Is that a fungus?
Is that a bracket fungus?
Why is it to be here?
「猿の腰掛け」に似た(?)キノコ(?)が、この側の木に寄生していたのか、何処ぞの木にあったものを誰かがモイで何らかの理由でココに放置していったのか…? 何すかね? 何があったんすかね?? 何なんすかね???
It looks like a bracket fungus. Was it parasitised to the tree on the left in the photo? Someone might have taken out it at a tree?, then left it there? What is it? What happened?? Why&What???
Is that a fungus?
Is that a bracket fungus?
Why is it to be here?
「猿の腰掛け」に似た(?)キノコ(?)が、この側の木に寄生していたのか、何処ぞの木にあったものを誰かがモイで何らかの理由でココに放置していったのか…? 何すかね? 何があったんすかね?? 何なんすかね???
It looks like a bracket fungus. Was it parasitised to the tree on the left in the photo? Someone might have taken out it at a tree?, then left it there? What is it? What happened?? Why&What???