オサンポ walk - キイロの大群 a big group of a little yellow flower

2019年05月20日 | 日記

Around May
They're blooming as big groups
Their leaves look like rose's

このところ毎年この時期に、とある場所のあちらこちらに群れて咲くのを見かけます。花の形はそうでもないですが、葉っぱがバラのに似ているな、と思いバラ科の誰かさんですか? と思いつつも名をついぞ知らず…。

In the past years, I can see them at a few of places, as they are in a few of big groups. The shape of flower doesn't look like rose but their leaves look like rose's leaf. I am wondering if they would be one of Rose family? I haven't known their name yet...

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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