文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Deep-rooted jealousy towards the Japanese

2024年09月27日 23時01分40秒 | 全般
The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."
This dialogue also proves that Masayuki Takayama is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.
It also proves that the dialogue partner, Miki Otaka, is a genuine journalist.

Anti-Japanese discourse is linked to it.
How can they not even acknowledge the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi...
Countering the outrageous book!

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Shameful Side of America
They get away with rape.
They don't spend any money on it.
The "Amerasian 1982 Act" in the United States symbolizes this.
The term "Amerasian" was coined by Pearl Buck, a Nobel Prize-winning author, to refer to children of mixed race between Americans and Asians. 
American servicemen in countries such as South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines raped women and then abandoned the resulting mixed-race children.
This irresponsibility became a problem, and in 1982, a law was created to grant citizenship to children whose fathers were Americans.
It is the Amerasian 1982 Act.
However, it was stipulated that this did not apply to Japan and the Philippines.

Why were these two countries excluded?
Starting with the Spanish-American War in 1898, the United States ruled over the Philippines for half a century.
The United States was involved in the Philippines for nearly a century, and as a result, the number of rapes was extremely high, and there were more than 500,000 mixed-race children.
It would be a disaster if they gave them citizenship, so they decided to exclude the Philippines.
It is said that there were around 5,000 mixed-race children with Japanese after the war as a result of rape.
However, for example, in John Dower's "Embracing Defeat," it says, "All the American soldiers were gentlemen and did not rape," and "MacArthur was charismatic, and his occupation rule was successful around the world, and saying that "we will provide relief for the children of mixed-race rape victims" would also reveal the severity of GHQ's press censorship.
So, they have been hiding the facts about this law from the Japanese government.
Also, there is no trend among Japanese people to be grateful for American citizenship.

On the other hand, I've never heard of many children being born between Japanese soldiers and local women.
If Japanese soldiers were raping women everywhere, as is claimed in books such as "Japan's Holocaust," it would be no surprise to hear such stories.

The United States they have raped women all over the world to such an extent that they had to pass the Amerasian 1982 Act, but they keep lying to Japan, saying, "You are a nation of rapists."
They should be ashamed of themselves.

As for looting, the US military plundered the Shō family's treasures during the Battle of Okinawa.
They did return some of it, though.

During the Battle of Iwo Jima, Lieutenant Nishitake Ichiro (Baron Nishitake), a gold medalist in equestrian events (1932 Los Angeles Olympics), was killed in action.
Usually, the belongings of the deceased would be collected, but the American soldiers took everything from Lieutenant Nishitake, including his military uniform, sword, and boots.
They often say things like "the dead soldier had it" and return the Japanese flag with the words "victory" written on it.
But that is something you would put in your bellyband.
They go to that extent to search the dead for things.
It's a matter of national character, or rather, they can't get rid of their predatory instincts.

It's a genuinely terrible act.
On the other hand, the Japanese army rarely committed acts of looting.
From the perspective of Western countries, that was a problem.
That's why, during the First Sino-Japanese War, there was a time when a false rumor called the "Lushun Massacre" was spread. 
James Creelman, a Jewish correspondent for the New York World, reported that 60,000 Chinese had been massacred.
In his autobiography, Creelman explains why he made up such a lie, saying that he had seen Japanese soldiers killing Chinese soldiers, ripping out their chests, taking out their hearts, and eating them all together.
It was the Chinese soldiers who did such things.
In fact, after the First Sino-Japanese War, during the Boxer Rebellion, the German Minister Von Ketteler was attacked, and after being tortured to death, his chest was ripped open.
His heart was removed, and the Boxers ate it.

The story of the Japanese army eating human flesh has been spread from the writings of Mr. Toshiyuki Tanaka, a former professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute of Hiroshima City University, who Mr. Rig often quotes.
His spouse is a Jewish woman, and Mr. Tanaka uses several pen names, including Yuki Tanaka, Tetsu Namba, and Masami Akasaka.

Deep-rooted jealousy towards the Japanese
In short, I think there is a deep-rooted jealousy towards the Japanese.
White people are proud of the fact that they hold hegemony over the world.
For the development of humanity, white people are the best at survival of the fittest.
They think it's ok to enslave black people and coolies.
However, it's not good that there is a country like Japan, which is non-Christian and non-white but has much more mercy and charity than Christians and governs each country so well.
That's why they criticize the achievements of Lieutenant General Higuchi and Chiune Sugihara.
They bring up the non-existent comfort women issue and the Nanjing Massacre and publicize how Japan is a wrong country, desperately trying to protect its superiority.
In 1992, when the L.A. riots were happening, I was dispatched to L.A. as a correspondent.
I read A.P., The New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times daily.
However, the tone of the articles was uniformly harsh towards Japan.
When North Korea was suffering from a food shortage and planned to donate food through the U.N., an article criticized Japan for being uncooperative.
Still, the word "KOREA" was always followed by the phrase "they once colonized this country."
Whenever the words "Southeast Asian countries" were used, the phrase "they once invaded this country and committed acts of cruelty" was also added.

It's a terrible expression.
It's clearly an attempt to denigrate Japan.

I was so angry that I called the editorial team at The New York Times to protest.
I complained, "Why are you adding that annotation?" and "Bring in the author," and they said, "Editorials can't tell you who the reporter is. Just tell them that there was a protest."
I told them, "Then the next time you mention the Philippines, add the annotation that the U.S. killed 400,000 people and deceived them into colonizing it," but when the Philippines was mentioned, there was no annotation.

That's really unfair.
Even after that, his expressions regarding Japan remained unchanged.
In May 2013, when Abe visited the Japan Air Self-Defense Force base in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, a photo of him sitting in the cockpit of a Blue Impulse plane and giving a thumbs-up was published in the newspaper.
The aircraft's registration number was "731."
Then, perhaps evoking Unit 731, the Nelson Report, a political and diplomatic information magazine based in Washington, criticized the move, saying, "It's like the German chancellor wearing a Nazi uniform."
The New York Times, as if they had been waiting for this, also wrote about the "731 biological experiments" as if they were true.

Unit 731 was a unit that belonged to the Japanese Empire's Kwantung Army during World War II and is said to have conducted unethical biological experiments on many Korean and Chinese prisoners of war and residents in the process of researching and developing biochemical weapons.
By the way, China is apparently making a remake of the 731 movie for next year.

Unit 731 conducted human experiments on about 3,000 people and collected data.
Stupid Japanese scholars like Tsuneishi Keiichi of Kanagawa University of Humanities have said this nonsense story that the humanitarian United States has never conducted human experiments, so in exchange for valuable data, they forgave Ishii's bacteriological unit and did not incriminate them.
However, that is a complete lie.
The United States is a paradise for human experiments.
It has done crazy things like the Tuskegee experiment, where they secretly conducted human experiments on their citizens for 40 years, injecting syphilis bacteria into Guatemalan prisoners, killing many of them, and giving them plutonium to drop atomic bombs.
The United States keeps complaining about the brutality of the Japanese army, but when nothing comes to light, they make up stories like the Nanjing Massacre and the Bataan Death March.
If Unit 731 had really conducted large-scale human experiments, the United States would have gladly released them and given medals to Commander Ishii and the others.
The content of the human experiments also shows that this story is fabricated.
Unit 731 is said to have been a "vacuum trap for humans, whose eyeballs pop out, whose blood boils, and whose bodies explode with death."

Writer Morimura Seiichi slammed Unit 731 in his novel "Devil's Gluttony."
As a result, this rumor spread.

Then, there was an accident in which the Soviet human-crewed spacecraft "Soyuz" lost air while preparing to re-enter the atmosphere, and the crew suffocated to death in the vacuum.
However, their blood did not boil due to the circumstances, and their eyes did not pop out.
The fact that "Unit 731's experiments" were a lie was revealed.
Most of the other stories about how "the Japanese military was cruel" were actually just stories of cruelty perpetrated by the U.S. side that were made to look like "the Japanese military was doing it."

American missionaries were behind the scenes, and the Kuomintang Propaganda Department was also involved.
Furthermore, after the war, the Asahi Shimbun and the Chinese Communist Party colluded to try to pin the blame for their crimes on Japan by laundering the devilish fabrication of history, claiming that the Nanjing Campaign began in Japan.

If they don't keep repeating that "defeating Japan was the right thing to do" and keep it ingrained in them, the veneer will come off because they started with a lie.
If they leave it alone, people will start saying that "the Japanese are all really nice people," so they have to keep denigrating Japan to contain that.

This article will continue.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

The Shameful Side of America

2024年09月27日 22時41分18秒 | 全般
The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."
This dialogue also proves that Masayuki Takayama is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.
It also proves that the dialogue partner, Miki Otaka, is a genuine journalist.

Anti-Japanese discourse is linked to it.
How can they not even acknowledge the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi...
Countering the outrageous book!

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Shameful Side of America
They get away with rape.
They don't spend any money on it.
The "Amerasian 1982 Act" in the United States symbolizes this.
The term "Amerasian" was coined by Pearl Buck, a Nobel Prize-winning author, to refer to children of mixed race between Americans and Asians. 
American servicemen in countries such as South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines raped women and then abandoned the resulting mixed-race children.
This irresponsibility became a problem, and in 1982, a law was created to grant citizenship to children whose fathers were Americans.
It is the Amerasian 1982 Act.
However, it was stipulated that this did not apply to Japan and the Philippines.

