
The spiritual diary
Was written by
Emanuel Swedenborg
この本を知ったのは、朝日新聞の記事でした。池袋のジュンク堂本店に、「柄谷行人書店」が開店中、とのことで、その本棚に並ぶ本の中にこの「霊界日記」を見つけ…「霊界? 日記?」ピリチュアルな物事に関心があるので、ピントが合ってしまい、早速図書館で借りて来ました。
How did I know this book? It was introduced by an article on Asahi Shinbun(shinbun means newpaper). Emanuel Swedenborg, He was Swedish, about 330year ago, he was born. One of Japanese famous
philosophers, Kojin Karatani who recommends this book to read. I did it. I thought that this book would have been like...Hollywood type(?), but it's not. Something information about another world, I think that they would come from the book. This summer, is really HOT, isn't it? We can read the book in a cool place...enjoy.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

The spiritual diary
Was written by
Emanuel Swedenborg
この本を知ったのは、朝日新聞の記事でした。池袋のジュンク堂本店に、「柄谷行人書店」が開店中、とのことで、その本棚に並ぶ本の中にこの「霊界日記」を見つけ…「霊界? 日記?」ピリチュアルな物事に関心があるので、ピントが合ってしまい、早速図書館で借りて来ました。
How did I know this book? It was introduced by an article on Asahi Shinbun(shinbun means newpaper). Emanuel Swedenborg, He was Swedish, about 330year ago, he was born. One of Japanese famous
philosophers, Kojin Karatani who recommends this book to read. I did it. I thought that this book would have been like...Hollywood type(?), but it's not. Something information about another world, I think that they would come from the book. This summer, is really HOT, isn't it? We can read the book in a cool place...enjoy.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.