当日の私の役割は秘書によると ①学長挨拶(英語でも可) ②学長賞を読み上げて授与 とのことである。
学長挨拶で何を話そうかと考えていたのだが、私の高校の大先輩でノーベル賞を受賞した真鍋淑郎(まなべ しゅくろう)氏のスピーチのことを話したらおもしろいのではないかと考えた。
Can you tell me what is the main reason for you to change your nationality from Japan to the United States?
Why did you change your nationality?
That’s interesting question, but in Japan people always worry about not to disturb each other.
You know, they have a very harmonious relationship.
And this is one of the important reasons why Japanese people get along so well with each other.
You know, they keep thinking other people, don’t do something which disturb other people.
In the U.S., in Japan, if you ask some questions you get answer “Yes”, or “No”.
When Japanese say “Yes”, it does not necessarily mean “Yes”, it could be “No”.
Because they don’t want to hurt other people’s feeling much more than anything else.
And so, you don’t want to do anything which is disturbing to other people.
And U.S. I can do things that I want like.
I don’t worry too much about what other people feel.
Because as a matter of fact, I don’t want to hurt other people’s feeling, but I’m not observing enough other people to figure out what they think.
I found living in the U.S is wonderful!