オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower スキマ草

2014年07月04日 | 日記

At the street gutter
There are grass gathering
Like a alpine meadow

側溝とか排水溝など、水回りには必ずと言っていいほど、こーいった草木草花タチがの姿が見られると思います。何かイイナァと眺めてしまうワケです。ナンデイイと思うのか、理由は分かりません。何でしょう? …敢えて言えば、"無機質で武骨な風景を和らげる"効果を感じるから…とか? "小さな草花が一箇所に集まって一生懸命生きてる姿が健気な感じがしていい"…トカ? そーいうのもアルカモですが、見た瞬間、「へへ、イルネ」のよーな、その存在が楽しいと言う方が近いですかね。
Something like street gutter, we can see many little greens around there. I like them. I don't know why. Well, there would be some reasons... I think that they would make sceneries soft and comfortable. Or, greens would get and live together at one place with their very best. I think they could become its reasons. Actually, I love and enjoy to see them.
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