文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年03月29日 23時58分43秒 | 日記



















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These facts also prove the correctness of my paper with it’s not an exaggeration to say that the

2017年03月29日 23時11分26秒 | 日記

The TV Asahi is putting the person belonging to such Chongryon at the desk of the foreign department.

These facts also prove the correctness of my paper with it’s not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun Company is crazy.

On that day, when Furutachi, moderator Furutachi, would be happy (probably also a chief executive of Chongryon), not only is Furutachi and TV Asahi a shameless moralist when he called him Mr. Li Ji-sung, it inevitably informed the keen-eyed people all over Japan that it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the people who are being piloted by Chongryon.

Of course, it goes without saying that all the keen-eyed people were shocked.

Nevertheless, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of foolish or traitor people, humans such as television stations (including that or NHK), this Furutachi, as if he were a man of something, making a series program, it is making it appears.

We never mistake things if we watch, thinking that the member or the agent of Chongryon sneaks in all of the TV stations to be making him appear on and it never again braves the folly which is brainwashed by their strategy.

All the Japanese citizens know that keep this paper in mind, never again put on their tricks, watching the Moritomo school fuss, etc. and saying something disgusted that you do not know what to do is there.

What they intend is to replace the regime of Japan every year, as in the past,

For example, let Merkel disdain Japan more than ever,

It is in keeping down the credibility and status of Japan in the international community.

Its spearhead is the Democratic Party, the Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party, Renho, Tsujimoto Kiyomi, Fukushima Mizuho, Fukuyama Tetsuro, etc.,

Newspapers such as Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo etc. and gossip magazine that conforms to it,

Keep things these are their spearhead keep in your mind,

We must continue to monitor their behavior so that we will never be deceived again.

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I can hardly believe that such a project will be done by Japanese people.

2017年03月29日 18時32分28秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Looking at the program section this morning, the owner of a decent brain should have been truly disgusted by the distorted, childish and bad purpose of the Asahi Shimbun.

What it comes to say to learn in Germany is, to be clear, speaking people who are not an exaggeration to say Korea government or Korea CIA's agent ... spy. The Asahi Shimbun continues to support this ... a terrible newspaper company.

The flowing title, the "lesson learned" of the German Weimar Constitution Why the dictatorship was born, this is because they want to form national public opinion as if the Abe administration is trying to do dictatorship it is a childish, unscrupulous plan with more than anything possible.

I can hardly believe that such a project will be done by Japanese people.

In the past, Furutachi introduced the fact that the director of TV Asahi’s overseas department is a Korean person, also introduced it on screen.

A newspaper company that has circulated things like the anti-Japanese propaganda of the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship state as a big scoop article to the world,

A newspaper company says nothing about domestic as well as internationally what newspaper companies say to their dictatorship.

The Japanese people who think so are the only ones who do not know what is now an overwhelming number.

They are still misunderstanding that they represent Japan, even now.

There is no such a foolish and ugly person so much.

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First and foremost, genuine speech is not to rely on one's numbers.

2017年03月29日 17時17分05秒 | 日記

It goes without saying about their characteristics, but speaks to the United Nations that the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship state is overrun, saying that it is loud and human rights abuses.

Called a so-called citizen group, collects ten-person old people and eccentric women, conducts nuclear reactive ban provisional disposition litigation, criminal complaints about damage at Toyonaka-Noda's sale of state-owned land, and so on. It goes without saying that you should file a complaint on acquiring the Asahi Shimbun Headquarters in Tsukiji. Or sale of former state railway site = It goes without saying that criminal charges should be filed for the enormous damage in the collection of the debt of 30 trillion yen of the former national rail that we are burdened with tax.

Those who gave a great voice to the establishment of the Personal Information Protection Law just protecting bad guys and entertainers at all,

Now all of those who have raised opposition voice in a loud voice against the enactment of the law which is the terror prevention law and the spy protection law which is the most natural law in any country in the world,

We must know that Chongryon, the agents of North Korea, Korea, China or people who are fully manipulated by them.

The spies who have used Japan as a spy heavenly country that is unparalleled in the world,

Alternatively, the agents who received various benefits from their country,

Like the past,

It is because it is impossible to conduct unscrupulous activities against Japan and Japanese citizens.

Naturally, such as the sense of crisis, we are out of the question.

