment related to employment by promoting the increase in both wage and employment.
The government and the ruling party Liberal Democratic Party have decided on the details of employment-increasing tax system, which they will include in their tax system revision in fiscal 2013. According to the plan, they will deduct up to 10% of the increased payroll of a company from its corporation tax, if the company has increased its employees's average salary. Thus they intend to improve the environment related to employment by promoting the increase in both wage and employment.