文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This established hierarchy is a historical fool.

2017年01月30日 13時34分21秒 | 日記

In the country where the turntable of civilization is turning on, along with the United States, Japan is a country that has to lead the world with intellect, freedom and best democracy.

Virtually, Japan is still the second largest super economic power in the world.

The established hierarchy of Japan that has kept abandoning the situation that 70% of TSE 's day trading, which forms the backbone of the country' s economy, is being caught by foreign capital.

To make the world's largest super-huge personal assets aiming for domestic demand expansion, in other words, to make the TSE a large market next to NYSE, it is an established hierarchy that did not come.

When no more evils invaded the territory of our country, territorial waters, because of not being tried in this world, when they are going to advance,

In other words, when the totalitarians and the one-party dictators of the Communist Party are doing nothing in this world, because they do everything under the control of evil,

It is an established hierarchy that makes a fuss about saying that it is a war bill when legislating things that should be understood even by kindergarten children who protect their country by themselves.

This established hierarchy is a historical fool.


2017年01月30日 13時18分25秒 | 日記







On the contrary it would be better to say that it cannot have anything but despair.

2017年01月30日 11時25分01秒 | 日記

At the same time, there is no ruffian in the Chinese who I know reality (although the number is quite small).

Just the other day, there is a sight that I saw in the train heading for Kyoto.

A group of senior citizens and large baggage of Japanese from the platform came towards the priority seat. The Chinese child sitting there gently stood up and gave over.

I see this scene several times.

Sometimes, as in the net, I feel that the Chinese have the most important knowledge as intelligence, obediently admitting what is good, good things obediently.

The one - party dictators of the Communist Party think that it is better to say that it is a villainous person who says black as white, white as black, which is not judged in this world.

For general Chinese who have nothing to do with the Communist Party, I do not have any negative sense at all.

But for the Koreans who have not noticed that Nazism itself that tamper with the history of their own country with the Constitution and created to maintain their administration, they grew up in anti-Japanese education and become a Nazist, I cannot feel hope either.

On the contrary it would be better to say that it cannot have anything but despair.

This draft continues.


2017年01月30日 11時15分09秒 | 日記











Without beauty the spirit of the Japanese does not activate.

2017年01月30日 10時59分19秒 | 日記

Add to the previous chapter.

There is a spirit of harmony in the foundation of Japanese inventions.

I must add a sense of harmonious beauty here.

Japanese feel ugly only as selfishness that only myself ought to be good.

It does not find beauty in a place without harmony.

Without beauty the spirit of the Japanese does not activate.

And that beauty is what has become all over the harmony.

This sentence is probably the best sentence it expressed about what the Emperor System is.

It goes without saying that it is so in relation to nature and human beings.

I think that some Chinese say that, "I was surprised that the wild birds in Japan are not afraid of humans, we all eat, but the Japanese are not. Is not it transmitted to wild birds? "

As the world's premier bird enthusiast, now I am photographing Kyoto's wild birds in fine weather, I will say that it is right.

This draft continues.

There is absolutely no need to compare, this is a fact not found anywhere in the world

2017年01月30日 10時48分29秒 | 日記

<Inspiration brought by Mr. Matsubara's article of the previous chapter. >

As I mentioned before, I regard Kyoto as the garden of our house.

I will be visiting Kyoto with the number one visit in the world.

One of the strongest reaffirmed results is the beauty of the toilet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the toilet at every place is beautiful.

Until the toilet in a small park in the city.

There is absolutely no need to compare, this is a fact not found anywhere in the world.

I am convinced that there is a Japanese secret here too.

Japanese people dislike it if their surroundings are not proper.

Even a samurai (No, it should be said that it is a samurai who was always alive with constant preparedness at the battlefield and prepared to live without being willing to die) All in 4 tatami mats ... until the way of arranging the stationery on the desk What you were doing in the field of practice can be understood by going to Togu-Do of Ginkakuji when it is open.

The other day, I watched the scenery of the classroom in the provincial area of the country in China with the special number of NHK. They are sitting like jam-packed.

The Japanese breath holds at that interval. It will not come up with ideas.

The cleanliness of the Japanese. Organized. Is not it fundamental to the idea of the Japanese people?

That's why I wrote that Steve Jobs, who frequently visited the gardens in Kyoto, was able to make that rectangular IPod, the ultimate form.

I am convinced that Mr. Matsubara must have also read my paper.

For Japanese people, a well-maintained public is necessary.

From the time of Prince Shotoku, sum = harmony is necessary.

There is a spirit of harmony in the foundation of Japanese inventions.

I assert it to the world today, here that it is the world's best.

As the reincarnation of Kukai and Nobunaga Oda, it tells the world with a big voice.

The world, the most important thing is "harmony".

It plays a role as a brain given by God, yes, corrects the world.


2017年01月30日 10時36分48秒 | 日記













Un tel homme se tient demain de la centrale nucléaire au Japon maintenant.