Better yet, a decent Japanese citizen of 99% has no sense of such a sense of crisis.

There is no need to hold it.

First and foremost, genuine speech is not to rely on one's numbers.

It is self-evident that there is nothing as dangerous as a scholar's title, if you look at Japan until August three years ago.

However, it is said that those humans are scholars,

Most of them are living up to their livelihoods with taxes of the people, who are living sitting pretty lives,

It is unnecessarily sinful.

It is obvious that Yama is waiting with the greatest torture in hell.

Because the crimes committed by them are so large that they cannot be redeemed, they are enormous.

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In other words, if it is a person who is consistent with your distorted thought,

2017年03月29日 16時30分59秒 | 日記

The following are papers submitted to the world on 2016/3/18.

Last night I thought it was news from MS, but an article about somehow Kawakami who served as a commentator of "news station" came out.It is such a story that it can only be said that it is stupid.

TV Asahi = Asahi Shimbun that set such a human being at the center of the screen seems to be an authority also, that the constitution that forged the comfort women's report is still as it is, nothing changed at all It was proved to be.

In other words, if it is a person who is consistent with your distorted thought,
Lift the man who was born to lie that Yoshida Seiji etc.,
How do you continue to please Korea, China, but a form that You hurt so much the honor and trust of Japan and Japanese citizens.

Even though the Asahi Shimbun has heavily used it, the television station that it was decided to be a caster of a new program is also poor, but because the Japanese citizens never dance again that they are such things it is better that you burn into your memory firmly.

This article continues.

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2017年03月29日 15時14分25秒 | 日記





















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2017年03月29日 14時43分47秒 | 日記














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조선과 무관하게 오는 보상

2017年03月29日 14時14分45秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

조선과 무관하게 오는 보상

박 대통령의 저격 사건 3 년 만에 1972 년 북한의 납치 사건도 본격화됐다.

충격적인 것은 전직 요원이 납치 사건을 저지른 한국의 노동자당의 관할하에있는 비밀 작전 조직 "낙동강"이 저격 사건에 연루되었다는 자백이다.

납치 피해자와 고베시의 라멘 점원 인 Tanaka Minoru (납치 당시 28 세)와 관련하여 경찰청은 1968 년라면 가게에서 다나카의 가게 주인 인 한국인에 의해 납치되었다.

장영은 (故) 씨가 1999 년에 발간 한 그의 책 "총련 요원"에 따르면, 그는 자신이 낙동강의 일원임을 자백했으며, 이전의라면 가게 주인은 "낙동강" , "낙동강"임원도 다나카 씨의 납치에 연루되어있다.

최고 경영자는 박 총장의 저격 사건에 대한 암시를 암시했다.

Zhang은 무세광 (Mu Se -광) 전 감옥 선고에 최고 경영진이 "지침이나 지시를 주었다"고 주장했다.

총련 장

무세광 전 (Mu Se -광) 형무소장은 사건의 책임자로 진술했다.
그는 이것이 최고 경영자라고 추측합니다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.

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The top executive was criminalized by Hyogo Prefectural Police as saying that he abducted

2017年03月29日 13時35分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The darkness of the highest executive cannot be known.

Sankei Shimbun last May,

As an independent sanction for North Korea's nuclear test and ballistic missile launch,

To Chongryon executives who have been pointed out cooperation for nuclear missile development and members of the Korean Science and Technology Association in Japan,

As a target of the re-entry ban after the travel to North Korea, which the Japanese government is applying,

Male Associate Professor at Kyoto University Nuclear Furnace Research Institute is included.

According to Shincho 45 this March issue, this associate professor says son-in-law of the highest executive.

The top executive was criminalized by Hyogo Prefectural Police as saying that he abducted Mr. Minoru Tanaka in 2003, but the accusations remain on shelves.

Mu Se-gwang former prison sentence stated that the reason why he shot Park President with a handgun stolen in Japan is due to Japan and Korea separation.

It is according to North Korea's strategy to isolate Korea from the liberal camp and to reddish.

And now, as a result of Korean pro-North forces using the comfort women issue to fuel anti-Japanese public opinion, the Japanese ambassador to Korea has not left a home after returning home temporarily.

In the middle of the Cold War, North Korea's remarks that caused Park's presidential sniper attack are steadily becoming real.