Why were these two countries excluded?
Starting with the Spanish-American War in 1898, the United States ruled over the Philippines for half a century.
The United States was involved in the Philippines for nearly a century, and as a result, the number of rapes was extremely high, and there were more than 500,000 mixed-race children.
It would be a disaster if they gave them citizenship, so they decided to exclude the Philippines.
It is said that there were around 5,000 mixed-race children with Japanese after the war as a result of rape.
However, for example, in John Dower's "Embracing Defeat," it says, "All the American soldiers were gentlemen and did not rape," and "MacArthur was charismatic, and his occupation rule was successful around the world, and saying that "we will provide relief for the children of mixed-race rape victims" would also reveal the severity of GHQ's press censorship.
So, they have been hiding the facts about this law from the Japanese government.
Also, there is no trend among Japanese people to be grateful for American citizenship.

On the other hand, I've never heard of many children being born between Japanese soldiers and local women.
If Japanese soldiers were raping women everywhere, as is claimed in books such as "Japan's Holocaust," it would be no surprise to hear such stories.

The United States they have raped women all over the world to such an extent that they had to pass the Amerasian 1982 Act, but they keep lying to Japan, saying, "You are a nation of rapists."
They should be ashamed of themselves.

As for looting, the US military plundered the Shō family's treasures during the Battle of Okinawa.
They did return some of it, though.

During the Battle of Iwo Jima, Lieutenant Nishitake Ichiro (Baron Nishitake), a gold medalist in equestrian events (1932 Los Angeles Olympics), was killed in action.
Usually, the belongings of the deceased would be collected, but the American soldiers took everything from Lieutenant Nishitake, including his military uniform, sword, and boots.
They often say things like "the dead soldier had it" and return the Japanese flag with the words "victory" written on it.
But that is something you would put in your bellyband.
They go to that extent to search the dead for things.
It's a matter of national character, or rather, they can't get rid of their predatory instincts.

It's a genuinely terrible act.
On the other hand, the Japanese army rarely committed acts of looting.
From the perspective of Western countries, that was a problem.
That's why, during the First Sino-Japanese War, there was a time when a false rumor called the "Lushun Massacre" was spread. 
James Creelman, a Jewish correspondent for the New York World, reported that 60,000 Chinese had been massacred.
In his autobiography, Creelman explains why he made up such a lie, saying that he had seen Japanese soldiers killing Chinese soldiers, ripping out their chests, taking out their hearts, and eating them all together.
It was the Chinese soldiers who did such things.
In fact, after the First Sino-Japanese War, during the Boxer Rebellion, the German Minister Von Ketteler was attacked, and after being tortured to death, his chest was ripped open.
His heart was removed, and the Boxers ate it.

The story of the Japanese army eating human flesh has been spread from the writings of Mr. Toshiyuki Tanaka, a former professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute of Hiroshima City University, who Mr. Rig often quotes.
His spouse is a Jewish woman, and Mr. Tanaka uses several pen names, including Yuki Tanaka, Tetsu Namba, and Masami Akasaka.

This article will continue.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

I think that the Jewish community also participates in this. 

2024年09月27日 22時07分23秒 | 全般
The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."
This dialogue also proves that Masayuki Takayama is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.
It also proves that the dialogue partner, Miki Otaka, is a genuine journalist.

anti-Japanese discourse is linked to it.
How can they not even acknowledge the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi...
Countering the outrageous book!

There are forces all over the world that seek to undermine Japan.
In March 2024, a preposterous book called "Japan's Holocaust" (written by Brian Mark Rig / not yet translated into Japanese) was published in the United States.
The book contains absurd theories such as the "comfort women" issue, the Nanking Massacre, and the "massacre of 30 million people in Asia by the Japanese army under orders from the emperor". Furthermore, the author, Mr. Rig, boasts that he "conducted research at more than 18 research facilities in five countries".
Despite this, there are also ridiculous passages such as "the Japanese army were pedophiles, just like Jeffrey Epstein," which discuss the Japanese army on a par with child prostitution brokers, and the book is complete of war crime delusions on a par with those of Yoshida Seiji.
In response to such a ridiculous book, Ms. Otaka published "A New Look at the 'Japan's Holocaust'" (Businesssha).
He thoroughly refutes the book using his extensive knowledge and investigative skills.
Who is the author, Rig?
Born in 1971, he is a Jew living in the United States.
He holds the titles of American Military University (German military history) and Southern Methodist University historian at the American Military University (German military history) and Southern Methodist University historian.
He is also a former Marine Corps officer and a board member of the Holocaust Museum in Dallas.
Rigg has also published a book called "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" (not yet translated into Japanese), but there were allegations of plagiarism.
The book is about the 150,000 people in the Nazi German army who were classified as having Jewish ancestry.
As a result of the racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s, an astonishing number of German soldiers were classified by the Nazis as Jews or as "part-Jews." 
Including this aspect, Rigg developed a critique of Hitler's rule, but when he wrote an article on "part-Jews" before publication, he was accused by a German scholar of plagiarism.
Incidentally, Dr. Henry Turner, a Yale University professor who was Mr. Rigg's supervisor, said, "Mr. Rigg is not actually an intellectual or a historian, and he is not suited to academia, so I refused to recommend him for graduate school."
There's nothing we can do about it.
Even though someone like this wrote this book, the Washington Post ran an article entitled "War Crimes Committed in the Name of the Emperor: During World War II, Japan committed numerous atrocities against its Asian neighbors." rape, beheadings, mutilations, and disembowelments were routine occurrences for the Japanese military, from the lowest-ranking soldiers to the highest-ranking officers."
(dated April 26, 2024), etc., and it is a big problem.
Andrew Roberts, a neo-conservative, is listed as a signatory to Japan's Holocaust letter, which justified the Iraq War by claiming that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
Incidentally, when it was discovered that there were no weapons of mass destruction, Mr. Roberts made some very strained excuses.
Also, the person who recommended him, Lee R. Mandel, said, "Most of the discussion of the Holocaust of World War II centers on the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany. The Holocaust committed by the Empire of Japan has been little studied and even less recognized. Historian Brian Riggs has documented what is probably the definitive study on the subject in his exhaustive research. (...), 'Japan's Holocaust' is a must-read for any student of World War II." I really doubt that he wrote such a compliment after reading the book.
It shows where the recommender is from.

Anti-Japanese Discourse is Interlocking
I feel that anti-Japanese discourse is interlocking, not only in "Japan's Holocaust" but also more recently.
In 2017, Thomas Lockley, an associate professor at Nihon University, published "Nobunaga and Yashuke: The Black Samurai Who Survived Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
In it, he wrote that "it seems that a trend began in Japan during the Warring States period for local notables to use African slaves as symbols of authority."
In other words, he is trying to say that Yasusuke, the black samurai who served Oda Nobunaga, was a slave.
That's complete nonsense.
Nobunaga took a liking to Yasusuke and had him serve by his side.
There is also a theory that he accompanied Oda Nobunaga at the time of the Honnoji Incident and fled with his head.
In the end, the whereabouts of Nobunaga's head are lost in the mists of history, but they were so closely connected.
If he was a slave, there is no way he would have been so devoted to Nobunaga, and in any case, the Japanese people have no concept of slavery. 
The Japanese hated slavery.
In 1775, just before the United States gained independence, the Swedish botanist Thunberg came to Nagasaki disguised as a Dutchman.
He also visited Edo and left a travelogue of Japan, in which he wrote that "the Japanese were seriously angry at the way the Dutch mistreated and overworked their black slaves."
The Japanese hated these heartless Dutchmen and even wrote haiku about them, such as "The Dutchmen who come to the castle are followed by flies because they don't bathe and let their body odor waft about."
Furthermore, there is a story that the Nagasaki Magistrate's Office took pity on the oppressed black people and took them out of Dejima to let them play in the Maruyama red-light district.
Lockley is highly malicious.
He added to the "Yasuke" entry on Wikipedia and even tampered with the Encyclopædia Britannica.
He is deliberately trying to defame Japan.
Incidentally, Lockley is also of Jewish descent (his great-grandfather was Jewish).
Is there a deliberate anti-Japanese wave occurring?
In fact, it seems that Lockley's influence has led to the BBC reporting on "the samurai from Africa" and CNN reporting on "the enduring legacy of Yasuke," and Lockley himself is now appearing in articles in overseas media.
If his discourse spread worldwide, misunderstandings about Japan would only increase.

