After stopping the subscription of the Asahi Shimbun and deciding to subscribe to the Yomiuri Shimbun, there are three cases of deliveries of Asahi, Yomiuri and Nikkei to our home for a while.
Since then, I started to look through the newspaper which was only oblique reading at all than I had before.
Today, after reading the above 3 papers, my friend brought the Sankei newspaper.
I realized again that in Japan now, there is only Sankei Shimbun newspaper worth reading.
It is the artist work that, by directing light to the concealed truth, the hidden truth, can express it.
Therefore, an artist is respected.
This is the phrase which was told when the famous ballet professor in Monaco visited Japan though,
On the contrary, it is no exaggeration to say that it is an agent of the government and intelligence agencies in China and the Korean Peninsula with distorted thought,
The people who called writers, incessantly appeared in Japan until now.
In case of the journalist, it is not necessary to express, but it does not blunder, it is by the work that, correctly, a concealed fact, a hidden fact are told and there is not their work except it.
Those who do not even make that basic, they make a living by criticizing the Japanese government and preaching to Japanese citizens,
Asahi Shimbun etc. etc.
To the extent that it is no more, in fact, the most malignant, NHK's watch 9 and so on are misunderstanding, so they are dorky.
Watch 9 and others came out last night with a corner such as the last comment from last night ... In disastrously it was a deflection news report of the former Asahi newspaper reporter Tsukushi Tetsuya who hid the fact that it is a Korean residence in Japan ... I am really frustrated that I saw this program without knowing anything ...
Well, those who dominate NHK 's watch 9 ... Okoshi is one of boss ... ... was that modeling of that terrible anti - Japanese historical program ... I am appalled by that.
At the very least, I only hope that only the variety show of Kuwako and Arima will be kept to a minimum and only the facts will be reported.
It is a story that I cannot stand as a viewer not to see all the news programs since 9 o'clock.
Although there is NHKBS international coverage since 22 o'clock, then there would be no meaning of terrestrial wave in Japan.
They do not have known they have a distorted brain that was brainwashed by foolish university professors with Marxism and etc., depending on pretended-moralism, masochistic view of history,
This draft continues.