日乗 diary - 要サングラス I need a pair of sunglasses

2020年05月12日 | 日記
My eyes are weakness to the sun
I need a pair of sunglasses 
I recommend you wearing it


What I wrote on note.com:
My eyes are weak to the sunlight, so I need to wear a pair of sunglasses, all through the year. Nowadays, we have to wear a mask. When I go outside, I need to wear both of them. What’s more, I also need a hat for protecting my skins. My skins are also weak. So, I need to wear three of them! It’s too much but I have to. I’m having a difficult time now...because of COVID-19.

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - 虫bug: てんとう虫がいるので there is a ladybug so,

2020年05月11日 | 日記
If there is a ladybug
There must be some aphids
It is a rule 


What I wrote on note. com is:
I love seeing any plants, Sukima-soh and so on, plants and insects are friends, when I see a flower, sometimes I meet some insects at the same time. Honestly, I am not good at being friends with insects, some of them are OK. I am OK with ladybug but not with aphid. I am happy to find a ladybug but I am scared of finding aphids. Plants and insects cannot be separated, I would like to be a person who is OK with any insects. Strongly hope!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

日乗 diary - タマゴが割れた日 a day that I broke an egg

2020年05月10日 | 日記
I dropped an egg
It was broken 
It would be a sacrifice itself for me


What I wrote on note.com is...
Yesterday’s morning, when I picked an egg up in the refrigerator, the egg fallen on the floor. I wasted the precious one. I was going to give up to eat it but I scooped it (but about the half of it, around the surface) then baked it and ate. I didn’t waste the all the it. I felt “waste”. Like this happening, I always think about sacrificing.
The egg must have been a sacrifice itself for me, something bad(?) would have happened on me in the near future. I believe a bit spiritual things, that ideas make me have this answer??

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : ドクダミ草咲く a doku-dami is opening

2020年05月09日 | 日記
A doku-dami is opening 
We can see their white cross
Also this year


I wrote the main sentence about the plants that live in narrow gaps (I call them as Sukima-soh. sukima means gap) on note.com but there is only Japanese, so I will write that in English here.
I love Sukima-soh very much, I am not sure when I started to love them. They usually live in somewhere on the ground but some of them try(?) to live in a... gap, crack and so on that appears around at concrete, asphalt, wall and something like that. I enjoy finding & meeting them around there. Their living styles are sometimes unique, make me laugh. It’s now a part of my life! 

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

日乗 diary - noteな日々 a daily note

2020年05月08日 | 日記
I’ve got a lot of reasons 
Why I don’t write 


I’d really like to be a good writer. For that, I have to do that everyday and everyday. Keep on doing. There’s no royal road to learning!

The watermelons and the fork are from IWAKO’s erasers. They are eraser!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

日乗 diary - そろそろと少しだけ新しいことを…slowly started a new day

2020年05月07日 | 日記

I started writing an essay 
On the website of note.com
(But only in Japanese)

気付けば結構な年数を、8年チョイに渡り続けてこのブログでなんか書き続けている...! もはや生活の一部になっている感じのブログ書き、備忘録にもなるしで続けていくしかない(?)と思っていますが、ここらで少しだけ新しいことに挑戦してみようかとふと思い立ちました。
で、昨日、note.comと言うところにmy noteを作りました。
体力的に二ヶ所に、違う内容のモノを書き続けるのは難しい(こんな内容ですが…はは)だろうというのは感じていて、じゃあこのブログをやめる? と思ってもせっかくここまで続いているしフォローをいただいている方々(ありがとうございます^^)もいらっしゃるし…ということでgooブログを止めてしまうのも勿体ないので、続けていこうとは思っています。そこで考えたのですが、メインはnoteにして、gooはサブ、という風にしていこうかな?です。

I’ve started writing some essays on a new website, note.com. It’s a Japanese website only for domestic. I decided to continue this blog, too, for someone who reads my essays in English. (If there was...) I always thank you for visiting my blog!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 道端バタ7(open) flowers at the side of foot

2020年05月06日 | 日記

It’s a bit hot in spring 
Some flowers are opening
In the morning 


The orange flower would be Long-headed poppy. Now we can see it anywhere, the sizes of flower are various, from very tiny to bigger, that’s interesting. 
Next yellow flower came from a flowerpot that was bought in the shop. But soon one flower was broken off so I put it in the bottle then the petals of it was closed soon, I kept it for a few days, now I decided to throw it away but I waited for a morning. When I saw the flower, the petals were open, still being opened. Guts! I will see if the flower can be a dried flower.

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 道端バタ6 flowers at the side of foot

2020年05月05日 | 日記

I decorated the flowers that lived at wayside, it’s free
I enjoy myself 


I photographed the photo above.

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 道端バタ5 flowers at the side of foot

2020年05月05日 | 日記

There is a nice wind in May
I enjoy picking some flowers at the wayside
Then put them into the bottle at home

ステイホームがまだ続いています...。今の季節は道端や花壇等の草花たちの種類が、自生種園芸種(&流れモノ?)共に豊富ですね。好きなんですけどなかなか名前などが覚えられないジレンマを抱えつつ、チョビチョビといただいて(道端から)帰る日々を過ごしています。右手の黄色い小花は、去年も見たなあと思い出しました。真ん中辺りのピンクの小花も見覚えあります。この花は摘むと早々と萎んでしまうようです。左手の、米粒みたいな小さい(花でない?)のがマトリックスみたいに空間に広がっている草花は今年初めて見たように思います。キミはナニモノ? 園芸種??

We’ve been staying at home..... In these days, we can see various kinds of flowers & plants anywhere. I love them but it’s not easy for me to remember their names. Nowadays, I enjoy picking some of them up  then put them in the bottle at home. I’ve seen the yellow little flowers at the right hand side and the pink one at the centre last year. It must be the first time for me to meet the left one, many tiny like rices that look like being flying in the air(like “Matrix”. Are you one of garden species?

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 水抜きパイプに住む we’re living at the weep hole

2020年05月04日 | 日記

It’s now going away spring 
We’re living at the weep hole
We’re small flowers 


Plant and human would have got different ideas for surviving? Like this concrete wall, a purpose is for a humans’ comfortable life. Some wise plants like them in the photograph, they never miss a nice place(gap) where they live in. It seems that they are trying to make the wall  return to the original condition. I would think too much?

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.