映画三昧 Film-loving - 「思い出のマーニー」 When Marnie was there

2014年07月20日 | 日記

I went to see the film of "When Marnie was there" by STUDIO GHIBLI free of charge ( I used my card points )
On Sunday morning

偉そうなコトを言わせていただければ、及第点、という感じでしょーか。宮崎監督高畑監督以外のスタジオジブリ作品を観る度に、やはりこのお二方は別格なのだと実感。ふむ。話の内容に関して、ちょいコメディ的な発想で思い付いたのは、タイトルにある「マーニー」ってそーいう隠喩的な意味を含んでいるんだ? いやいや、きっとそれはナイと思うんですけどね、へへ。
I think the film was OK, I enjoyed myself. But I think, Director Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata are special. There are two heroines, one's name is Marnie. I think "Marnie" name had some clues... it could be one of key points to the story. It's a kind of joking. I can't be sure if you would agree with me after watching the film.
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