I could walk even though I had a cold.
It is a bit of an old story. Still, in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the war's end, Jewish scholar Lester Tenney (a professor at the University of Arizona) wrote a book called "Bataan: The Road to the Far Side."
This man was a participant in the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. He talks about his experiences, such as nearly being beheaded by a Japanese officer on horseback. Still, he also writes a whole lot of shameless nonsense, such as that the Japanese military used the same waterboarding torture method as the US military and that they tortured American soldiers in the same way that pirates do in Gary Cooper movies.
Yukie Sasa wrote an article in Bungeishunju (December 2005 issue) about her experience walking the Bataan Death March.
The Bataan Death March was the beginning of the war, where the Japanese and American armies fought.
However, the enemy general, MacArthur, quickly fled, and the remaining 70,000 soldiers raised their hands without fighting when the Filipino soldiers in the vanguard were defeated.
There was no truck available to transport such a large number of people.
So they were made to walk.
It was an 80km journey over two days and one night.
Even former Self-Defense Force member Ms. Yasuko ran 81km in the marathon for Nippon Television Network's "24 Hour Television".
I don't think that's a distance that would cause even a big American soldier much trouble.
Ms. Sasa also wrote that she could walk even though she had a cold. 
Then Lester Tenney lashed out at Ms. Sasa's article.
"What is this mocking and desecration of that death march?"
He had Rev. Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center speak on his behalf and complained to Bungeishunjū.
The company was being bullied by the aforementioned "Marco Polo" magazine, so they were scared at the time and published his story in its entirety.
He wrote that there was no rest at Bataan, that if they rested, the Japanese army would beat them with the butt of a gun, and that they mercilessly killed prisoners who collapsed from exhaustion.
The Japanese army did not behave like that and did not walk 80km all night.
They stayed overnight, and there are also photos of them having a coffee break during their rest.
Is there such a relaxed death march?
I have seen photos of the Japanese army serving tea to American officers and of prisoners of war swimming.
Furthermore, Iris Chang published "The Rape of Nanking" in 1997.
Iris Chang was also trying to write about the "Bataan Death March," but she committed suicide with a handgun in the middle of the process.
Incidentally, Ignatius Dain was the vice-chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), and he was the person who arranged for Iris Chang to conduct her research in China and was the driving force behind The Rape of Nanking.
Dain was the founder of the Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
He was from Taiwan and of the Kuomintang bloodline.
In 1978, he moved to the United States, and in 1991, he met an organization that had been holding a memorial service for the Nanking Massacre in New York every year for 25 years.
He then set up an anti-Japanese organization.
I have interviewed him twice in the United States.
On the campus of Sonoma University in California, there is a Holocaust memorial monument modeled on the railway tracks at Auschwitz.
Between the tracks, the Anti-Japanese League has embedded a stone tablet engraved with the words "250,000 Korean women were made into sex slaves by the Japanese military", and they hold ceremonies as if Japan were complicit in the Holocaust.
We also need to keep a close eye on the anti-Japanese movements of the Chinese and Korean communities in the US.

Are they ignoring the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi?
But why was "Japan's Holocaust" published at this time?
One reason could be the prolonged Israel-Hamas war.
South Africa has filed a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice, claiming that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
Brazilian President Silva and Colombian President Petro have also likened Israel's actions to a "Gaza Holocaust." 
In a speech in California on September 14, President Trump said, "Under the Biden administration, 325,000 immigrant children went missing, many of whom were either killed or turned into sex slaves."
As I mentioned at the beginning, Mr. Riggs is trying to give the impression in his book that the Japanese military is a group of child molesters and bizarre murderers.
They may be trying to shift the focus of international criticism by blaming Japan for their crimes.
They also aim to prevent Japan from becoming independent.
They don't want Japan to become nuclear-armed, and they want to keep Japan dependent on the US and forever a cash dispenser.
For this reason, it is probably more convenient for the Japanese to remain brainwashed by the self-deprecating view of history, and they may have thought that they could also bring up the issue of post-war reparations again.
In fact, since Mr. Rig's book came out, former comfort women have filed lawsuits against Japan in China, and a comfort women statue has been installed in Italy with an explanation board that refers to the "Holocaust" and other such terms.
Takayama-san previously told me about how, during the Clinton administration, a Jewish lawyer based in the United States was involved in the 120 trillion yen worth of postwar reparations to Japan in the United States.
Enormous sums of money are involved in post-war reparations.
For example, after the First World War, Germany's total reparations payable as stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles was approximately 132 billion Marks (approximately 200 trillion yen).
The reparations were paid off in full in 2010, 92 years after the end of World War I.
Furthermore, after World War II, the amount of reparations paid by Germany to Jews who claimed to have been persecuted by the Nazis between 1956 and 2009 reached 67.118 billion euros (about 11 trillion yen).
There were many doubts about the payment of reparations to Israel, which did not even exist during World War II, but in the end, reparations were also paid to Israel.
Apart from this, Jewish groups claiming to have been persecuted by Nazi Germany made reparations claims not only in Germany but also in Switzerland and the former Eastern Bloc countries.
These major lawsuits coincided with the Clinton administration in the 1990s.
In Japan, the Asahi newspaper also ran a series of articles on the comfort women issue in the first half of the 1990s.
Iris Chang's book, "The Rape of Nanking," was published in 1997, and the New York Times, which championed Chang, was in partnership with the Asahi.
In that sense, if we look at the comfort women and Nanjing issues within the context of postwar reparations, we can say that these issues were strategically addressed as a set to extract postwar reparations from Japan and Germany.
However, it is strange that they would include Japan in this.
But it's strange to target Japan as well.
Looking back at history, the Jews have been grateful to Japan and have never looked down on it.
The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout their long history.
It was no different before the war.
Former Japanese ambassador to Israel, Elie Cohen, says that people all over the world helped the Jewish people, but this is not true.
The only country that helped them was Japan.
Strangely enough, the Jewish people stubbornly refuse to acknowledge this fact.
A typical example is Lieutenant General HIGUCHI Kiichiro, who saved the lives of many Jewish refugees who fled to Manchuria during the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Germany, and Italy.
Lieutenant General HIGUCHI and his colleagues opened the gates of Manchukuo to Jewish refugees who had fled Nazi Germany and were stranded at Otpor Station on the border of Manchukuo after taking the Trans-Siberian Railway.
The escape route known as the "Higuchi Route" is also a famous story.
The so-called “Otpor Incident” (1938).
However, the achievements of Lieutenant General HIGUCHI were flatly denied by two Jewish scholars.
They were Professor Joshua Fogel, a historian specializing in East Asia at York University in Canada, and Professor Rotem KAUFER, a historian and Japan researcher at Haifa University in Israel.
In December 2022, they held a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) in Tokyo, saying, "Japanese historical revisionists are calling Lieutenant General HIGUCHI Kiichiro a hero who saved wartime refugees, but their baseless explanations are deliberately misusing the suffering of the Jewish people."
In response, Mr. Ryuichi Higuchi, the grandson of Lieutenant General Higuchi, submitted a rebuttal to the FCCJ, but we have not seen any response.
It is an outrageous story.
Furthermore, Professor Cowner was not satisfied with denigrating General Hidenori Higa, and he also commented on an article entitled "Japan's Schindler: The number of Jews saved by Sugihara during World War II may be less than Japan claims" that was published in a leading international newspaper in Asia.
They claimed that Sugihara's achievements were nothing more than an exaggeration.
Their discourse is not only a case of returning evil for good, but is nothing more than a very malicious distortion of history.
Now that the Israel-Hamas war is bogged down, Netanyahu himself should officially mention the debt of gratitude he owes to Japan.
Actually, there was one time when the ungrateful Israelis did show their gratitude.
When the Wuhan virus spread, Israel cut off all traffic with China at the same speed as the US.
They kicked out the Chinese.
Then, Dai Yuming, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, criticized Israel's callousness at a press conference, saying, "I am saddened. How can you treat China, which accepted the Jews during the Holocaust, in such a cold way?" (from the bimonthly magazine "Mitosu") 
However, Israel responded, "What are you talking about? It was the Japanese who helped the Jews," and "Shanghai was under Japanese control. Don't try to rewrite history."
Until then, about 20,000 Jews who had been forced to leave their countries had been accepted into the Japanese concession in Shanghai, and so they were all saved from death.
Among them was Michael Blumenthal, who later became the Secretary of the Treasury under the Carter administration.
Even so, they have never thanked us and have completely ignored us.
Even if it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, they clearly said that Japan, not China, saved them in a tit-for-tat exchange of words.
Are they furious at the Chinese for trying to act like good guys?
As mentioned above, the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Memorial Museum has deliberately erased the name of Lieutenant General Higuchi, who worked so hard to help Jewish refugees, and instead displays the exhibit as if China had helped the Jews.
Previously, at a lecture sponsored by the Israeli Embassy, I mentioned that Lieutenant General Higuchi and Colonel Yasue Norihiro are registered in the "Golden Book" (a record of people who have contributed to the Jewish people).
At the time, a young Israeli diplomat was so moved by the lecture that he said, "I didn't know that! Thank you for telling me! 
However, after that, we received a complaint from the Israeli Embassy.
The Kwantung Army, led by Lieutenant General Higuchi, decided to accept the Jews, but the person ultimately responsible was Tojo Hideki.
When I mentioned Tojo's name, Japanese groups were inundated with protests, and the Israeli Embassy struggled to respond.
I think that the Japanese people's actions have made the Israelis even more stubborn.

