日乗 - dairy 今日はUFOの日、じゃない? it's not UFO day today

2015年06月24日 | 日記

It's not UFO day
2nd July is
World UFO day

I got to know that it was UFO day today a few days ago. I checked it again on the Internet before writing about that on this blog, I found out... 2nd of July is formally known as UFO day. Oh. Anyway, have you ever seen a UFO?
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オサンポ take a walk - ケ・ケムケム woolly worm

2015年06月24日 | 日記
虫 茶色の毛

There is a woolly worm
Brown hair
The rain drops on it are shining

は、初めて見ました。毛深く、そしてその毛が長い! 最初蓑虫? と思ってよく見ようと顔を近づけたら、「なんじゃ?! ケ、ケムシ?!」でも毛の色が薄茶で、まあ、よく見る濃い灰色や黒っぽい毒々しい色の…毛虫タチよりはまあこれなら何とかなる…ギリな外見。マジマジと見ているとその毛深い毛の上に大小のキラキラ光る雨粒を発見。あらまあ。怖いけど興味深い。どんな蝶(蛾?)になるんでしょーね?
It's the first time for me to see such a woolly worm. Hairy! That's very long hair! I though that it would have been a basket worm, but it would not. I got to close more to it, I found it was a kind of worm. I was surprised as I didn't like worm. But it was ok for me anyway because the hair colour was light brown, good one. Usually, woolly worms have black, gray...poisonous-looking. It also has shiny rain drops on its body. Wow! Looks nice. Interesting. What kind of butterfly or moth dose it turn into?
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