オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : ネジ(リ)花 Spiranthes sinensis

2016年07月22日 | 日記

I got a wrong name
About this flower
Now I got it the right one


I think that this flower must be Spiranthes sinensis, but the flower doesn't seem to have enough spirals? Why?
This flower must have disappeared already. Because I took it around a month ago.
It happens sometimes, I wouldn't up all my photos into my blog.
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オサンポ take a walk - 夏の枯葉 a falling leaf in the midsummer

2016年07月22日 | 日記

In the midsummer
A falling leaf
Is lying

ところでこの頃の気候よ、おまえは暑いのか寒いのか? ためらいがちに毎日気温を変えるのは止めよう。涼しい夏、があってもいいと思うが?

During the midsummer, we could find some falling leaves. "Ups and downs", "Prosperous must decline", they are similar to it. It might be exaggerated...
By the way, the weather-nowadays, would you like to give us "hot" or "cool"? You seems hesitantly to change the weathers. Stop. I will suggest you that we could have a cool summer. Don't you think? ( PLEASE! )
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オサンポ take a walk - 朝チュン the morning tune

2016年07月21日 | 日記

In the summer morning
When I got out of the house
There is a sparrow family

雨だ雨か、涼しいのか蒸し暑いのか、職場はクーラーで寒いか? とかそんなことで頭がいっぱいいっぱいの状態で玄関のドアを開けて外に出ると、おやまあ雀たちの大きな声がチュンチュンと聴こえて来るじゃありませんか。玄関のドアをそっと閉めてクビをこれ以上は無理的な長さまで伸ばしニンゲンの気配も息もかなり無くす努力をして観察していると、すぐには飛び立たずに、7〜8羽が鳴き交わしながら、エサ探し&何かをついばんでいる様子。彼らは行動がす早いですからね、ほんの1分もないうちに、チュンチュンしながら少しずつ移動して行きました。おう! 雀を写真に撮るのはホント難しい。デジカメでも撮りたかったんですよ(雀に言ってます)。

It's raining, will be raining, cool or humid, very cold at the office by the air conditioning? My head was full of those things but stopped when I opened the door of my house. There were 7-8 sparrows, they seemed a family or group, were singing each other and looking for foods. They move so fast, you know, it's so difficult to photograph them but I tried. I'd like to take them by my digital camera, too.
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オサンポ take a walk - 雲を見た I saw the clouds

2016年07月20日 | 日記
その日 雲
を見た 夕方の

That day, I saw
The clouds got
The sunlight evening


The sunlight lighted the edge of the clouds that was a bit darken. The brightness and the dark of the clouds, I thought that I've seen like that before...might be a painting that someone drew. I was seeing that, I got some feelings that there might have been another world over the clouds. What world would it be?
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 通りすがり2 passing by2

2016年07月19日 | 日記

It's been a bit long time
To see you growing up
But after, you soon disappeared

今年の7/4のブログに、載せた「スキマ草」に一昨日また会って、お? 成長してますね、と思った翌日に、お別れしました。

I upped this Sukima-soh on my blog on 4th July 2016. I saw it again two days ago, it grew up a bit, but the next day, it disappeared, I had to say good-bye.
Just one day, everything has been changed. It seems a small&tiny incident but I think that it tells me a big thing, a kind of truth. ...because of this hot humid crazy summer...?

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オサンポ take a walk - きのこ狩り picking up mushrooms

2016年07月18日 | 日記

We could pick up
Even in the city


Just look at around the tree, it would seem you are in the forest, then seeing the mushrooms. Not only here, I see some mushrooms in the other places, too. It's in the season? They like this humid...?

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オサンポ take a walk - 初ミンミン a singing cicada, the first time in this year

2016年07月17日 | 日記
聴いていて ほら

I heard a singing cicada
The first time in the year
I missed the bus


"Zi---zi---zi---", I've been hearing one kind of cicadas, its song is like that. It's no interesting (excuse me!) , I prefer to the other cicadas, their songs are lovely, easier to hear. I was waiting for the lovely one, usually, they start singing around the middle of July. I got it in the morning. I tried to photograph him, difficult to identify, anyway, taking one shot. Then, I missed my bus. (It wouldn't be his fault, would it?)
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オサンポ take a walk - ハイ! ビスカス hi! biscus

2016年07月16日 | 日記
ハイ ビスカス
街中の ウチ

Hi! Biscus
Was in the shop mall
Summer was outside

もー夏は、これで充分!! 満喫!!!

I'm seeing this hibiscus in the shop where the air conditioning is working.
I'm really enjoy myself and it's enough with summer!!!!!

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ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム ダイソー love miniature goods - IWAKO erasers at DAISO 盛り合わせ assorted

2016年07月15日 | 日記

I put
Iwako's erasers
On the mini dish


I play with the Iwako's erasers that I bought at DAISO ¥100 shop.
I changed the colour of the picture by my iPhone camera's option function. You might feel a kind of nostalgic, right?
I'm keen on just playing with miniatures. (In summer season, I feel difficult to survive from this crazy hot humid stupid summer!!!)
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オサンポ take a walk - 夏の月は the moon in summer

2016年07月14日 | 日記

The moon in summer
Get together with
( or back from the heaven to )
The telegraphic wires


"Back from the heaven", it would be exaggerated. But it's true, when it's boiling hot, I feel nearly dead, when it's cool, I'm ok.
During being a commuter, it's like a survival game, I have get through, in hot or extreme hot places, on the other hand, it's cool, or cold. When I reach at the office, there might be a war, about I like the air conditioning vs I dislike the one. I can't settle down wherever I am. I don't like summer---.
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