from yesterday's Nikkei

2011年01月31日 11時43分35秒 | 新聞記事から
IT 市場拡大業績底上げ 4~12月東芝など最高益 スマートフォン需要急伸

The world's demand for the new-type personal data assistant devices like smart phones,or high-quality mobile handsets, are expanding now. And it is bolstering domestic companies in the sector in terms of earnings.

Beginning with Toshiba Corporation which is expected to get a record high, consolidated operating profit in the period from April through December last year,thre are many which are expected to gain much increased profts in the related manufacturing and service industries.

Sales of smartphones will likely exceed that of PCs for the first time this year.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年01月31日 11時08分47秒 | 新聞記事から
エルピーダ 台湾・力昌の事業取得 DRAM 主力工場含め交渉 日台連合、再編の軸

It has been learned that Elpida Memory, the world's third-largest manufacturer of DRAMs used for PCs, will take over the business of a Taiwanese major semiconductor maker Powerchip Technology Corporation. Specifically,Powerchip Technology will withdraw from manufacturing the products of its own name but specialize in the production for Elpida.They are now under talks in the direction that in the end Elpida is to take Powerchip Technology's cutting-edge main plants.

After the deal, the world's DRAM makers map will converge to the two powers: the one is South Korean power including Samsung Electronics amd the other is Japan-Taiwan power with Elpida playing an axis role.
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2011年01月30日 18時55分24秒 | 文法的整理
home が副詞で使われるケースがあるようですね。home: まともに、ぴしりと、はっきりと、痛烈に
continue が自動詞で使われるケースがあるようです。continue with = continue

U.S.President Barack Obama called on the Egyptian authorities not to use violence against the political protests,driving home his message in a 30-minute phone call with Mubarak.

"We will not backtrack on reforms . We will continue with new steps which will ensure the independence of the judiciary and its rulings, and more freedom for citizens," he said.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年01月29日 20時07分50秒 | 新聞記事から
年金協定、新興国に拡大 インドと年内にも交渉 駐在中の保険料二重払い解消 中国とも締結視野

According to sources, the government has a plan to extend the list of the countries with which Japan reaches a social security agreement to emerging ones. A social security agreement is concluded in order to make an adjustment for public pension premiums those working overseas should pay. The agreement with Brazil is expected to take effect after it is ratified in the current Diet session.The government aims to start negotiations with India. And it also makes efforts to collect necessary information on the agreement with China with an eye to reaching an agreement soon.People working in a foreign country with which Japan has no agreement have to pay premiums both at home and abroad. Concluding such agreements will abolish this defect of the system.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年01月28日 10時13分25秒 | 新聞記事から
日本株業務を再拡充 企業分析・M&Aに対応 外資系証券

Recently there is a movement that foreign-affiliated securities companies are going to strengthen and expand their strongholds in Japan. Expecting that Japanese companies' stocks will advance and overseas merger and acquisition deals by Japanese companies, most of which have strong bases of securing their income in Asian markets now experiencing stable growth,will be accelerating, major securities firms in the U.S. and Europe, such as Goldman Sachs and Citigroup in the U.S.,for example, have resumed hiring people in Japan.

Another movement is that foreign property management firms are entering Japanese market.

Behind these kinds of active advancement into Japanese markets by foreign companies might be the fact that Japanese financial institutions have not enough dealt with the needs Japanese companies have.
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