文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but there is no evidence that Honda or Asahi covered the Japanese side.

2017年11月05日 21時36分38秒 | 日記

The following is the chapter sent to 2016-05-04.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Questionnaire was sent to officials of former Fushun Mining Co., Ltd., former South Manchuria Mining Co., Ltd.

As a result of meeting with about 60 respondents who answered, all respondents answered as follows. 

'I have never seen pit of ten thousand corpses' 'I did not even know the word pit of ten thousand corpses'

Tanabe announced the findings that in Heisei 2, magazine Sound Argument (August issue) ‘There was no pit of ten thousand corpses.’

To this, Honda refuted ‘It is strange to conclude with a small number of questionnaires.’

In response to the discrepancies between the two sides, the Tokyo Fushun Kai made by former Fushun Coal Mine officials sent questionnaires to all 1,000 members.

Scrutinizing the responses from 469 people, the association concluded that 'there was no pit of ten thousand corpses as a places to throw out humans of forced labor.'

Executives of former South Manchuria Mining Co., Ltd. had asked the Asahi Shimbun at that time to cancel the article saying 'pit of ten thousand corpses is a groundless'.

However, it was said that it was 'refusing to receive a caller'.

Kentaro Kuno who was an electric engineer at Fushun Coal Mine also sent a letter to Honda for protest.

In March 1986, Honda posted this reply to Kuno.

‘I am only speaking to say the Chinese side as it is, so if you are protesting, would you please do it directly to the Chinese side?’

A lot of people should have survived at the time of serialization, but there is no evidence that Honda or Asahi covered the Japanese side.

This draft continues.


2017年11月05日 21時10分57秒 | 日記






これに本多は「少数のアンケートで断定するのはおかしい」 と反論した。  










President Hirooka then commanded do not write down inconvenient things to China.

2017年11月05日 17時45分15秒 | 日記

The following is from the article posted on zakzak by former University of Tokyo Professor Nobuhiko Sakai at April 23, 2014.

China's Xi Jinping President on March 28, a speech in Berlin city, ‘35 million Chinese casualties by the militarism of Japan came out," "(the Nanjing Massacre victims) more than 300,000’ He criticized Japan full of falsehood.

I cannot accept it.

The fact that the Nanjing massacre was a propaganda of the Chinese National Party government led by Chiang Kai-shek is a British journalist, Henry S. Stokes, who served as the Tokyo Branch Director of the English Times and the New York Times, It is also noted in "Falsehood of Victory historical view by Allied nations" (Shoden-sha new book).

Asahi Shimbun reported on the 30th morning edition the statement of Xi Jinping President earlier, flowing gently in the heading "an attitude to history problems appeal to domestic and overseas".

For the Chinese Communist leader to be so arrogant, it may be that the media reports of the Asahi Shimbun have greatly ‘contributed’.

Before the normalization of Japan - China diplomatic relations in 1972, Japanese journalists were dispatched to China with reporters exchanged beginning in 1964. Japanese journalists are expelled one after another, revealing the truth of the Cultural Revolution from 1966, but only the Asahi newspaper reporters remained.

About this background, in a series article "Verification · Showa coverage" reviewing the report of the Asahi Shimbun in the Showa era which started in March 2009 (paper book is "Newspaper and Showa" Asahi Shimbun Publishing), explained as follows There.

However, do not bend the fact or write a lie absolutely

"In Akioka, in exchange for his predecessor Nogami in November 1967, when he arrived in Beijing, he received instructions from Tomoko Hirooka, the president," If you write it, there will be a limit of being expelled from India, that case, please It's just one step. Speaking extreme, it may be zero. It is just write it. It, you do not bend the fact or write a lie absolutely. "Hirooka interviewed for internal records later Talking about instructions to Akioka, it is a way of thinking called 'the witness of history' theory within the company "(monograph 410 pages)

Akioka is that of the then Asahi Shimbun Beijing bureau director, Akioka Ieshige. President Hirooka then commanded do not write down inconvenient things to China.


2017年11月05日 16時50分03秒 | 日記






























2017年11月05日 16時40分11秒 | 日記







Asahi Shimbun cannot avoid, another post-war responsibility

2017年11月05日 16時22分53秒 | 日記

In addition, the following articles are also published. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nagatachoucafe7/e/54c2756a11c6ef1030acc1da4e9205f2

"A great sin of the Asahi Shimbun, President Tomoo Hirooka. Have 'Nanjing Massacre' written in Honda Katsuichi "is an article entitled.

In "travel in China" written by Asahi Shimbun reporter Honda Katsuichi, "Nanjing Massacre" is written.

In this story, Tomoo Hirooka, the president of the Asahi Shimbun, became a passive of the Chinese government, he made Katsuichi Honda write, it is a forged story.

Let's introduce the history in detail.

‘Asahi Shimbun cannot avoid, another post-war responsibility’

President Hirooka who also neglected the general shareholders' meeting and was visiting China

In 1964, China signed the ‘Japan-China Press Conference Agreement’ with Japanese mass media companies,

Under the condition that ‘Do not report unfavorably to China’, each company sent correspondents.

