from March 29 Nikkei

2011年03月30日 12時10分19秒 | 新聞記事から
主要物流網ほぼ復旧 新幹線 全面開通は来月下旬 幹線道路、通行不可能に 被災15港が開港

Although they were heavily damaged by the Tohoku and Kanto earthquake, physical distribution networks of land, sea and air have been getting recovered in a rapid pace, and now at almost 90 % of the previous level according to the data compiled by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. As to the Tohoku Express Highway, it has recoverd so that general vehicles can go through. Furthermore, all the 15 ports in the regions damaged by the quake have also resumed their operation. Like this, the movement of men and materials is in the process of recovering. But as to the Tohoku Shinkansen Service, its full-fledged resumption is expected to be in the last ten days of April and after.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年03月30日 11時20分38秒 | 新聞記事から
穂年度予算が成立 復旧へ来月2兆円補正 追加財源 法人税減税見直し 所得増税も浮上

The bill for the next fiscal year's general budget totaling as much as 92.4116 trillion yen, which is the largest ever, passed the Diet Tuesday and took effect. The government and ruling parties have begun to work out the first supplementary budget in fiscal 2011, which is to include reconstruction expenses for the Tohokuand and Kanto earthquake disasters. They are going to pass the bill in the Diet within April. Besides, additional supplementary budgets,like the second, third and so on, are thought to be necessary. And final scale of supplemantary budgets in fiscal 2011 is expected to be more than 10 trilion yen, some experts say. Due to such circumstances, some policies like corporate tax reduction and child rearing allowamces are to be on the table of reviewing, in orderb to secure necessary funds for reconstructing the quake-hit regions. Increasing income tax is among the measures.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年03月25日 09時02分08秒 | 新聞記事から
計画停電 今冬回避めざす 供給能力1000万キロワット増強 東電、火力発電を新設 政府、燃料の輸入拡大

The government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. are going to work out extensive measures for ending as soon as possible planned power outages due to the March 11 quake and ongoing Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Specifically, TEPCO has decided to newly build thermal power generation plants using liquified natural gases. Another method is to resume operation of thermal power plants which are now idle. These efforts will enhance the company's capability of supplying electricity by more than 10 million kilowatts than the present.In the direction the government intends to increase imports of LNG, including emergency imports of LNG from Russia.With the cooperation of both the public and private sectors, they aim to secure enough electricity and avoid planned blackouts in the coming winter season this year.

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from March 22 Nikkei

2011年03月24日 13時12分51秒 | 新聞記事から
部品・素材で代替生産 輸入も検討 被災工場補う 関東は一部復旧

Due to the March 11 quake damage in the Tohoku and Kantgo regions, the production there of materials and parts used for automobiles and electricity appliances has stopped. But the activities making up for the stoppage has started full-fledgedly in the Japanese western regions. Another is to increase imports of such materials from overseas.

Amid such situations,a bright sign is that some plants in the Kanto regions damaged by the quake have resumed their operations.
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from March 23 Nikkei

2011年03月24日 12時30分56秒 | 新聞記事から
夏の電力不足1500万キロワット 政府、総量規制も検討

It was learened Tuesday that electricity shortage in the areas including the Tokyo metropolitan area will become up to 15 million kilowatts in summer season this year. So,Tokyo Electric Power Co. is thinking of resuming the operation of Yokosuka Power Generating Plant and others now under suspention, but even in such an effort, is not expected to meet the highest demand in summer.

Given such a condition that electricity demad-supplay siuation will be squeezed from now on, the government is now discussing how to expand the scheduled suspension of supplying electricity by TEPCO and how to introduce the quantitative restriction of electricity against businesses.
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