The Cold War has not ended.

The tension has risen to the limit and the possibility of emergency on peninsular is pointed out.

Does Japan prepare for the threat?

Osaka Sound Argument Manager Kojima Shinichi

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L'exécutif suprême a laissé entendre les implications

2017年03月29日 13時29分18秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Le prix de laisser Chongryon faire ce qu'il veut

En 1972, trois ans après le cas du tireur embusqué par le président, l'affaire de l'enlèvement japonais par la Corée du Nord a également pris son essor.

Ce qui est choquant, c'est l'aveu d'un ancien agent selon lequel l'organisation secrète des opérations «Rivière Nakdong», sous la juridiction du Parti des travailleurs de Corée, qui aurait exécuté l'enlèvement, était impliquée dans le cas des tireurs embusqués.

En ce qui concerne la victime de l'enlèvement de l'enlèvement et l'employé de Ramen de la ville de Kobe, Tanaka Minoru (28 au moment de l'enlèvement), l'Agence nationale de police a été enlevée en 1968 par des résidents coréens qui étaient commerçants de M. Tanaka à la boutique de ramen.

Selon son livre "Chongryon Agent" (publié en 1999) par M. Zhang Young Eun (décédé), il a avoué que c'était un membre de "Nakdong River" lui-même, l'ancien propriétaire de magasin ramen est un membre de "Nakdong River" , "Nakdong River" cadres supérieurs sont également impliqués dans l'enlèvement de M. Tanaka.

L'exécutif suprême a laissé entendre les implications pour le cas du tireur isolé du président Park.

M. Zhang a affirmé que les cadres supérieurs «donné des conseils ou des instructions» à Mu Se-gwang ancienne peine de prison, et Chongryon chef de la branche politique qui Mu Se-gwang condamnation à l'emprisonnement a déclaré que le directeur de l'incident, il devine que c'est le top exécutif.

Ce projet se poursuit.

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L'esecutivo supremo accennato implicazioni per caso cecchino del President Park.

2017年03月29日 13時28分45秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Il prezzo di lasciare Chongryon fare come gli pare

Nel 1972, tre anni dopo caso cecchino del presidente, il caso di rapimento giapponese dalla Corea del Nord ha ottenuto anche in pieno svolgimento.

Ciò che è scioccante è la confessione di un ex agente che l'organizzazione operazione segreta "Nakdong River" sotto la giurisdizione del Partito dei Lavoratori di Corea, che si dice abbia eseguito il sequestro, è stato coinvolto nel caso cecchino.

Per quanto riguarda la vittima rapimento rapito e Ramen dipendente di Kobe City negozio, Tanaka Minoru (28 al momento del rapimento), l'Agenzia nazionale di polizia è stato rapito nel 1968 da parte di residenti coreani che erano negozianti di Tanaka presso il negozio di ramen Ha detto che.

Secondo il suo libro "Chongryon Agent" (pubblicato nel 1999) da Mr Zhang giovane Eun (deceduto), ha confessato che era un membro della "Nakdong River" se stesso, l'ex proprietario del negozio di ramen è un membro del "Nakdong River" , "Nakdong River" alti dirigenti sono coinvolti anche nel rapimento di Tanaka.

L'esecutivo supremo accennato implicazioni per caso cecchino del President Park.

Il signor Zhang ha affermato che i massimi dirigenti "hanno dato indicazioni o istruzioni" per Mu Se-Gwang ex carcere, e il ramo Chongryon capo politico che Mu Se-Gwang ex carcere ha dichiarato come il direttore dell'incidente, egli indovina questo è il top esecutivo.

Questo progetto continua.

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El ejecutivo supremo insinuó las implicaciones

2017年03月29日 13時28分09秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

El precio de dejar que Chongryon haga lo que quiera

En 1972, tres años después del caso del francotirador del presidente, el caso del secuestro japonés por Corea del Norte también entró en pleno apogeo.

Lo que es sorprendente es la confesión de un antiguo agente de que la organización secreta de operaciones "Río Nakdong" bajo la jurisdicción del Partido de los Trabajadores de Corea, que se dice que ejecutó el secuestro, estuvo involucrada en el caso de francotiradores.

