In addition, the following articles are also published.
"A great sin of the Asahi Shimbun, President Tomoo Hirooka. Have 'Nanjing Massacre' written in Honda Katsuichi "is an article entitled.
In "travel in China" written by Asahi Shimbun reporter Honda Katsuichi, "Nanjing Massacre" is written.
In this story, Tomoo Hirooka, the president of the Asahi Shimbun, became a passive of the Chinese government, he made Katsuichi Honda write, it is a forged story.
Let's introduce the history in detail.
‘Asahi Shimbun cannot avoid, another post-war responsibility’
President Hirooka who also neglected the general shareholders' meeting and was visiting China
In 1964, China signed the ‘Japan-China Press Conference Agreement’ with Japanese mass media companies,
Under the condition that ‘Do not report unfavorably to China’, each company sent correspondents.
However, concerning news about the Cultural Revolution, etc., Japanese press organizations have left the country as a whole,
By 1970, the mass media resident in China had withdrawn from China one after another.
Meanwhile, Asahi Shimbun president Tomoo Hirooka (then), from March to April 1970,
He also neglected the general shareholders' meeting to be chairman and stayed in China for one month.
President Hirooka will meet with Prime Minister Zhou Enlai at that time, as correspondents of other companies are expelled one after another, and he receiving unusual hospitality.
As a result, only Asahi Shimbun will be allowed to stay in Beijing.
After returning from China, President Hirooka directed Honda Katsuichi reporter to interview in China.
Honda reporter covered China over 40 days from June 1971,
The result was ‘travel in China’.
Honda reporter's ‘travel in China’ was serialized in Asahi Newspaper from August 1971.
However, in a series of interviews, the Communist Party's Foreign Ministry newspaper, beforehand, prepared ‘witnesses’ in the field,
Honda reporter toss the story of ‘Storyteller7 prepared by China to accept without questioning, it was only an article.
Later, Honda, who received protests by readers who read ‘travel in China’,
‘Since I am speaking as it is said by the Chinese side, would you please do it directly to the Chinese side if you protest?’
It is surprisingly responsive to journalists' remarks that I cannot think of.
Honda reporters testify this interview without the need to search for witnesses and do not have the trouble as follows.
However the rails are laid and the interviewing partners will match from China without having a search from here, so, the question is how to listen in large quantities from the opponent in a short time, moreover, it is such a problem how to listen accurately '
In other words, Honda reporter does not have any ‘backing-up investigation’ of Japanese side who was regarded as perpetrator, it is said that the testimony of the Chinese side was used as it is.
‘Travel in China’ is still being read as evidence that the Japanese brutality is told to the world.
Also, as one of the grounds for a series of ‘Nanjing Massacre’ reports reported by the Asahi Shimbun, including ‘travel in China’, China has applied for ‘Nanjing Massacre’ as a UNESCO Memorial Heritage of the United Nations.
Now that the verification for ‘comfort women’ began, it is a thorough investigation of this ‘Nanjing Massacre Embargo Incident’ that the Asahi Shimbun should tackle as the final liquidation.
* This article was published in the largest library in the history of human beings called the Internet in 2015-01-23.*