The following is from Masayuki Takayama's paper published in the weekly Shincho released today.
This paper also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
Admonishing Prime Minister
The Asahi Shimbun will have their eyes are filled with tears when it comes to Korea.
The love is pitiful, and it squirms.
So if something like a Japanese magazine is going to be an opinion in Korea, it's already angry and makes an uproar with editorials, 'The media fan an antagonism toward South Korea.'
In the previous war, the media continues, 'The media has in line with national policies and has planted British and American enemies and contempt to China and Korea.'
I know Americans and English people are satanic animals that are the Great Satan, but I'm new to the second half.
Then, I say, it is a complete lie.
Integrate Korea with the land (mainland Japan) without discriminatory treatment
In Japan, Koreans were treated with the same procedure as the Japanese with 'Integrate Korea with the land (mainland Japan) without discriminatory treatment,' and they were also given the benefits of exemption from conscription and tax reduction.
There was no outrage that the United States used colonial Filipinos, and the British used Indians as shields for their own soldiers.
In China, Wang Jingwei was supported, and in Shanghai and others, the days of well-being continued until the end of the war.
The people enjoyed the stage of Li Xianglan, and the people in Wolhushan, the suburb of Beijing, were protected by the Japanese army from the looting of the communist guerrillas.
The editorial also wrote that there was also the propagation of civilization from the peninsula.
It is also true, 'Culture is from Japan'.
The only awkwardness came from the peninsula.
To prove that, the red pepper from Tang entered Korea via Japan.
So on the peninsula, the chairman of Moranbong said, 'the red pepper from Tang is called the red pepper from Japan.'
This article continues.