Japan put a crack in the white man's rule
After the Meiji Restoration, Japan appeared on the world stage, and the white man's world went crazy.
Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War, and a crack appeared in the white man's rule.
From then on, controlling and ruling Japan became the US's first mission.
I think that the Jewish community also participates in this. 
To begin with, the Jewish community is part of the white world, but in fact, Israel has already joined the ranks of white nations.
It is a little strange because the Jews who were scattered around the world in the Diaspora were Sephardic Jews of the Semitic race, the same as the Arabs.
On the other hand, the Jews in Germany, France, and Eastern Europe are Ashkenazi Jews of the Caucasian race.
At the moment, up to 9 out of 10 people in Israel are of the European-white Ashkenazi variety.
The King of Jordan had initially said that he would welcome Semitic Jews returning to the country.
However, when the Jews who had "returned from the diaspora" actually arrived, they were all white (Ashkenazi).
So, Israel has become a white nation.
However, it seems that this is a topic that shouldn't be talked about too loudly.
Just before the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, the American black actress Whoopi Goldberg commented on an American TV program to the effect that "they say the Holocaust was a racial issue, but in reality, it was a conflict between white people (Europeans vs. Ashkenazi)."
The atmosphere froze, and Goldpark was immediately suspended from appearing on the show.
Fortunately, or perhaps not, as the world's attention turned to the war in Ukraine, Goldpark was given a light punishment of a two-week suspension as if nothing had happened.
If Whoopi's comments had caused a stir worldwide, it would have been an enormous problem.
In other words, the self-proclaimed Jews in Israel today were originally white Jews with no connection to Palestine, who came to Palestine in search of a new land under pressure from Europe and who are now driving out the indigenous Palestinians.
There is also a theory that they are the Khazar people who lived in the Caucasus region.
In any case, if we imagine that unknown white people have come to Palestine under the name of Zionism, it would be the same as the history of the American pioneers, where white people who had run out of food in Europe came to the new land of America and drove out the native Indians.
The Gaza conflict could also be seen as the "Apache" in Gaza fighting with the white settlers.
Furthermore, the Jerusalem Post reported that a rabbi (a Jewish leader) commented to the effect that "goyim (non-Jewish peoples) exist only to serve the Jews."
Therefore, Netanyahu's decision to continue until the annihilation of Gaza would be in keeping with the Old Testament.
The Book of Numbers says: "The Israelites who entered the land of Canaan killed all the warriors of Midian and brought them back.
Then Moses said, 'Kill all the men who know a woman (married women) and kill all the men who have children. But let the virgins live and play with them. He said, "It is a gift from God to you."
It is what is happening in Gaza now, but in an unexpected place, both the white people and the Jews have revealed that "looting, killing, and rape" was the pattern of war.
Even the Chinese, who don't read the Bible, have come to the same three-point set of looting, rape, and killing when it comes to conflict. 
However, Japan was different.
There had never been an army that forbade looting, killing, and rape in war.
That is why the white world (including Jewish society) disliked the Japanese army and wanted to defile it.
They have made it their sworn enemy.
Riggs has developed a bizarre theory of Japan, saying things like "For the Japanese, anyone who is not Japanese is a child that God does not like" (Japan's Holocaust).
Riggs probably doesn't even know that Japan proposed racial equality at the Versailles Peace Conference. 
In addition, Mr. Rigg writes that "the Japanese military was committing rape throughout Asia," and he does not even understand the point of the comfort women issue.
The comfort stations were established to prevent rape in the area.
Until now, the very creation of places like comfort stations during wartime had been unthinkable.
This article continues.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

Vi måste också hålla ett öga på de antijapanska rörelserna hos kineserna och

2024年09月27日 18時04分48秒 | 全般
Följande är från en dialog mellan Masayuki Takayama och Miki Otaka, publicerad i månadstidningen WiLL, på sidorna 184-200, under titeln "Låt oss slå tillbaka på de upprörande 'anti-japanska' böckerna som förolämpar Japan."
Denna dialog bevisar också att Masayuki Takayama är den mest förtjänta av Nobelpriset i litteratur eller Nobels fredspris.
Det bevisar också att dialogpartnern Miki Otaka är en genuin journalist.
antijapansk diskurs är kopplad till det.
Hur kan de inte ens erkänna Kiichiro Higuchis prestationer...
Motverkar den upprörande boken!
Det finns krafter över hela världen som försöker underminera Japan.
I mars 2024 publicerades en absurd bok kallad "Japan's Holocaust" (skriven av Brian Mark Rig / ännu inte översatt till japanska) i USA.
Boken innehåller absurda teorier som "trösta kvinnor"-frågan, Nankingmassakern och "massakern på 30 miljoner människor i Asien av den japanska armén under order från kejsaren". Dessutom skryter författaren, Mr. Rig, med att han "drev forskning vid mer än 18 forskningsanläggningar i fem länder".
Trots detta finns det också löjliga stycken som "den japanska armén var pedofiler, precis som Jeffrey Epstein", som diskuterar den japanska armén i paritet med mäklare av barnprostitution, och boken är komplett med krigsförbrytelser i nivå med de av Yoshida Seiji.
Som svar på en sådan löjlig bok publicerade Otaka "A New Look at the 'Japan's Holocaust'" (Businesssha).
Han motbevisar boken grundligt med hjälp av sina omfattande kunskaper och undersökande färdigheter.
Vem är författaren, Rig?
Han är född 1971 och är en jude som bor i USA.
Han innehar titlarna American Military University (tysk militärhistoria) och Southern Methodist University historiker vid American Military University (tysk militärhistoria) och Southern Methodist University historiker.
Han är också en före detta marinkårsofficer och styrelseledamot i Holocaust Museum i Dallas.
Rigg har också publicerat en bok som heter "Hitlers judiska soldater" (ännu inte översatt till japanska), men det förekom anklagelser om plagiat.
Boken handlar om de 150 000 personer i den nazistiska tyska armén som klassades som judiska anor.
Som ett resultat av de raslagar som först antogs i mitten av 1930-talet, klassificerades ett häpnadsväckande antal tyska soldater av nazisterna som judar eller som "deljudar".
Inklusive denna aspekt utvecklade Rigg en kritik av Hitlers styre, men när han skrev en artikel om "deljudar" innan publiceringen anklagades han av en tysk forskare för plagiat.
För övrigt sa Dr. Henry Turner, en professor vid Yale University som var Mr. Riggs handledare, "Mr. Rigg är faktiskt inte en intellektuell eller en historiker, och han är inte lämpad för akademin, så jag vägrade att rekommendera honom för forskarskolan ."
Det finns inget vi kan göra åt det.
Även om någon som denna skrev den här boken, publicerade Washington Post en artikel med titeln "Krigsförbrytelser begångna i kejsarens namn: Under andra världskriget begick Japan åtskilliga grymheter mot sina asiatiska grannar." våldtäkt, halshuggning, stympning och urtagning var rutinmässiga händelser för den japanska militären, från de lägst rankade soldaterna till de högst rankade officerarna."
(daterad 26 april 2024) etc., och det är ett stort problem.
Andrew Roberts, en nykonservativ, anges som undertecknare av Japans förintelsebrev, som motiverade Irakkriget genom att hävda att Irak hade massförstörelsevapen.
För övrigt, när det upptäcktes att det inte fanns några massförstörelsevapen, kom Mr. Roberts med några mycket ansträngda ursäkter.
Personen som rekommenderade honom, Lee R. Mandel, sa också: "Det mesta av diskussionen om andra världskrigets förintelse handlar om grymheterna som begåtts av Nazityskland. Förintelsen som begicks av imperiet i Japan har studerats lite och till och med mindre erkänd Historikern Brian Riggs har dokumenterat vad som förmodligen är den definitiva studien i ämnet i sin uttömmande forskning (...), "Japans förintelse" är ett måste för alla studenter från andra världskriget. Jag tvivlar verkligen på att han skrev en sådan komplimang efter att ha läst boken.
Den visar varifrån rekommendatorn kommer.
Anti-japansk diskurs är sammankopplad
Jag känner att anti-japansk diskurs hänger ihop, inte bara i "Japans Förintelse" utan också på senare tid.
2017 publicerade Thomas Lockley, en docent vid Nihon University, "Nobunaga and Yashuke: The Black Samurai Who Survived Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
I den skrev han att "det verkar som om en trend började i Japan under de krigande staternas period för lokala notabiliteter att använda afrikanska slavar som symboler för auktoritet."
Med andra ord, han försöker säga att Yasusuke, den svarta samurajen som tjänade Oda Nobunaga, var en slav.
Det är fullständigt nonsens.
Nobunaga gillade Yasusuke och lät honom tjäna vid sin sida.
Det finns också en teori om att hanföljde med Oda Nobunaga vid tidpunkten för Honnoji-incidenten och flydde med huvudet.
I slutändan försvinner var Nobunagas huvud befinner sig i historiens dimmor, men de var så nära förbundna.
Om han var en slav, finns det inget sätt att han skulle ha varit så hängiven Nobunaga, och i vilket fall som helst har det japanska folket inget begrepp om slaveri.
Japanerna hatade slaveri.
1775, strax innan USA blev självständigt, kom den svenske botanikern Thunberg till Nagasaki förklädd till holländare.
Han besökte också Edo och lämnade en reseberättelse om Japan, där han skrev att "japanerna var allvarligt arga på hur holländarna misshandlade och överarbetade sina svarta slavar."
Japanerna hatade dessa hjärtlösa holländare och skrev till och med haiku om dem, som "Holländarna som kommer till slottet följs av flugor eftersom de inte badar och låter sin kroppslukt flöda omkring."
Dessutom finns det en historia om att Nagasaki Magistrate's Office förbarmade sig över de förtryckta svarta människorna och tog dem ut från Dejima för att låta dem spela i Maruyamas red-light district.
Lockley är mycket skadlig.
Han lade till "Yasuke"-inlägget på Wikipedia och manipulerade till och med Encyclopædia Britannica.
Han försöker medvetet att förtala Japan.
Lockley är för övrigt också av judisk härkomst (hans farfarsfar var judisk).
Förekommer det en medveten antijapansk våg?
Det verkar faktiskt som att Lockleys inflytande har lett till att BBC rapporterat om "samurajerna från Afrika" och CNN rapporterar om "det bestående arvet efter Yasuke", och Lockley själv är nu med i artiklar i utländska medier.
Om hans diskurs spreds över hela världen skulle missförstånden om Japan bara öka.
Jag kunde gå trots att jag var förkyld.
Det är lite av en gammal historia. Ändå, 1995, på 50-årsdagen av krigets slut, skrev den judiske forskaren Lester Tenney (en professor vid University of Arizona) en bok som heter "Bataan: The Road to the Far Side".
Den här mannen deltog i Bataans dödsmarsch i Filippinerna. Han berättar om sina upplevelser, som att nästan bli halshuggen av en japansk officer till häst. Ändå skriver han också en hel massa skamlösa trams, som att den japanska militären använde samma vattenboarding-tortyrmetod som den amerikanska militären och att de torterade amerikanska soldater på samma sätt som pirater gör i Gary Cooper-filmer.
Yukie Sasa skrev en artikel i Bungeishunju (december 2005 nummer) om sin upplevelse när hon gick Bataans dödsmarsch.
Bataans dödsmarsch var början på kriget, där de japanska och amerikanska arméerna stred.
Fiendens general MacArthur flydde dock snabbt och de återstående 70 000 soldaterna räckte upp sina händer utan att slåss när de filippinska soldaterna i avantgardet besegrades.
Det fanns ingen lastbil tillgänglig för att transportera ett så stort antal människor.
Så de fick gå.
Det var en 80 km lång resa över två dagar och en natt.
Till och med den tidigare medlemmen i självförsvarsstyrkan Yasuko sprang 81 km i maraton för Nippon Television Networks "24 Hour Television".
Jag tror inte att det är ett avstånd som skulle orsaka ens en stor amerikansk soldat mycket problem.
Sasa skrev också att hon kunde gå trots att hon var förkyld.
Sedan slog Lester Tenney ut mot Sasas artikel.
"Vad är detta för hån och skändning av den där dödsmarschen?"
Han lät pastor Cooper från Simon Wiesenthal Center tala på hans vägnar och klagade till Bungeishunjū.
Företaget blev mobbad av den tidigare nämnda "Marco Polo"-tidningen, så de var rädda vid den tiden och publicerade hans historia i sin helhet.
Han skrev att det inte fanns någon vila vid Bataan, att om de vilade skulle den japanska armén slå dem med kolven på en pistol och att de skoningslöst dödade fångar som kollapsade av utmattning.
Den japanska armén betedde sig inte så och gick inte 80 km på hela natten.
De stannade över natten och det finns även bilder på dem som tar en fika under vilan.
Finns det en så avslappnad dödsmarsch?
Jag har sett bilder på den japanska armén som serverar te till amerikanska officerare och på krigsfångar som simmar.
Dessutom publicerade Iris Chang "The Rape of Nanking" 1997.
Iris Chang försökte också skriva om "Bataans dödsmarsch", men hon begick självmord med en pistol mitt under processen.
Ignatius Dain var för övrigt vice ordförande i Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), och han var den person som ordnade så att Iris Chang gjorde sin forskning i Kina och var den drivande kraften bakom Nankings våldtäkt.
Dain var grundaren av Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
Han var från Taiwan och av Kuomintang-släktet.
1978 flyttade han till USA och 1991 träffade han en organisation som hade hållit en minnesstund för Nanking-massakern i New York varje år i 25 åröron.
Han bildade sedan en antijapansk organisation.
Jag har intervjuat honom två gånger i USA.
På campus vid Sonoma University i Kalifornien finns ett minnesmärke för Förintelsen som är modellerat efter järnvägsspåren i Auschwitz.
Mellan spåren har Anti-Japanese League bäddat in en stentavla graverad med orden "250 000 koreanska kvinnor gjordes till sexslavar av den japanska militären", och de håller ceremonier som om Japan var delaktiga i Förintelsen.
Vi måste också hålla ett öga på de antijapanska rörelserna i de kinesiska och koreanska samhällena i USA.
Den här artikeln fortsätter.