En cuanto a la víctima secuestrada del secuestrado y al empleado de la tienda Ramen de Tanya Minoru (28 en el momento del secuestro), la Agencia Nacional de Policía fue secuestrada en 1968 por residentes coreanos que eran comerciantes de Tanaka en la tienda de ramen.

De acuerdo con su libro "Agente Chongryon" (publicado en 1999) por el Sr. Zhang Young Eun (fallecido), confesó que era un miembro de "Río Nakdong" él mismo, el antiguo dueño de la tienda ramen es un miembro de "Río Nakdong" , "Nakdong River" altos ejecutivos también están involucrados en el secuestro del Sr. Tanaka.

El ejecutivo supremo insinuó las implicaciones para el caso del francotirador del Presidente Park.

El Sr. Zhang afirmó que los altos ejecutivos "dio orientación o instrucción" a Mu Se-gwang sentencia de prisión anterior, y Chongryon jefe de la rama política que Mu Se-gwang sentencia de prisión declaró que el director del incidente, él conjetura que esta es la parte superior ejecutivo.

Este proyecto continúa.

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Die oberste Führungskraft deutete auf Implikationen

2017年03月29日 13時27分34秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.

Der Preis von lassen Chongryon tun, wie er will

Im Jahr 1972, drei Jahre nach dem Scharfschützen-Fall des Präsidenten, kam auch der japanische Entführungsfall Nordkoreas in vollem Gange.

Was ist schockierend ist das Bekenntnis eines ehemaligen Agenten, dass die geheime Operationsorganisation "Nakdong River" unter der Zuständigkeit der Arbeiterpartei von Korea, die die Entführung durchgeführt hat, in den Scharfschützenfall involviert war.

In Bezug auf das Entführungs-Opfer der Beamter und der Beamter von Ramen, Tanaka Minoru (28 zum Zeitpunkt der Entführung), wurde die Nationale Polizeibehörde 1968 von koreanischen Bewohnern entführt, die Kaufleute von Herrn Tanaka im Ramenladen waren. Er sagte das.

Nach seinem Buch "Chongryon Agent" (veröffentlicht 1999) von Herrn Zhang Young Eun (verstorben), gestand er, dass es ein Mitglied des "Nakdong River" selbst war, ist der ehemalige ramen Ladenbesitzer Mitglied des "Nakdong River" , "Nakdong River" Top-Führungskräfte sind auch in der Entführung von Herrn Tanaka beteiligt.

Die oberste Führungskraft deutete auf Implikationen für Präsidenten Parks Scharfschützenfall.

Herr Zhang behauptet, dass die Top-Führungskräfte "gab Anleitung oder Unterweisung" an Mu Se-gwang ehemalige Haftstrafe, und Chongryon Zweig politischen Chef, der Mu Se-gwang ehemalige Haftstrafe als Direktor des Vorfalls angegeben, er vermutet, dass dies die Spitze ist Exekutive

Dieser Entwurf fährt fort.

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2017年03月29日 13時27分02秒 | 日記





關於綁架受害者和神戶市的拉麵店員Tanaka Minoru(28人在綁架時),國家警察局於1968年被韓國居民綁架,他們是在拉麵店的田中先生的店主他說。

根據張永仁先生(死者)1999年出版的“中華代理”(1999年出版),他承認自己是“Nakdong河”的成員,前拉麵店老闆是“Nakdong河”的成員, “Nakdong River”高層管理人員也捲入了田中先生的綁架事件。


張先生斷言,高層管理人員對於曾被監禁的Mu Se-gang作出指示或指示,而Mu Se-gang曾經監禁的Chongryon分支政治首席執政官就是這個事件的主任,他猜測這是頂級的行政人員。


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2017年03月29日 13時26分33秒 | 日記





关于绑架受害者和神户市的拉面店员Tanaka Minoru(28人在绑架时),国家警察局于1968年被韩国居民绑架,他们是在拉面店的田中先生的店主他说。

根据张永仁先生(死者)1999年出版的“中华代理”(1999年出版),他承认自己是“Nakdong河”的成员,前拉面店老板是“Nakdong河”的成员, “Nakdong River”高层管理人员也卷入了田中先生的绑架事件。


张先生断言,高层管理人员对于曾被监禁的Mu Se-gang作出指示或指示,而Mu Se-gang曾经监禁的Chongryon分支政治首席执政官就是这个事件的主任,他猜测这是顶级的行政人员。


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