ホンヨミ Book-loving 「人生がときめく片付けの魔法」The Life-Changing Magic of Tidy Up

2015年06月16日 | 日記

I'd like to finish
To tidy up
In my room

「心がときめく...」だと思っていたら、"人生"でしたね。Yes, 人生…ときめかせたい…。「断捨離」ソージを続けること…ン年? 徐々にキレイになっては来ていますが時間かけ過ぎじゃね? と思っていたこの頃。何とかならんモンかのーとついに(?)この本を手に取りました。いや~本を開いたら、アチコチに耳の痛いことが書いてありました…。「そうそう、そーだよなー。あーやっぱり…。そーそれそれ」結構笑えるエピソードも満載で、泣いたり(?)笑ったり…。「片付け」を早くおわらせよう! やる気でました。感謝です!
I thought that title was the heart-changing, but it wasn't. Life...yes, I'd like my life will be changed. I've tidied up my room for many years. In these days, I noticed that I've spent my time too much to do. I need to do something. I knew the books but I haven't read them. This time, I tried. Well, there are written lots of good and funny things to me, I understand the books. I should have read them. I decided to tidy up! my room immediately! Thanks for tips!
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