2024/9/26 in Umeda


2024年09月27日 18時02分53秒 | 全般
書中充斥著「慰安婦」問題、南京大屠殺、「日軍奉天皇之命屠殺亞洲三千萬人民」等荒唐理論。此外,作者 Rig 先生還吹噓他「在五個國家的超過 18 個研究機構進行了研究」。
他擁有美國軍事大學(德國軍事史)和南方衛理公會大學歷史學家的頭銜 美國軍事大學(德國軍事史)和南方衛理公會大學歷史學家。
這本書講述了納粹德國軍隊中 15 萬名被歸類為猶太血統的人。
由於 20 世紀 30 年代中期首次頒布的種族法,數量驚人的德國士兵被納粹歸類為猶太人或「部分猶太人」。
順便說一句,里格先生的導師、耶魯大學教授亨利·特納博士說:“里格先生實際上不是知識分子或歷史學家,他不適合學術界,所以我拒絕推薦他讀研究生。” ” 高山
另外,推薦他的人李·R·曼德爾也說:「關於二戰大屠殺的討論大多集中在納粹德國的暴行上。而對日本帝國實施的大屠殺卻很少有人研究,甚至很少有人研究。 。我真懷疑他是讀完書後才寫下這樣的讚美之詞。
2017年,日本大學副教授托馬斯·洛克利出版了《信長與彌修克:本能寺倖存的黑武士》(Ota Shuppan)。
Yukie Sasa在《文藝春秋》(2005年12月號)上發表了一篇文章,講述了她在巴丹死亡行軍中行走的經歷。
順帶一提,伊格內修斯·戴恩(Ignatius Dain)是美國華僑華人協會(華僑抗日戰爭歷史保護協會)的副主席,也是安排張純如來華研究的人,也是背後的推動者。大屠殺。

2024/9/26 in Umeda

Are they ignoring the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi?

2024年09月27日 18時00分15秒 | 全般
The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."
This dialogue also proves that Masayuki Takayama is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.
It also proves that the dialogue partner, Miki Otaka, is a genuine journalist.

anti-Japanese discourse is linked to it.
How can they not even acknowledge the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi...
Countering the outrageous book!

There are forces all over the world that seek to undermine Japan.
In March 2024, a preposterous book called "Japan's Holocaust" (written by Brian Mark Rig / not yet translated into Japanese) was published in the United States.
The book contains absurd theories such as the "comfort women" issue, the Nanking Massacre, and the "massacre of 30 million people in Asia by the Japanese army under orders from the emperor". Furthermore, the author, Mr. Rig, boasts that he "conducted research at more than 18 research facilities in five countries".
Despite this, there are also ridiculous passages such as "the Japanese army were pedophiles, just like Jeffrey Epstein," which discuss the Japanese army on a par with child prostitution brokers, and the book is complete of war crime delusions on a par with those of Yoshida Seiji.
In response to such a ridiculous book, Ms. Otaka published "A New Look at the 'Japan's Holocaust'" (Businesssha).
He thoroughly refutes the book using his extensive knowledge and investigative skills.
Who is the author, Rig?
Born in 1971, he is a Jew living in the United States.
He holds the titles of American Military University (German military history) and Southern Methodist University historian at the American Military University (German military history) and Southern Methodist University historian.
He is also a former Marine Corps officer and a board member of the Holocaust Museum in Dallas.
Rigg has also published a book called "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" (not yet translated into Japanese), but there were allegations of plagiarism.
The book is about the 150,000 people in the Nazi German army who were classified as having Jewish ancestry.
As a result of the racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s, an astonishing number of German soldiers were classified by the Nazis as Jews or as "part-Jews." 
Including this aspect, Rigg developed a critique of Hitler's rule, but when he wrote an article on "part-Jews" before publication, he was accused by a German scholar of plagiarism.
Incidentally, Dr. Henry Turner, a Yale University professor who was Mr. Rigg's supervisor, said, "Mr. Rigg is not actually an intellectual or a historian, and he is not suited to academia, so I refused to recommend him for graduate school."
There's nothing we can do about it.
Even though someone like this wrote this book, the Washington Post ran an article entitled "War Crimes Committed in the Name of the Emperor: During World War II, Japan committed numerous atrocities against its Asian neighbors." rape, beheadings, mutilations, and disembowelments were routine occurrences for the Japanese military, from the lowest-ranking soldiers to the highest-ranking officers."
(dated April 26, 2024), etc., and it is a big problem.
Andrew Roberts, a neo-conservative, is listed as a signatory to Japan's Holocaust letter, which justified the Iraq War by claiming that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
Incidentally, when it was discovered that there were no weapons of mass destruction, Mr. Roberts made some very strained excuses.
Also, the person who recommended him, Lee R. Mandel, said, "Most of the discussion of the Holocaust of World War II centers on the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany. The Holocaust committed by the Empire of Japan has been little studied and even less recognized. Historian Brian Riggs has documented what is probably the definitive study on the subject in his exhaustive research. (...), 'Japan's Holocaust' is a must-read for any student of World War II." I really doubt that he wrote such a compliment after reading the book.
It shows where the recommender is from.