However, concerning news about the Cultural Revolution, etc., Japanese press organizations have left the country as a whole,

By 1970, the mass media resident in China had withdrawn from China one after another.

Meanwhile, Asahi Shimbun president Tomoo Hirooka (then), from March to April 1970,

He also neglected the general shareholders' meeting to be chairman and stayed in China for one month.

President Hirooka will meet with Prime Minister Zhou Enlai at that time, as correspondents of other companies are expelled one after another, and he receiving unusual hospitality.

As a result, only Asahi Shimbun will be allowed to stay in Beijing.

After returning from China, President Hirooka directed Honda Katsuichi reporter to interview in China.

Honda reporter covered China over 40 days from June 1971,

The result was ‘travel in China’.

Honda reporter's ‘travel in China’ was serialized in Asahi Newspaper from August 1971.

However, in a series of interviews, the Communist Party's Foreign Ministry newspaper, beforehand, prepared ‘witnesses’ in the field,

Honda reporter toss the story of ‘Storyteller7 prepared by China to accept without questioning, it was only an article.

Later, Honda, who received protests by readers who read ‘travel in China’,

‘Since I am speaking as it is said by the Chinese side, would you please do it directly to the Chinese side if you protest?’

It is surprisingly responsive to journalists' remarks that I cannot think of.

Honda reporters testify this interview without the need to search for witnesses and do not have the trouble as follows.

However the rails are laid and the interviewing partners will match from China without having a search from here, so, the question is how to listen in large quantities from the opponent in a short time, moreover, it is such a problem how to listen accurately '

In other words, Honda reporter does not have any ‘backing-up investigation’ of Japanese side who was regarded as perpetrator, it is said that the testimony of the Chinese side was used as it is.

‘Travel in China’ is still being read as evidence that the Japanese brutality is told to the world.

Also, as one of the grounds for a series of ‘Nanjing Massacre’ reports reported by the Asahi Shimbun, including ‘travel in China’, China has applied for ‘Nanjing Massacre’ as a UNESCO Memorial Heritage of the United Nations.

Now that the verification for ‘comfort women’ began, it is a thorough investigation of this ‘Nanjing Massacre Embargo Incident’ that the Asahi Shimbun should tackle as the final liquidation.

* This article was published in the largest library in the history of human beings called the Internet in 2015-01-23.*


2017年11月05日 15時36分13秒 | 日記






























2017年11月05日 15時25分44秒 | 日記

前章の記事は「【朝日新聞研究】中国に都合の悪いことは書くなと命じた文革期の朝日社長 」と題した記事の2ページ目である。





朝日新聞は同30日朝刊で、先の習主席の発言を「歴史問題への姿勢 国内外にアピール」との見出しで、淡々と報じた。









2017年11月05日 14時52分58秒 | 日記









 ■酒井信彦(さかい・のぶひこ) 元東京大学教授。1943年、神奈川県生まれ。70年3月、東大大学院人文科学研究科修士課程修了。同年4月、東大史料編纂所に勤務し、「大日本史料」(11編・10編)の編纂に従事する一方、アジアの民族問題などを中心に研究する。現在、月刊誌などでコラムを執筆する。著書に「虐日偽善に狂う朝日新聞」(日新報道)など。


2017年11月05日 14時51分07秒 | 日記









 ■酒井信彦(さかい・のぶひこ) 元東京大学教授。1943年、神奈川県生まれ。70年3月、東大大学院人文科学研究科修士課程修了。同年4月、東大史料編纂所に勤務し、「大日本史料」(11編・10編)の編纂に従事する一方、アジアの民族問題などを中心に研究する。現在、月刊誌などでコラムを執筆する。著書に「虐日偽善に狂う朝日新聞」(日新報道)など。


2017年11月05日 14時44分40秒 | 日記








前文省略 by 神谷万丈

たとえば、防衛庁の準機関誌的な存在だった防衛問題専門誌『國防』は、早くも1958年9月号に、当時は防衛庁参事官だった佐伯喜一と朝日、読売両新聞の論説委員らによる座談会「永世中立国の国防 座談会-スイスの核武装問題をめぐって」を、37頁を割いて掲載した。この中で、佐伯は、スイスの核武装方針の表明を受けて、日本も核武装の可否を「非常に真剣に、リアルに、総合的な見地から検討」すべきだと述べている。









I believe that the discussion above applies to the defense posture of Japan to China

2017年11月05日 14時20分49秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Discussion also to deter military expansion of China

Finally, I want to add.

I believe that the discussion above applies to the defense posture of Japan to China.

China is continuing to drastically increase defense spending against the backdrop of remarkable growth in economic power.

The annual defense expenditure announced in 2017 amounted to approximately 1,444 billion yuan, tripled in 2007 (approximately 347.2 billion yuan).

