文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are only good at using something anyway. Using the fabricating report of the Asahi Newspaper

2017年01月08日 13時36分02秒 | 日記

It is hard to believe that it is an aspect also found among the media and scholars in the United States people who believe in Korean discourse grew up receiving anti-Japanese education of Nazism itself, the fact is Nazist, kindergarten children understand that the discourse is propaganda of Nazist.

One of the reasons why this is occurring is that the US has made more than 300,000 immigrants to South Korea who participated as an allied force of the United States in the Vietnam War.

As I have mentioned many times, until Korea is consolidated, Korea, the world's worst discrimination system, has revealed that the postwar rebirth has revealed the uproar this time As the Koreans themselves, as the Koreans themselves said in an interview earlier, they are hard to live, the country of living hell, so many people abandoned the country and moved to the United States.

The thought is the Nazist like the one mentioned at the beginning, but it has far more votes than the Japanese.

They are only good at using something anyway.

Using the fabricating report of the Asahi Newspaper,

If you want to earn a vote or a large contribution, you can do anything with an American,

Now, in the 21st century, it is hard to believe that it tell a lie as truth and make it recognize.

One of the casualties who stopped the progress of the turntable of civilization is theirs.

They are also the source of serious injuries that make the current world extremely unstable and dangerous.


2017年01月08日 13時22分34秒 | 日記











Yesterday, as soon as the government of Japan announced the ultimate response to the end

2017年01月08日 13時01分47秒 | 日記

Yesterday, as soon as the government of Japan announced the ultimate response to the end, NHK Osaka said the Buddha statue of a very ordinary temple in Osaka Prefecture, Buddhism passes through India - China - Korea Peninsula to Japan In the trend that it was transmitted (though whether the proper results of the scholar's research have now been announced as to whether or not this is right), the possibility of the Buddha image that was being made at the time on the Korean Peninsula it is high, etc.

It jumped to the lie of Yoshida Seiji, repeated repetition of military comfort women over 16 times, and spread to the world are the people belonging to the social division of the Asahi newspaper Osaka head office.

Jumping to this report and around the world such as the United States, it is using this lie for Japan attack by the Nazism called anti-Japanese propaganda, it also made the state of Korea now, it is the people belonging to the social division of the Asahi Shimbun Osaka head office.

Takayama Masayuki taught for the first time that a large number of Koreans living in Japan went to the media such as NHK by piggybacking the defeated occupation policy of the defeat, GHQ, but yesterday's NHK Osaka coverage it may have proved that Mr. Takayama's pointed out is quite right, that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.


2017年01月08日 12時54分13秒 | 日記





a must read for those belonging to the American Historical Society which is dominated by

2017年01月08日 12時35分26秒 | 日記

Monthly magazine WiLL this month's issue is also a must read for those belonging to the American Historical Society which is dominated by John Dower and Alexis Dudden.

The following is the continuation of the talks between Takayama Masayuki and Kato Kiyotaka.


A woman named Jeon Yeo-ok, a former KBS Tokyo correspondent and also an advisor to Park Geun-hye, wrote a book that completely denies Japan that "there is no Japan."

It is convinced that it must always blame Japan as the only ethnic group that experienced barbaric colonial rule.

Far from studying Japanese rule, it seems despite Four Barbarians and Eight Barbarians Japan dominate on Korea.


Professor Hiroshi Furuta says that the Korean Peninsula is no longer involved.


"Do not teach, not help, not involved."

That is the conclusion that Professor Furuta has come to Korea studies for many years, that is, Furuta Three Principles (laugh).

Even China that looks exactly like Koreans from us, although Manchuria and Mongolia are consolidated, Korea is not absolutely annexed.

Since they are similar to each other, it seems that the unpleasant feeling and intuition work if they merge.

However, Japan was pressed from America like that.


It is time to consolidate Japan and Korea.

People in Korea and Korea have demonic possession


In 1905, Theodore Roosevelt closed all the overseas diplomatic missions in the US that had been in Korea, and lifted it.

Joseon no longer has national appearance or ability.

He said that Japan should look after him in the future.

Because it is important in terms of security, it cannot escape by saying it does not like it.

Ito Hirobumi can not be helped, employed Durham Stevens, the US ambassador to Japan, as an advisor, it made Korea a protected country, developed infrastructure and encouraged independence.

