The tree berries
Raining in June
Raining, raining
美味しそーなベリーがたくさん実ってましたが、よそ様のお庭になっていたものなので一粒も味わえず、せめて写真にと撮らせていただいたものです。ああ、ベリー! おお、ベリー! (こんなにたくさんだから、一粒くらいありだったかしら?? いやイカン!)
There were lovely berries, so many. I could not eat even one because it belonged someone else. I just took a photo of them instead of tasting it. Oh, I love berries! ( now I rethink that just taking one should be ok? They were so many! No? I know, it is "no". )
The tree berries
Raining in June
Raining, raining
美味しそーなベリーがたくさん実ってましたが、よそ様のお庭になっていたものなので一粒も味わえず、せめて写真にと撮らせていただいたものです。ああ、ベリー! おお、ベリー! (こんなにたくさんだから、一粒くらいありだったかしら?? いやイカン!)
There were lovely berries, so many. I could not eat even one because it belonged someone else. I just took a photo of them instead of tasting it. Oh, I love berries! ( now I rethink that just taking one should be ok? They were so many! No? I know, it is "no". )