In addition, China is the only country that has increased nuclear weapons possessed out of the U.S. Russia, the UK and France, which is allowed to possess nuclear weapons at the NPT after the end of the Cold War.

In the background of such military expansion, China is increasing provocative behavior in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

I think that Japan's defense policy could be regarded as a ‘constant’ as one factor that has brought about these attitudes and actions in China.

That's why I do not want to say whether to nuclear weapons or oppose China.

However, I think that it is necessary for China to take serious thinking that unfavorable changes (in terms of China) may occur in Japan's defense posture if China does not stop the military attitude.

It is necessary to let North Korea know that Japan’s defense posture may change in

2017年11月05日 14時10分44秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Preamble abridgment.

So, as Japan strives to improve the credibility of the US nuclear deterrent nuclear deterrence (nuclear umbrella) with emphasis on the alliance with the United States as before, at the same time, to counter measure against North Korea in the category of ordinary weapons It is probably a good idea to strengthen it. In case

But it is important for Japan to show North Korea the balance the profits and losses stance of nuclear arms.

It is impossible for North Korea to minimize that 'Japan's defense posture will not change whatever North Korea do'

It becomes an important brake against that runaway.

Japanese people are required to recognize this point clearly. Abbreviation.

In other words, it is to possess it, and what extent we possess, should be decided based on a comprehensive profitable account about enemy base attacking abilities.

In any case, however, it must be understood that Japan's seriousness of earnings accounts in this regard also serves as an important obstacle to North Korea's runaway.

It is necessary to let North Korea know that Japan’s defense posture may change in an undesirable direction (in view of North Korea) depending on his actions.

This draft continues.

deterrence (nuclear umbrella) with emphasis on the alliance with the United States as before, at the same time, to counter measure against North Korea in the category of ordinary weapons It is probably a good idea to strengthen it. In case

But it is important for Japan to show North Korea the balance the profits and losses stance of nuclear arms.

It is impossible for North Korea to minimize that 'Japan's defense posture will not change whatever North Korea do'

It becomes an important brake against that runaway.

Japanese people are required to recognize this point clearly.


In other words, it is to possess it, and what extent we possess, should be decided based on a comprehensive profitable account about enemy base attacking abilities.

In any case, however, it must be understood that Japan's seriousness of earnings accounts in this regard also serves as an important obstacle to North Korea's runaway.

It is necessary to let North Korea know that Japan’s defense posture may change in an undesirable direction (in view of North Korea) depending on his actions.

This draft continues.

He does not have any distorted thought, and he is looking straight at Japan and the world

2017年11月05日 14時07分04秒 | 日記

It is no longer a historical fact that the University of Tokyo is a university that has produced brainwashing scholars and graduates brainwashed by self-tormenting historical view, Marxism, Communism, etc.

Strictly speaking, the owner of such distorted thought became a scholar, a lawyer, a judge, a newspaper reporter, an employee of a television broadcasting station,

Economic damage that has continued to give to Japan and Japanese citizens is huge astronomical, as already mentioned.

They continue to foster or support the Nanjing massacre and military comfort women's coverage and still hurt the credibility and honor of Japan and the Japanese people, but their damage is also great losses that cannot be converted into monetary amounts.

I first knew about Mr. Kamiya Matake by reading the paper published in Monthly magazine Sound Argument this month, I thought that he is Shinzo Abe among the graduates of the University of Tokyo.

He does not have any distorted thought, and he is looking straight at Japan and the world.

Its brains are together.

This draft continues.


la situation actuelle que le Japon

2017年11月05日 13時44分54秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Squeeze finance · finances publiques, permettre appréciation Yen .......

La croissance économique du Japon serait tombée dans une situation plus difficile que les «20 ans perdus».

Quoi qu'il en soit, le plus gros problème de la stagnation de l'économie japonaise est l'existence d'un pessimisme.

A l'origine, dire que le Japon, qui est une économie forte "faible", favorise plutôt l'épargne, freine l'investissement, et on dit que le cours de l'action est une bulle et demande une réduction des prix.

De plus, la BOJ relâche la finance et fait une bulle, car la BOJ intervient sur le marché et manipule le taux d'intérêt, c'est malsain .......

Quoi qu'il en soit de la critique, Abenomics, la politique monétaire de la BOJ continue à dire qu'elle échouera.

Si les gens croient une telle opinion pessimiste des leaders d'opinion, l'économie saine du Japon tombera aussi malade comme «la maladie et la santé commencent avec l'esprit».

De plus, ils ne vérifieront pas par le résultat.

Ils ne vont pas y réfléchir, "Non, ce sera pire à partir de maintenant" et ils en ont fini avec ça.

Cependant, en fin de compte, le développement de formidables technologies a commencé, et la capacité de l'économie japonaise est en hausse.

Je m'inquiète de la situation actuelle dans laquelle le Japon dans son ensemble est contaminé par de mauvais leaders d'opinion.

Il n'y a aucun plaisir à cela si cela aide à purifier ce livre de cette pollution même un peu.