When I was watching the last sports corner of watch9 the night before yesterday, in the close-up Hyundai after the end, there was a narration about the Kansai Electric Power Company problem as if NHK finally cut into the Buraku Liberation Alliance.
So I found it in half in doubt, but the deceptive appearance is exactly this,
It was no exaggeration to say that there was no criticism of the Buraku Liberation Alliance, and the contents criticized Kansai Electric Power Company and the policies that promoted nuclear electricity generation and nuclear electricity generation.
In other words, it dominates the NHK's news department ... Now let's say clearly ... The work of the people with anti-Japanese thought ... How to report ... The biased news will not be shown in the biased news ... The narration of the program introduction At first glance, it seemed as if criticizing Moriyama, who was a big figure in the Fukui Prefecture Buraku Liberation Alliance, was actually the Kansai Electric Power Company criticism, criticism of the nuclear power plant ... the most vicious biased report.
Maekawa, who was an anti-Japanese philosopher and was a regular customer of a business affecting public morals store, brought his documents to Asahi Shimbun and NHK, 'It obtained as a result of the personal coverage which NHK gave the total power.'
Arima said at watch9… This lie has not been corrected or apologized yet…
In the first place, since humans like Maekawa were the head of the Ministry of Education, outrageous problems such as the bullying of faculty by faculty members that are now exposed in Kobe, Osaka, Shiga, etc. It is a natural result.
Who can say that the faculty and staff who were incredibly bullying were not the same human beings as Moriyama and others?
Even more so, in the post-war Japan Teachers' Union aspect, and still in Okinawa, the most important strategic base for protecting Japan from the abysmal evil and plausible lie countries,
The U.S. military can go out immediately, and the fact that Japan Teachers' Union is dispatching personnel to the movement that is calling around Yankee, Go Home, etc. If you think, it would be a reasonable guess.
That bullying villainous,
Japan Teachers' Union and the media, which is not an exaggeration to say that the countries of abysmal evil and plausible lie are cooperating with Japan's invasion, the Senkaku Islands as well as the capture of Okinawa Prefecture, There is no mistake at all that such outrageous people have been put into teaching.
NHK puts up the company's total power, and arranges customary epithet that it is thoroughly covering 100 people,
Employees called watch9 and close-up modern casters ... actually, they are national civil servants working for the Japanese national broadcaster ... but when they announce, the anti-Japanese reports of the people who control NHK's news department ... the Asahi Shimbun As a result of the childish, but vicious, pretended-moralism anti-power reports as a result of subscribing,
Japanese people know, laugh and watch, change channels, or all people who thought this was unacceptable must be sent online.
Otherwise, it is very difficult for Japan to lead the world alongside the United States as a country where 'turntables of civilization' are turning.