Anti-Japanese Discourse is Interlocking
I feel that anti-Japanese discourse is interlocking, not only in "Japan's Holocaust" but also more recently.
In 2017, Thomas Lockley, an associate professor at Nihon University, published "Nobunaga and Yashuke: The Black Samurai Who Survived Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
In it, he wrote that "it seems that a trend began in Japan during the Warring States period for local notables to use African slaves as symbols of authority."
In other words, he is trying to say that Yasusuke, the black samurai who served Oda Nobunaga, was a slave.
That's complete nonsense.
Nobunaga took a liking to Yasusuke and had him serve by his side.
There is also a theory that he accompanied Oda Nobunaga at the time of the Honnoji Incident and fled with his head.
In the end, the whereabouts of Nobunaga's head are lost in the mists of history, but they were so closely connected.
If he was a slave, there is no way he would have been so devoted to Nobunaga, and in any case, the Japanese people have no concept of slavery. 
The Japanese hated slavery.
In 1775, just before the United States gained independence, the Swedish botanist Thunberg came to Nagasaki disguised as a Dutchman.
He also visited Edo and left a travelogue of Japan, in which he wrote that "the Japanese were seriously angry at the way the Dutch mistreated and overworked their black slaves."
The Japanese hated these heartless Dutchmen and even wrote haiku about them, such as "The Dutchmen who come to the castle are followed by flies because they don't bathe and let their body odor waft about."
Furthermore, there is a story that the Nagasaki Magistrate's Office took pity on the oppressed black people and took them out of Dejima to let them play in the Maruyama red-light district.
Lockley is highly malicious.
He added to the "Yasuke" entry on Wikipedia and even tampered with the Encyclopædia Britannica.
He is deliberately trying to defame Japan.
Incidentally, Lockley is also of Jewish descent (his great-grandfather was Jewish).
Is there a deliberate anti-Japanese wave occurring?
In fact, it seems that Lockley's influence has led to the BBC reporting on "the samurai from Africa" and CNN reporting on "the enduring legacy of Yasuke," and Lockley himself is now appearing in articles in overseas media.
If his discourse spread worldwide, misunderstandings about Japan would only increase.

I could walk even though I had a cold.
It is a bit of an old story. Still, in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the war's end, Jewish scholar Lester Tenney (a professor at the University of Arizona) wrote a book called "Bataan: The Road to the Far Side."
This man was a participant in the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. He talks about his experiences, such as nearly being beheaded by a Japanese officer on horseback. Still, he also writes a whole lot of shameless nonsense, such as that the Japanese military used the same waterboarding torture method as the US military and that they tortured American soldiers in the same way that pirates do in Gary Cooper movies.
Yukie Sasa wrote an article in Bungeishunju (December 2005 issue) about her experience walking the Bataan Death March.
The Bataan Death March was the beginning of the war, where the Japanese and American armies fought.
However, the enemy general, MacArthur, quickly fled, and the remaining 70,000 soldiers raised their hands without fighting when the Filipino soldiers in the vanguard were defeated.
There was no truck available to transport such a large number of people.
So they were made to walk.
It was an 80km journey over two days and one night.
Even former Self-Defense Force member Ms. Yasuko ran 81km in the marathon for Nippon Television Network's "24 Hour Television".
I don't think that's a distance that would cause even a big American soldier much trouble.
Ms. Sasa also wrote that she could walk even though she had a cold. 
Then Lester Tenney lashed out at Ms. Sasa's article.
"What is this mocking and desecration of that death march?"
He had Rev. Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center speak on his behalf and complained to Bungeishunjū.
The company was being bullied by the aforementioned "Marco Polo" magazine, so they were scared at the time and published his story in its entirety.
He wrote that there was no rest at Bataan, that if they rested, the Japanese army would beat them with the butt of a gun, and that they mercilessly killed prisoners who collapsed from exhaustion.
The Japanese army did not behave like that and did not walk 80km all night.
They stayed overnight, and there are also photos of them having a coffee break during their rest.
Is there such a relaxed death march?
I have seen photos of the Japanese army serving tea to American officers and of prisoners of war swimming.
Furthermore, Iris Chang published "The Rape of Nanking" in 1997.
Iris Chang was also trying to write about the "Bataan Death March," but she committed suicide with a handgun in the middle of the process.
Incidentally, Ignatius Dain was the vice-chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), and he was the person who arranged for Iris Chang to conduct her research in China and was the driving force behind The Rape of Nanking.
Dain was the founder of the Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
He was from Taiwan and of the Kuomintang bloodline.
In 1978, he moved to the United States, and in 1991, he met an organization that had been holding a memorial service for the Nanking Massacre in New York every year for 25 years.
He then set up an anti-Japanese organization.
I have interviewed him twice in the United States.
On the campus of Sonoma University in California, there is a Holocaust memorial monument modeled on the railway tracks at Auschwitz.
Between the tracks, the Anti-Japanese League has embedded a stone tablet engraved with the words "250,000 Korean women were made into sex slaves by the Japanese military", and they hold ceremonies as if Japan were complicit in the Holocaust.
We also need to keep a close eye on the anti-Japanese movements of the Chinese and Korean communities in the US.

Are they ignoring the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi?
But why was "Japan's Holocaust" published at this time?
One reason could be the prolonged Israel-Hamas war.
South Africa has filed a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice, claiming that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
Brazilian President Silva and Colombian President Petro have also likened Israel's actions to a "Gaza Holocaust." 
In a speech in California on September 14, President Trump said, "Under the Biden administration, 325,000 immigrant children went missing, many of whom were either killed or turned into sex slaves."
As I mentioned at the beginning, Mr. Riggs is trying to give the impression in his book that the Japanese military is a group of child molesters and bizarre murderers.
They may be trying to shift the focus of international criticism by blaming Japan for their crimes.
They also aim to prevent Japan from becoming independent.
They don't want Japan to become nuclear-armed, and they want to keep Japan dependent on the US and forever a cash dispenser.
For this reason, it is probably more convenient for the Japanese to remain brainwashed by the self-deprecating view of history, and they may have thought that they could also bring up the issue of post-war reparations again.
In fact, since Mr. Rig's book came out, former comfort women have filed lawsuits against Japan in China, and a comfort women statue has been installed in Italy with an explanation board that refers to the "Holocaust" and other such terms.
Takayama-san previously told me about how, during the Clinton administration, a Jewish lawyer based in the United States was involved in the 120 trillion yen worth of postwar reparations to Japan in the United States.
Enormous sums of money are involved in post-war reparations.
For example, after the First World War, Germany's total reparations payable as stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles was approximately 132 billion Marks (approximately 200 trillion yen).
The reparations were paid off in full in 2010, 92 years after the end of World War I.
Furthermore, after World War II, the amount of reparations paid by Germany to Jews who claimed to have been persecuted by the Nazis between 1956 and 2009 reached 67.118 billion euros (about 11 trillion yen).
There were many doubts about the payment of reparations to Israel, which did not even exist during World War II, but in the end, reparations were also paid to Israel.
Apart from this, Jewish groups claiming to have been persecuted by Nazi Germany made reparations claims not only in Germany but also in Switzerland and the former Eastern Bloc countries.
These major lawsuits coincided with the Clinton administration in the 1990s.
In Japan, the Asahi newspaper also ran a series of articles on the comfort women issue in the first half of the 1990s.
Iris Chang's book, "The Rape of Nanking," was published in 1997, and the New York Times, which championed Chang, was in partnership with the Asahi.
In that sense, if we look at the comfort women and Nanjing issues within the context of postwar reparations, we can say that these issues were strategically addressed as a set to extract postwar reparations from Japan and Germany.
However, it is strange that they would include Japan in this.
But it's strange to target Japan as well.
Looking back at history, the Jews have been grateful to Japan and have never looked down on it.
The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout their long history.
It was no different before the war.
Former Japanese ambassador to Israel, Elie Cohen, says that people all over the world helped the Jewish people, but this is not true.
The only country that helped them was Japan.
Strangely enough, the Jewish people stubbornly refuse to acknowledge this fact.
A typical example is Lieutenant General HIGUCHI Kiichiro, who saved the lives of many Jewish refugees who fled to Manchuria during the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Germany, and Italy.
Lieutenant General HIGUCHI and his colleagues opened the gates of Manchukuo to Jewish refugees who had fled Nazi Germany and were stranded at Otpor Station on the border of Manchukuo after taking the Trans-Siberian Railway.
The escape route known as the "Higuchi Route" is also a famous story.
The so-called “Otpor Incident” (1938).
However, the achievements of Lieutenant General HIGUCHI were flatly denied by two Jewish scholars.
They were Professor Joshua Fogel, a historian specializing in East Asia at York University in Canada, and Professor Rotem KAUFER, a historian and Japan researcher at Haifa University in Israel.
In December 2022, they held a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) in Tokyo, saying, "Japanese historical revisionists are calling Lieutenant General HIGUCHI Kiichiro a hero who saved wartime refugees, but their baseless explanations are deliberately misusing the suffering of the Jewish people."
In response, Mr. Ryuichi Higuchi, the grandson of Lieutenant General Higuchi, submitted a rebuttal to the FCCJ, but we have not seen any response.
It is an outrageous story.
Furthermore, Professor Cowner was not satisfied with denigrating General Hidenori Higa, and he also commented on an article entitled "Japan's Schindler: The number of Jews saved by Sugihara during World War II may be less than Japan claims" that was published in a leading international newspaper in Asia.
They claimed that Sugihara's achievements were nothing more than an exaggeration.
Their discourse is not only a case of returning evil for good, but is nothing more than a very malicious distortion of history.
Now that the Israel-Hamas war is bogged down, Netanyahu himself should officially mention the debt of gratitude he owes to Japan.
Actually, there was one time when the ungrateful Israelis did show their gratitude.
When the Wuhan virus spread, Israel cut off all traffic with China at the same speed as the US.
They kicked out the Chinese.
Then, Dai Yuming, the Chinese ambassador to Israel, criticized Israel's callousness at a press conference, saying, "I am saddened. How can you treat China, which accepted the Jews during the Holocaust, in such a cold way?" (from the bimonthly magazine "Mitosu") 
However, Israel responded, "What are you talking about? It was the Japanese who helped the Jews," and "Shanghai was under Japanese control. Don't try to rewrite history."
Until then, about 20,000 Jews who had been forced to leave their countries had been accepted into the Japanese concession in Shanghai, and so they were all saved from death.
Among them was Michael Blumenthal, who later became the Secretary of the Treasury under the Carter administration.
Even so, they have never thanked us and have completely ignored us.
Even if it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, they clearly said that Japan, not China, saved them in a tit-for-tat exchange of words.
Are they furious at the Chinese for trying to act like good guys?
As mentioned above, the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Memorial Museum has deliberately erased the name of Lieutenant General Higuchi, who worked so hard to help Jewish refugees, and instead displays the exhibit as if China had helped the Jews.
Previously, at a lecture sponsored by the Israeli Embassy, I mentioned that Lieutenant General Higuchi and Colonel Yasue Norihiro are registered in the "Golden Book" (a record of people who have contributed to the Jewish people).
At the time, a young Israeli diplomat was so moved by the lecture that he said, "I didn't know that! Thank you for telling me! 
However, after that, we received a complaint from the Israeli Embassy.
The Kwantung Army, led by Lieutenant General Higuchi, decided to accept the Jews, but the person ultimately responsible was Tojo Hideki.
When I mentioned Tojo's name, Japanese groups were inundated with protests, and the Israeli Embassy struggled to respond.
I think that the Japanese people's actions have made the Israelis even more stubborn.
This article continues.