2017年01月30日 10時17分44秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Fukushima centrale nucléaire a été déchirée par le grand tsunami.

Toutefois, la Commission de réglementation nucléaire est maintenant une indication de la sécurité de la reprise des centrales nucléaires est un tremblement de terre.

TEPCO Fukushima que Magnitude 9 a frappé également n'a pas secouer la centrale nucléaire de Kashiwazaki qui a été rencontré dans le type direct séisme.

Mais pourquoi le tremblement de terre est-il un problème?

C'est parce que l'autorité de l'Earthquake Research Institute, de l'Université de Tokyo, a déclaré Hiroshi Sato, parce que si elle avait une faute sous la centrale nucléaire, il ne le ferait pas.

La présence ou l'absence d'une faille fait actuellement l'objet d'une enquête uniquement par une société d'étude géologique appartenant à Sato.

Comme un chercheur de poissons, visualiser le souterrain avec le reflet des ondes sonores et de juger si elle est une faute dangereuse avec son intuition aiguë.

Donc, même si c'est la précision de l'intuition, il ya deux ans, il a fait une enquête sur la faute de Tachikawa.

En regardant les stries grises obliquement courir, l'intuition aigu soutenu par son universitaire a été défectueuse et il a été déclaré qu'il y avait un grand tremblement de terre à Tokyo.

Plus tard, cette strie grise s'est avérée être un poteau enterré de télégraphe en béton.

Un tel homme se tient demain de la centrale nucléaire au Japon maintenant.

(9 juillet 2015)

Un tale uomo sta tenendo domani della centrale nucleare in Giappone ora.

2017年01月30日 10時17分15秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Centrale nucleare di Fukushima è stata strappata dal grande tsunami.

Tuttavia, la Nuclear Regulatory Commission è ora un'indicazione della sicurezza di riprendere centrali nucleari è un terremoto.

TEPCO Fukushima che Magnitude 9 ha colpito anche non scuotere la centrale nucleare di Kashiwazaki che si è verificato nel terremoto tipo diretto.

Ma perché è il terremoto, un problema?

Questo perché l'autorità del terremoto Research Institute, l'Università di Tokyo, ha detto Hiroshi Sato, perché se avesse un guasto sotto la centrale nucleare che non lo farebbe.

La presenza o l'assenza di un guasto non è al momento oggetto di indagine solo da una società di indagine geologica di proprietà di Sato.

Come un cercatore dei pesci, visualizzare la metropolitana con la riflessione delle onde sonore e giudicare se si tratta di un difetto pericoloso con la sua intuizione tagliente.

Quindi, anche se è la precisione di intuizione, due anni fa, ha fatto un sondaggio del guasto Tachikawa.

Guardando le obliquamente in esecuzione striature grigie, l'intuizione tagliente sostenuto dal suo accademica è stata impeccabile e si è dichiarato che c'era un grande terremoto a Tokyo.

Più tardi quella striscia grigia si è rivelata un palo del telegrafo di cemento sepolto.

Un tale uomo sta tenendo domani della centrale nucleare in Giappone ora.

(9 luglio edizione del 2015)

Tal hombre está celebrando mañana de la planta de energía nuclear en Japón ahora.

2017年01月30日 10時16分46秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

La central nuclear de Fukushima fue desgarrada por el gran tsunami.

Sin embargo, la Comisión Reguladora Nuclear es ahora una indicación de la seguridad de la reanudación de las centrales nucleares es un terremoto.

TEPCO Fukushima que Magnitude 9 golpeó también no sacudir la central nuclear de Kashiwazaki que se encontró en el tipo directo terremoto.

Pero, ¿por qué el terremoto es un problema?

Eso se debe a que la autoridad del Instituto de Investigación de Terremoto de la Universidad de Tokio, dijo Hiroshi Sato, porque si tenía una falla bajo la planta nuclear no lo haría.

La presencia o ausencia de una falla está siendo investigada actualmente por una empresa de estudios geológicos propiedad de Sato.

Al igual que un buscador de peces, visualizar el metro con la reflexión de las ondas sonoras y juzgar si es una falla peligrosa con su intuición aguda.

Por lo tanto, aunque es la precisión de la intuición, hace dos años hizo una encuesta de la falla de Tachikawa.

Mirando las vetas oblicuas que corrían gris, la intuición aguda respaldada por su académico fue criticada y se declaró que había un gran terremoto en Tokio.

Más tarde, esa raya gris resultó ser un poste enterrado de telégrafo de hormigón.

Tal hombre está celebrando mañana de la planta de energía nuclear en Japón ahora.

(9 de julio de 2015)

Ein solcher Mann hält nun morgen das Kernkraftwerk in Japan.

2017年01月30日 10時16分17秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorigen Kapitels.

Fukushima Kernkraftwerk wurde von der großen Tsunami zerrissen.