But it cannot see any signs of improvement.

When he returned to San Francisco, Stevens said he was asked about the future of Korea from the reporters and said that Korea is about to lose autonomy, so he only has to dismantle it once.

Then the Korean who read the article the next day came to the hotel and he got assaulted kicking and hitting.

He ran away from hurriedly and tried to return to his hometown with a ferry, he was shot by another Korean.

When it comes to Korea it will be like that.

Hirobumi Ito was also assassinated.

Eventually, we had to merge them and re-educate from scratch.

The noise that occurred during that Emperor 36 years was only two times, the Communist Party Riot and the March 1st Movement.

It was the happiest and stable era for Korea.

Because there were not even one death row prisoner.


It was a couple of years ago that the elderly was eradicated because he said that Japan's governing times were good.

The criminal was praised as a "patriotic youth."

It is a truly abnormal citizen.

This draft continues.


2017年01月08日 11時24分04秒 | 日記



































J'ai été vraiment étonné que la prétendue moralité des médias japonais

2017年01月08日 10時19分38秒 | 日記

Aujourd'hui, c'était bien comme prévu, donc je me suis dirigé vers Arashiyama dans la matinée.

Le Sankei Shimbun que j'ai lu dans le train a dit que les médias japonais est une image d'une fille, mais il a été souligné que c'est une image de femmes de confort.

Le mésange à queue longue, le martin-pêcheur, le gros-bec japonais, le redstart de Daurian, le muguet moucheté, la sauvagine ont pris des photos de coast eurasien et al.

J'ai apprécié le merveilleux de Kyoto, qui laisse le paysage de 1200 ans, ainsi que le merveilleux du Japon comme d'habitude.

Kyoto journal et Yomiuri Shimbun ont été mis au magasin qui avait le déjeuner.

J'ai été surpris.

Parce que ces deux papiers décrivaient cette femme de confort comme une image de fille.

Si je rentre chez moi tôt et de vérifier le journal Asahi, c'est un patron, mais sur la première page, ils écrivent une image de fille avec de grosses lettres.

J'ai été vraiment étonné que la prétendue moralité des médias japonais ait atteint jusqu'à présent.

L'Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, les gens dans chaque journal disent que l'ancienne armée japonaise (comme mentionné ci-dessus que mon père a également servi) a violé des filles coréennes ou poussé pour une femme de confort.

Est-ce que l'article de l'Asahi Shimbun sur faux est annoncé à la communauté internationale comme correct?

Mes camarades de classe ne devraient pas avoir un, mais leurs cerveaux sont trop cruels.

Si Nobunaga, tout le monde concerné aurait ordonné Seppuku.

Sono rimasto veramente stupito che la moralità preteso dei media giapponesi

2017年01月08日 10時19分06秒 | 日記

Oggi è andato tutto bene come previsto, così ho guidato per Arashiyama del mattino.

Il Sankei Shimbun che stavo leggendo in treno ha detto che i media giapponese è l'immagine di una ragazza, ma è stato fatto notare che si tratta di un'immagine di donne di conforto.

Codibugnolo, il martin pescatore, grosbeak giapponese, codirosso Daurian, Dusky tordi, uccelli acquatici ha preso le immagini di Folaga et al.

Ho apprezzato la meraviglia di Kyoto, che sta lasciando il paesaggio dal 1200 anni fa, così come la meraviglia del Giappone come al solito.

giornale di Kyoto e Yomiuri Shimbun sono stati messi in un negozio che aveva il pranzo.

Ero sorpreso.

Perché questi due documenti descrivevano quella donna di comfort come immagine di ragazza.

Se vado a casa presto e accertare la Asahi quotidiano, questo è un boss, ma in prima pagina che scrivere la ragazza immagine con grandi lettere.

Sono rimasto veramente stupito che la moralità preteso dei media giapponesi ha raggiunto finora.

L'Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, persone in ogni carta dicono che l'ex esercito giapponese (come detto sopra che mio padre anche servito) ha violentata ragazze coreane o spinto per una donna il comfort.

Se l'articolo del Asahi Shimbun il falso è pubblicizzato alla comunità internazionale come corrette?

I miei compagni di classe non dovrebbe avere uno, ma i loro cervelli sono troppo crudele.

Se Nobunaga, tutti gli interessati avrebbe ordinato Seppuku.