2024/9/26 in Umeda


2024年09月27日 17時59分11秒 | 全般
2024年3月,一本名为《日本大屠杀》(作者:Brian Mark Rig/尚未翻译成日文)的荒谬书籍在美国出版。
(日期为 2024 年 4 月 26 日)等,这是一个大问题。
新保守主义者安德鲁·罗伯茨 (Andrew Roberts) 被列为日本大屠杀信的签署人,该信声称伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器,为伊拉克战争辩护。
此外,推荐他的人李·R·曼德尔 (Lee R. Mandel) 说:“关于二战大屠杀的大部分讨论都集中在纳粹德国犯下的暴行上。日本帝国犯下的大屠杀很少得到研究,甚至更少得到认可。历史学家布赖恩·里格斯 (Brian Riggs) 在他的详尽研究中记录了可能是关于该主题的权威研究。 (…),《日本大屠杀》是任何研究二战的学生必读的书。”我真的很怀疑他在读完这本书后会写出这样的赞美。
然后Lester Tenney猛烈抨击了Sasa女士的文章。

2024/9/26 in Umeda

우리는 또한 중국과 일본의 반일 움직임을 면밀히 주시해야 합니다.

2024年09月27日 17時54分26秒 | 全般
다음은 월간지 WiLL에 게재된 마사유키 타카야마와 미키 오타카의 대화에서 발췌한 것으로, 184-200페이지에 "일본을 모욕하는 터무니없는 '반일' 책에 맞서자"라는 제목으로 실렸습니다.
이 대화는 또한 마사유키 타카야마가 노벨 문학상이나 노벨 평화상을 받을 만한 사람임을 증명합니다.
또한 대화 상대인 미키 오타카가 진정한 저널리스트임을 증명합니다.
반일 담론이 여기에 연결되어 있습니다.
그들은 어떻게 히구치 기이치로의 업적조차 인정하지 않을 수 있을까요...
터무니없는 책에 맞서다!
전 세계적으로 일본을 약화시키려는 세력이 있습니다.
2024년 3월, "일본의 홀로코스트"(브라이언 마크 리그 지음 / 아직 일본어로 번역되지 않음)라는 터무니없는 책이 미국에서 출판되었습니다.
이 책에는 "위안부" 문제, 난징 대학살, "천황의 명령에 따라 일본군이 아시아에서 3천만 명을 학살했다"는 터무니없는 이론이 들어 있습니다. 게다가 저자인 리그 씨는 "5개국 18곳 이상의 연구 시설에서 연구를 수행했다"고 자랑하고 있습니다.
그런데도 "일본군은 제프리 엡스타인처럼 소아성애자였다"는 터무니없는 구절도 있는데, 이는 일본군을 아동 매춘 브로커와 동등하게 논하고 있으며, 이 책은 요시다 세이지와 동등하게 전쟁 범죄에 대한 망상으로 가득 차 있습니다.
이런 터무니없는 책에 대한 반응으로 오타카 씨는 "'일본의 홀로코스트'를 새롭게 바라보다"(Businesssha)를 출간했습니다.
그는 자신의 광범위한 지식과 조사 기술을 사용하여 이 책을 철저히 반박합니다.
저자인 리그 씨는 누구입니까?
1971년생으로 미국에 사는 유대인입니다.
그는 American Military University(독일 군사 역사)와 Southern Methodist University 역사학자라는 직함을 가지고 있으며 American Military University(독일 군사 역사)와 Southern Methodist University 역사학자입니다.
그는 또한 전직 해병대 장교이며 댈러스에 있는 홀로코스트 박물관의 이사회 멤버입니다.
리그는 "히틀러의 유대인 군인들"(아직 일본어로 번역되지 않음)이라는 책을 출판했지만 표절 혐의가 있었습니다.
이 책은 유대인 조상을 가진 것으로 분류된 나치 독일군에 속한 15만 명에 대한 내용입니다.
1930년대 중반에 처음 제정된 인종법의 결과로, 나치는 놀랍게도 많은 독일 군인을 유대인 또는 "부분 유대인"으로 분류했습니다.
리그는 이 측면을 포함하여 히틀러의 통치에 대한 비판을 전개했지만, 출판 전에 "부분적 유대인"에 대한 기사를 썼을 때 독일 학자로부터 표절 혐의를 받았습니다.
우연히도 리그 씨의 지도 교수였던 예일대 교수 헨리 터너 박사는 "리그 씨는 실제로 지식인도 아니고 역사가도 아니며 학계에 적합하지 않기 때문에 대학원에 추천하지 않았습니다."라고 말했습니다.
우리는 이에 대해 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.
이런 사람이 이 책을 썼음에도 불구하고 워싱턴 포스트는 "천황의 이름으로 저지른 전쟁 범죄: 2차 세계 대전 중에 일본은 아시아 이웃에 대해 수많은 잔혹 행위를 저질렀다"라는 제목의 기사를 실었습니다. 강간, 참수, 절단, 내장 제거는 일본군에서 가장 낮은 계급의 군인에서 가장 높은 계급의 장교에 이르기까지 일상적인 일이었습니다.
(2024년 4월 26일자) 등이 있으며, 이는 큰 문제입니다.
신보수주의자인 앤드류 로버츠는 이라크가 대량 살상 무기를 보유하고 있다고 주장하여 이라크 전쟁을 정당화한 일본의 홀로코스트 서한의 서명자로 나열되어 있습니다.
그런데 대량 살상 무기가 없다는 사실이 밝혀지자 로버츠 씨는 매우 억지스러운 변명을 했습니다.
또한 그를 추천한 리 R. 맨델은 "제2차 세계대전의 홀로코스트에 대한 논의의 대부분은 나치 독일이 저지른 잔혹 행위에 집중되어 있습니다. 일본 제국이 저지른 홀로코스트는 거의 연구되지 않았고 인식도 더욱 낮았습니다. 역사가 브라이언 릭스는 그의 철저한 연구에서 아마도 이 주제에 대한 결정적인 연구를 기록했습니다. (...), '일본의 홀로코스트'는 2차 세계대전을 공부하는 사람이라면 꼭 읽어야 할 책입니다." 책을 읽고 나서 그런 칭찬을 했다고는 정말 믿기 어렵습니다.
추천자가 어디에서 왔는지 보여줍니다.
반일 담론은 서로 연결되어 있습니다
저는 반일 담론이 "일본의 홀로코스트"뿐만 아니라 최근에도 서로 연결되어 있다고 생각합니다.
2017년, 니혼 대학의 조교수인 토마스 록리는 "노부나가와 야슈케: 혼노지에서 살아남은 흑인 사무라이"(오타 출판)를 출판했습니다.
그는 그 책에서 "전국 시대 일본에서는 지방 명사들이 아프리카 노예를 권위의 상징으로 사용하는 경향이 시작된 것 같다"고 썼습니다.
즉, 그는 오다 노부나가를 섬긴 흑인 사무라이 야스스케가 노예였다고 말하려고 합니다.
완전히 말도 안 되는 소리입니다.
노부나가는 야스스케를 데리고 가서 옆에서 섬기게 했다.
그가혼노지 사건 때 오다 노부나가와 동행하여 그의 머리를 가지고 도망쳤다.
결국 노부나가의 머리의 행방은 역사의 안개 속으로 사라졌지만, 그들은 너무나 긴밀하게 연결되어 있었다.
만약 그가 노예였다면 노부나가에게 그렇게 헌신했을 리가 없고, 어쨌든 일본 국민은 노예 제도에 대한 개념이 없다.
일본인은 노예 제도를 싫어했다.
미국이 독립하기 직전인 1775년, 스웨덴 식물학자 툰베리는 네덜란드인으로 변장하여 나가사키에 왔다.
그는 또한 에도를 방문하여 일본 여행기를 남겼는데, 그 여행기에서 그는 "일본인들은 네덜란드인이 흑인 노예를 학대하고 과로하게 일하는 방식에 심각하게 화가 났다"고 썼다.
일본인은 이 무정한 네덜란드인을 싫어했고, 심지어 "성에 온 네덜란드인은 목욕을 하지 않고 체취를 풍기기 때문에 파리가 쫓아온다"와 같은 하이쿠를 쓰기도 했다.
게다가 나가사키 지사청이 억압받는 흑인들을 불쌍히 여겨 데지마에서 데려와 마루야마 홍등가에서 놀게 했다는 일화도 있다.
록리는 매우 악의적이다.
위키피디아의 "야스케" 항목에 내용을 추가했고, 심지어 브리태니커 백과사전도 조작했다.
그는 의도적으로 일본을 모독하려 하고 있다.
그런데 록리는 유대인 출신이다(그의 증조부는 유대인이었다).
의도적인 반일 물결이 일어나고 있는가?
사실 록리의 영향으로 BBC에서 "아프리카의 사무라이"를 보도하고 CNN에서 "야스케의 지속적인 유산"을 보도했고, 록리 본인도 해외 언론 기사에 등장하고 있다.
그의 담론이 전 세계로 퍼진다면 일본에 대한 오해는 더 커질 뿐이다.
감기에 걸렸는데도 걸을 수 있었다.
꽤 오래된 이야기입니다. 그래도 1995년 전쟁 종전 50주년을 맞아 유대인 학자 레스터 테니(애리조나 대학교 교수)는 "바탄: 저편으로 가는 길"이라는 책을 썼습니다.
이 남자는 필리핀의 바탄 죽음의 행진에 참여했습니다. 그는 말을 탄 일본 장교에게 거의 참수당할 뻔한 일과 같은 자신의 경험에 대해 이야기합니다. 하지만 그는 또한 일본군이 미군과 같은 워터보딩 고문 방법을 사용했고 게리 쿠퍼 영화에서 해적들이 하는 것과 같은 방식으로 미국군을 고문했다는 것과 같은 뻔뻔스러운 말도 안 되는 이야기를 많이 썼습니다.
사사 유키는 Bungeishunju(2005년 12월호)에 바탄 죽음의 행진을 걸은 경험에 대한 기사를 썼습니다.
바탄 죽음의 행진은 일본군과 미군이 싸운 전쟁의 시작이었습니다.
하지만 적 장군 맥아더는 재빨리 도망쳤고, 선봉대의 필리핀군이 패배하자 남은 7만 명의 병사들은 싸우지 않고 손을 들었다.
그렇게 많은 사람들을 태울 트럭이 없었다.
그래서 그들은 걸어가야만 했다.
이틀 밤낮으로 80km를 달려야 했다.
심지어 전 자위대원인 야스코 여사도 니혼 텔레비전 네트워크의 "24시간 텔레비전"에서 마라톤으로 81km를 달렸다.
나는 그것이 큰 미국 군인이라도 크게 힘들지 않을 거리라고 생각한다.
사사 여사도 감기에 걸렸지만 걸을 수 있다고 썼다.
그러자 레스터 테니가 사사 여사의 기사에 맹렬히 반발했다.
"이 죽음의 행진을 조롱하고 모독하는 것은 무엇인가?"
그는 사이먼 비젠탈 센터의 쿠퍼 목사에게 자신을 대신해 연설하게 하고 분게이슌주에게 불평했다.
이 회사는 앞서 언급한 "마르코 폴로" 잡지에 괴롭힘을 당하고 있었기 때문에 당시 두려워서 그의 이야기를 전부 출판했습니다.
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2024/9/26 in Umeda

