オサンポ walk - 水無月や June,

2018年06月20日 | 日記

It's June
I met a cotyledon
Of sunflower

ヒマワリだと思うのですが。(朝顔?) 新芽や若葉に出会うのは楽しいことですが…ことこれが、夏の植物だったりすると喜んでばかりもおられず…。彼らが花を咲かせる頃は、ホボホボタブン夏真っ盛り。ですね? 夏がダメなヒトには、複雑な思いが混じります…。

I think it is sunflower. (Or, morning glory?) I enjoy seeing any cotyledons and young leaves. But if they are plant for summer, I wouldn't be happy very much. Because when they have flowers, it must be midsummer. Oh, dear. I can stand for hot hot summer, I have mixed feelings, happy and not happy...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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オサンポ walk - つばくらめ swallow 5 (babies)

2018年06月19日 | 日記

Oh, Swallows
Your little beaks
On the line


It wouldn't be easy to find two of three of baby beaks of swallows at around the edge of the nest, but they surely are. They are still small, they just became a bit enough to show us their faces from the nest. They are so lovely, but they will grow up sooner, it's only short time to see like them. I hope they will grow up properly to fly to other country with their parents.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 警戒心 alertness

2018年06月18日 | 日記

My alertness to you
If you gave me food
I cloud stop it

食べ物くれるヒト? くれないヒト? …くれないヒトです。じゃあアッチ行って。……ですよね。それでいいんだと思います。世の中、猫に優しいからヒトばかりじゃありません。警戒心大事もす。

Are you a person who gives me some foods? Or, not? I'm not. Please go away. I understand. You're right, to say like that. Not all of humans, they would be kind to you. It's important to keep watching.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - サヨウナラ see you—- (acorns)

2018年06月17日 | 日記

Goodbye to
The acorns
a cold day in the rainy season

去年の秋に拾ってから、ずっと部屋の片隅にあって、構想だけはあったんです。なんかドングリクラフトみたいなモノ、作ってみよう。コースターとかツリーとかでケそう。ボンド買って? 麻縄も? とか。しかし頭でっかちで手を動かさないから月日はドンドン過ぎて行き……。このドングリたちは一度、大地に返そう。また作りたくなったら拾わせてもらおう…と思い、空き地にリリースしてきました。(そういう意味の、サヨウナラです)

I picked them up last autumn, they were at the corner in my room. I'd got some ideas, to create something like small crafts with those acorns. Coaster? Tree? I would have bought a bottle of bond? A hemp string? But... I just was thinking, never tried, time goes on... Now I decided to release them to on the ground. When I would like to try it, I will pick other ones up this autumn. ( "See you" means, I said it to the acorns)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary - プレゼント a present

2018年06月16日 | 日記

This handmade pouch
Came from


It's a Birthday present from an English teacher who lives in Germany. At the one side, there is a hook, and a small pocket is inside. It has a lot of works. I love it! Just started to use it. Danke schon!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - つばくらめ swallow 4 (pipe)

2018年06月15日 | 日記

Oh, I'm happy
To see you, a swallow nest
On the drain pipe

またまたすぅいーーっと、字の上手いヒトが引く線のように空間を横切るツバメを見つけて、その空跡(なんてコトバあります?)を目で追って行くと、とある建物の入り口に消えていくので、ん? っと思ってそこへ行き、どこだどこだとクビを振り回していると、あらまっとパイプの上に、ツバメの巣を発見しました。ここもいいね。このツバメの巣は昨日のブログのハナシとは別物です。まだ他に知らない巣があったりするのね、案外? と嬉しくなりました。ヒナたち無事に育てよ〜。

I found a swallow that was beautifully flying in the sky, it's like a good-writing drew the clear line. I followed her movement where she(he?) went to, she went into the small building. I also went there, looked for her nest, I got it on the pipe. I believe that it's one of good place to make a nest. It's the different story from yesterday. There would be nests more than I have found yet in the neighbourhood? I'm happy with that. I hope the baby birds will grow up safely.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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オサンポ walk - つばくらめ swallow 3 (egg)

2018年06月14日 | 日記

There is a swallow nest
On the ground
There is one (dropped) egg

恐らく多分、燕の卵だと思うのです。上にある壁に燕の巣がありました。巣は通りからはニンゲンには見えないところにあり、燕がつぅーっと一本の糸に釣りこまれるように入っていくのを見て発見しました。ここはいいね。(天井に梁? っぽく付いている横柱のようなものを見かけることがあると思いますがそこです) でも卵が一つ落ちてしまったんですね。残念。合掌。

I think that I might be an egg of swallow. I found the nest over it, on the wall. The nest can't be seen by any humans on the street, why I found it? I saw a swallow that smoothly flew in there. Good. But they dropped the one. Oh my god. Sorry about that.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 三匹の猫(のうちの一匹) it's one of three cats

2018年06月13日 | 日記

I'm on my way home
I see three cats
During the rainy season


When I was walking to home, I saw the three cats. I only photographed this cat, the others soon ran away. He(she?) chose to stay here, I guess that he might have got some reasons to do that. Hope see you again.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「ヴァージニア・リー・バートンの世界」The World of Virginia Lee Burton

2018年06月12日 | 日記

"The little house"
Author of children's books
She is Virginia


When I was child, I read lots of children's books. Now I wouldn't remember them very much. I remember the book of "The little house". This books is about an author, Virginia who was not only working or children's books, also she designed cloth with housewives in the neighbourhood. They were so popular, I'd like to them, too! I'm impressed with her designs that affected her drawings for her children's books.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 側溝のフタ the cover of side ditch

2018年06月11日 | 日記

Under the cover of side ditch
Some plants live in there
It's not a rubbish bin


At the cover of side ditch, it's not a rubbish bin, right? Some people are naughty, they throw cigarette end in there. Sometimes, I see Sukima-soh live in. Don't be a loser for nicotine.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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