Me sorprendió mucho que la pretendida moralidad de los medios de

2017年01月08日 10時18分33秒 | 日記

Hoy estuvo bien como se esperaba, así que me dirigí a Arashiyama por la mañana.

El Sankei Shimbun que estaba leyendo en el tren ha dicho que los medios de comunicación japoneses son una imagen de una chica, pero se señaló que es una imagen de las mujeres de la comodidad.

El tit, el martín pescador, el grosbeak japonés, el redstart de Daurian, el tordo de Dusky, las aves acuáticas tomaron los cuadros del coot eurasiático y otros.

Disfruté de la maravilla de Kioto, que es dejar el paisaje de 1200 años atrás, así como la maravillosa de Japón como de costumbre.

El periódico Kyoto y Yomiuri Shimbun fueron puestos en la tienda que almorzó.

Me sorprendió.

Porque estos dos papeles describían esa mujer de la comodidad como imagen de la muchacha.

Si me voy a casa temprano y averiguo el periódico Asahi, este es un jefe, pero en la portada escriben una imagen de niña con letras grandes.

Me sorprendió mucho que la pretendida moralidad de los medios de comunicación japoneses hubiera llegado hasta aquí.

El Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, la gente de cada periódico dice que el ex ejército japonés (como se mencionó anteriormente que mi padre también sirvió) ha violado a las niñas coreanas o empujado por una mujer de la comodidad.

¿El artículo del Asahi Shimbun sobre falso se anuncia a la comunidad internacional como correcto?

Mis compañeros no deben tener uno, pero sus cerebros son demasiado crueles.

Si Nobunaga, todos los interesados hubieran pedido Seppuku.

Ich war wirklich erstaunt, dass die vorgetäuschte Moral der japanischen

2017年01月08日 10時17分59秒 | 日記

Heute war es gut wie erwartet, also ging ich für Arashiyama am Morgen.

Die Sankei Shimbun, die ich im Zug las, sagte, dass japanische Medien ein Bild eines Mädchens sind, aber es wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass es ein Bild von Komfortfrauen ist.

Long-tailed Tit, Eisvogel, japanische Grosbeak, Daurian Rotstart, Dusky Drossel, Wasservögel machte Bilder von Eurasian Coot et al.

Ich genoss die Schönheit von Kyoto, die die Landschaft vor 1200 Jahren verlässt, sowie die wunderbare Lage von Japan wie üblich.

Kyoto Zeitung und Yomiuri Shimbun wurden in das Geschäft, das Mittagessen hatte.

Ich war überrascht.

Weil diese beiden Papiere beschreiben, dass Komfort Frau als Mädchen Bild.

Wenn ich früh nach Hause gehe und die Asahi Zeitung feststelle, ist dies ein Chef, aber auf der Vorderseite schreiben sie ein Mädchenbild mit großen Buchstaben.

Ich war wirklich erstaunt, dass die vorgetäuschte Moral der japanischen Medien so weit gekommen war.

Die Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, die Menschen in jedem Papier sagen, dass die ehemalige japanische Armee (wie oben erwähnt, dass mein Vater auch serviert) hat vergewaltigt koreanischen Mädchen oder schob für eine Trostfrau.

Wird der Asahi Shimbun-Artikel über Fälschung an die internationale Gemeinschaft als richtig angekündigt?

Meine Klassenkameraden sollten keine haben, aber ihr Gehirn ist zu grausam.

Wenn Nobunaga, würde jeder besorgt Seppuku bestellt haben.

Fiquei realmente espantado com o fato de a pretensa moralidade da mídia japonesa

2017年01月08日 10時17分24秒 | 日記

Hoje foi bom como esperado, então eu fui para Arashiyama na parte da manhã.

O Sankei Shimbun que eu estava lendo no trem disse que a mídia japonesa é uma imagem de uma menina, mas foi apontado que é uma imagem de mulheres de conforto.

O melharuco de cauda longa, o martim-pescador, o grosbeak japonês, o redstart de Daurian, o tordo de Dusky, waterfowl tomaram retratos do coot eurasian e os al.

Eu gostei da maravilhosidade de Quioto, que está deixando a paisagem de 1200 anos atrás, bem como a maravilhosidade do Japão como de costume.

Kyoto jornal e Yomiuri Shimbun foram colocados na loja que tinha almoço.

