オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年07月15日 | 日記

It's hot! now
But they, baby swallows need
this "hot" for their growth

暑くなって参りました。夕べには早くもカナカナの声を聞きました。夏は来ぬ。来ちゃった。あーあ。暑いダケならまだしも、暑いと冷房。冷房で仮死出来るヒトは夏をどー生き抜いているんでしょーか? ね? キモチが後ろ向きになるとカラダの調子も下がるので、とにかく前向きになる題材を探す。で、子ツバメたちですよ。カワイイですね。彼らが育つにはこの気候が必要なんですよ。ってことを励みにシマショウ。
It seems summer has come. I heard some cicada was singing last night, even it was earlier a bit. Oh, my. It's OK, I'm OK with summer but not with air conditioners. I can die by an air conditioner. How do they survive from any air conditioners if they can't get along with that? Anyway, think it positively. I found a new swallow nest. There were a few baby birds, so lovely. I think that they need this kind of temperature for their growth. Oh, Understand. I have to accept hot summer.
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