The oxalis are fighting
With other plants
In narrow gaps
スキマで生きる植物タチはソコで仕方なしに窮屈にガマンしてるとかではないそーです。(参考図書「スキマの植物図鑑」塚谷裕一著) 大抵は一ヶ所につき一種、を見ることが多いですが、このカタバミ族いや属と思える「草」が生えているところに別の「草」も生えてました。どちらが先にやってきてどちらが後とか、同時にとか、そしてこの先どちらも生き残るのかそれともどちらか片方だけなのか…とか今までにどんなドラマあってこれからどんなドラマが起こるのか…とかとか。スキマ草の世界も奥深い~、とか思いながら見ています。
Those plants, that lives in narrow gaps, they are not patient for that. A botanist said. I almost always see that one place is for one plant. But in those cases, one pace is for two different types of plants living together. Which was first or the same time, they came here? In the future, which one will survive or both? What happened in the past. What will happen in the future? I'm very interested in their lives. It's deep, isn't it?
The oxalis are fighting
With other plants
In narrow gaps
スキマで生きる植物タチはソコで仕方なしに窮屈にガマンしてるとかではないそーです。(参考図書「スキマの植物図鑑」塚谷裕一著) 大抵は一ヶ所につき一種、を見ることが多いですが、このカタバミ族いや属と思える「草」が生えているところに別の「草」も生えてました。どちらが先にやってきてどちらが後とか、同時にとか、そしてこの先どちらも生き残るのかそれともどちらか片方だけなのか…とか今までにどんなドラマあってこれからどんなドラマが起こるのか…とかとか。スキマ草の世界も奥深い~、とか思いながら見ています。
Those plants, that lives in narrow gaps, they are not patient for that. A botanist said. I almost always see that one place is for one plant. But in those cases, one pace is for two different types of plants living together. Which was first or the same time, they came here? In the future, which one will survive or both? What happened in the past. What will happen in the future? I'm very interested in their lives. It's deep, isn't it?