Allerdings ist die Nuclear Regulatory Commission jetzt ein Indiz für die Sicherheit der Wiederaufnahme von Kernkraftwerken ist ein Erdbeben.

TEPCO Fukushima, dass Magnitude 9 schlug auch nicht schütteln die Kashiwazaki Kernkraftwerk, das im direkten Typ Erdbeben angetroffen wurde.

Aber warum ist das Erdbeben ein Problem?

Das ist, weil die Autorität des Erdbebenforschungsinstituts, die Universität von Tokyo, Hiroshi Sato sagte, weil, wenn es einen Fehler unter dem Kernkraftwerk hatte, es es nicht tun würde.

Die Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit eines Fehlers wird derzeit nur von einer geologischen Vermessungsgesellschaft im Besitz von Sato untersucht.

Wie ein Fischfinder, visualisieren die U-Bahn mit Reflexion von Schallwellen und beurteilen, ob es ein gefährlicher Fehler mit seiner scharfen Intuition ist.

Also, obwohl es Präzision der Intuition, vor zwei Jahren hat er eine Umfrage des Tachikawa Fehler.

Mit Blick auf die schräg verlaufenden grauen Streifen war die scharfe Intuition, die von seinem Akademiker unterstützt wurde, fehlerhaft und es wurde erklärt, dass es ein großes Erdbeben in Tokio gab.

Später entpuppte sich grauer Streifen als begrabene konkrete Telegrafenmast.

Ein solcher Mann hält nun morgen das Kernkraftwerk in Japan.

(9. Juli-Ausgabe von 2015)

Tal homem está segurando amanhã da usina nuclear no Japão agora.

2017年01月30日 10時15分47秒 | 日記

A seguir está a continuação do capítulo anterior.

Fukushima usina nuclear foi rasgado pelo grande tsunami.

No entanto, a Comissão de Regulamentação Nuclear é agora uma indicação da segurança de retomar as usinas nucleares é um terremoto.

TEPCO Fukushima que Magnitude 9 atingiu também não agitar a usina nuclear Kashiwazaki que foi encontrada no tipo direto terremoto.

Mas por que o terremoto é um problema?

Isso ocorre porque a autoridade do Instituto de Pesquisa de Terremotos, da Universidade de Tóquio, disse Hiroshi Sato, porque se tivesse uma falha sob a usina nuclear não faria isso.

A presença ou ausência de uma falha está atualmente sendo investigada apenas por uma empresa de pesquisa geológica de propriedade da Sato.

Como um inventor de peixe, visualize o subterrâneo com reflexo de ondas sonoras e julgue se é uma falha perigosa com sua intuição afiada.

Assim, embora seja precisão de intuição, há dois anos ele fez um levantamento da falha Tachikawa.

Olhando para as cintas oblíquas correndo cinza, a intuição afiada apoiado por seu acadêmico foi criticado e foi declarado que houve um grande terremoto em Tóquio.

Mais tarde, essa faixa cinzenta acabou por ser um pólo enterrado de telégrafo de concreto.

Tal homem está segurando amanhã da usina nuclear no Japão agora.

(9 de julho emissão de 2015)


2017年01月30日 10時15分17秒 | 日記




TEPCO Fukushima震撼的9號也沒有震動在直接型地震中遇到的柏崎核電站。











2017年01月30日 10時14分45秒 | 日記




TEPCO Fukushima震撼的9号也没有震动在直接型地震中遇到的柏崎核电站。










일본의 원자력

2017年01月30日 10時14分13秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

후쿠시마 원전은 위대한 쓰나미에 의해 찢어졌습니다.

그러나 원자력 규제위원회 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)는 현재 원자력 발전소 재개 안전 장치가 지진이라고 지적했다.

Magnitude 9가 타격을 입은 TEPCO Fukushima도 직접 형 지진으로 발생한 Kashiwazaki 원자력 발전소를 흔들지 않았습니다.

그러나 왜 지진이 문제가됩니까?

도쿄 대학의 지진 연구소의 권위자는 사토 히로시 (Sato Hiroshi)가 원자력 발전소에서 잘못을 범하면 그렇게하지 않을 것이기 때문에 그것이라고 말했다.

결함의 유무는 현재 사토 소유의 지질 조사 회사에 의해서만 조사되고 있습니다.

어군 탐지기와 마찬가지로 음파의 반사로 지하를 가시화하고 그것이 직감이 급한 위험한 결점인지 여부를 판단하십시오.

그래서 그것은 직감의 정확성이긴하지만 2 년 전에 그는 타치카와 단층을 조사했습니다.

비스듬히 움직이는 회색 줄무늬를 보면서 그의 학문으로 뒷받침 된 선명한 직감이 잘못되었으며 도쿄에 큰 지진이 있다고 선언되었습니다.

그 회색 줄무늬가 나중에 매장 된 콘크리트 전신주로 밝혀졌습니다.

그런 남자가 내일 일본의 원자력 발전소에서 붙잡고있다.

(2015 년 7 월 9 일호)