Eu estava surpreso.

Porque estes dois papéis estavam descrevendo essa mulher de conforto como uma imagem de menina.

Se eu ir para casa cedo e verificar o jornal Asahi, este é um chefe, mas na primeira página eles escrevem uma imagem de menina com letras grandes.

Fiquei realmente espantado com o fato de a pretensa moralidade da mídia japonesa ter chegado até agora.

O Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, as pessoas em cada papel dizem que o ex-exército japonês (como mencionado acima que meu pai também serviu) violou meninas coreanas ou empurrou para uma mulher de conforto.

O artigo do Asahi Shimbun sobre falsificação é anunciado à comunidade internacional como correto?

Meus colegas não deveriam ter um, mas seus cérebros são muito cruéis.

Se Nobunaga, todos os interessados teriam ordenado Seppuku.


2017年01月08日 10時16分55秒 | 日記



長尾山雀,翠鳥,日本椋鳥,Daurian redstart,暗淡的鵝口瘡,水鳥拍攝的歐亞浣熊等。












2017年01月08日 10時16分24秒 | 日記



长尾山雀,翠鸟,日本椋鸟,Daurian redstart,暗淡的鹅口疮,水鸟拍摄的欧亚浣熊等。











지금까지 도달 한

2017年01月08日 10時15分54秒 | 日記

오늘은 예상대로 괜찮 았기 때문에 아침에 아라시야마로 향했다.

내가 열차에서 읽었던 산케이 신문은 일본의 미디어는 소녀의 이미지라고 말했지만 위안부의 이미지라고 지적했다.

긴 꼬리 젖꼭지, 물총총새, 일본 고등어, Daurian redstart, 더스 트롤 아구창, 물새는 유라시아 coot 외 사진을 찍었습니다.

1200 년 전부터 경치를 벗어난 교토의 경이와 일본의 평온함을 즐겼습니다.

점심 식사를 한 가게에 교토 신문과 요미우리 신문이 들어갔다.


이 두 논문은 위안부 여자를 소녀 이미지로 묘사했기 때문입니다.

집에 일찍 가서 아사히 신문을 확인하면 보스이지만 첫 페이지에는 큰 편지가있는 소녀 이미지를 씁니다.

저는 일본 언론의 척하는 도덕성이 지금까지 도달 한 것에 정말로 놀랐습니다.

아사히 신문, 요미우리 신문, 교토 신문, 닛케이 신문, 각 신문의 사람들은 (일본인 아버지도 언급 한) 앞선 일본군이 한국 소녀들을 강간하거나 위안부 여성을 강요했다고 말한다.

아사히 신문의 가짜 기사가 국제 사회에 옳은 것으로 광고되고 있습니까?

내 급우는 하나도 없어야하지만 두뇌는 너무 잔인합니다.

노부나가라면 관계자 모두가 세 푸쿠를 주문했을 것이다.

мораль японских СМИ достигли

2017年01月08日 10時15分15秒 | 日記

Сегодня это было прекрасно, как и следовало ожидать, так что я направился к Арасияма утром.

Sankei Shimbun, что я читал в поезде сказал, что японские СМИ образ девушки, но было отмечено, что это изображение утех.

Длиннохвостая синица, зимородок, японский дубонос, сибирская горихвостка, Даски молочница, водоплавающие сфотографировали лысуха и др.

Я наслаждался великолепие Киото, который покидает декорации от 1200 лет назад, а также великолепие Японии, как обычно.

Киото газета Yomiuri Shimbun и были помещены в магазине, который имел обед.

Я был удивлен.

Поскольку эти два документа описывали, что комфорт женщины в качестве девушки файл.

Если я иду домой рано и установить Asahi газета, это босс, но на первой странице они пишут девушки файл с большими буквами.

Я был действительно поражен, что притворная мораль японских СМИ достигли до сих пор.

Асахи симбун, Yomiuri Shimbun, Киото симбун, Nikkei Shimbun, люди в каждой статье говорят, что бывший японская армия (как уже говорилось выше, что мой отец также служил) изнасиловал корейских девушек или толкания для комфорта женщины.

Есть ли статья в Асахи симбун на подделку рекламируется для международного сообщества, как правильно?

Мои одноклассники не должны иметь один, но их мозг слишком жестоким.

Если Нобунага, обеспокоены все бы заказали харакири.