Precisamos também de estar atentos aos movimentos anti-japoneses dos chineses e

2024年09月27日 17時50分43秒 | 全般
O que se segue é de um diálogo entre Masayuki Takayama e Miki Otaka, publicado na revista mensal WiLL, nas páginas 184-200, sob o título "Vamos ripostar aos ultrajantes livros 'anti-japoneses' que insultam o Japão."
Este diálogo prova também que Masayuki Takayama é o mais merecedor do Prémio Nobel da Literatura ou do Prémio Nobel da Paz.
Prova também que o parceiro de diálogo, Miki Otaka, é um jornalista genuíno.
o discurso anti-japonês está ligado a ele.
Como podem nem sequer reconhecer as conquistas de Kiichiro Higuchi...
Contrariando o livro ultrajante!
Existem forças em todo o mundo que procuram minar o Japão.
Em março de 2024, um livro absurdo chamado "Japan's Holocaust" (escrito por Brian Mark Rig/ainda não traduzido para japonês) foi publicado nos Estados Unidos.
O livro contém teorias absurdas como a questão das “mulheres de conforto”, o Massacre de Nanquim e o “massacre de 30 milhões de pessoas na Ásia pelo exército japonês sob as ordens do imperador”. Além disso, o autor, o Sr. Rig, orgulha-se de ter “realizado inquéritos em mais de 18 centros de investigação em cinco países”.
Apesar disso, há também passagens ridículas como "o exército japonês era pedófilo, assim como Jeffrey Epstein", que discute o exército japonês ao mesmo nível dos corretores de prostituição infantil, e o livro está cheio de delírios de crimes de guerra ao mesmo nível daqueles de Yoshida Seiji.
Em resposta a um livro tão ridículo, a Sra. Otaka publicou "Um Novo Olhar sobre o 'Holocausto do Japão'" (Businesssha).
Ele refuta completamente o livro usando o seu amplo conhecimento e capacidades de investigação.
Quem é o autor, Rig?
Nasceu em 1971, é judeu e vive nos Estados Unidos.
Detém os títulos de American Military University (história militar alemã) e historiador da Southern Methodist University na American Military University (história militar alemã) e historiador da Southern Methodist University.
É também um ex-oficial do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais e membro do conselho do Museu do Holocausto em Dallas.
Rigg também publicou um livro chamado "Os Soldados Judeus de Hitler" (ainda não traduzido para japonês), mas houve alegações de plágio.
O livro é sobre as 150.000 pessoas do exército alemão nazi que foram classificadas como tendo ascendência judaica.
Como resultado das leis raciais promulgadas pela primeira vez em meados da década de 1930, um número surpreendente de soldados alemães foi classificado pelos nazis como judeus ou como "parte-judeus".
Incluindo este aspecto, Rigg desenvolveu uma crítica ao governo de Hitler, mas quando escreveu um artigo sobre "parte-judeus" antes da publicação, foi acusado por um estudioso alemão de plágio.
Aliás, o Dr. Henry Turner, professor da Universidade de Yale que foi supervisor do Sr. ."
Não há nada que possamos fazer quanto a isso.
Embora alguém como este tenha escrito este livro, o Washington Post publicou um artigo intitulado "Crimes de guerra cometidos em nome do imperador: durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Japão cometeu inúmeras atrocidades contra os seus vizinhos asiáticos". violações, decapitações, mutilações e estripações eram ocorrências rotineiras para os militares japoneses, desde os soldados de patente mais baixa até aos oficiais de patente mais elevada."
(datado de 26 de abril de 2024), etc., e é um grande problema.
Andrew Roberts, neoconservador, está listado como signatário da carta do Japão sobre o Holocausto, que justificava a Guerra do Iraque alegando que o Iraque possuía armas de destruição maciça.
Aliás, quando se descobriu que não existiam armas de destruição maciça, o Sr. Roberts apresentou algumas desculpas muito forçadas.
Além disso, a pessoa que o recomendou, Lee R. Mandel, afirmou: "A maior parte da discussão do Holocausto da Segunda Guerra Mundial centra-se nas atrocidades cometidas pela Alemanha nazi. O Holocausto cometido pelo Império do Japão foi pouco estudado e até mesmo menos reconhecido. Duvido muito que tenha escrito tal elogio depois de ler o livro.
Mostra de onde vem o recomendador.
O discurso antijaponês está interligado
Sinto que o discurso antijaponês está interligado, não só no “Holocausto do Japão”, mas também mais recentemente.
Em 2017, Thomas Lockley, professor associado da Universidade de Nihon, publicou "Nobunaga e Yashuke: O Samurai Negro que Sobreviveu a Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
Nele, escreveu que "parece que começou uma tendência no Japão durante o período dos Reinos Combatentes para que notáveis locais usassem escravos africanos como símbolos de autoridade".
Por outras palavras, está a tentar dizer que Yasusuke, o samurai negro que serviu Oda Nobunaga, era um escravo.
Isto é um completo absurdo.
Nobunaga gostou de Yasusuke e fez com que ele servisse ao seu lado.
Existe também uma teoria de que eleacompanhou Oda Nobunaga no momento do Incidente de Honnoji e fugiu com a cabeça.
No final, o paradeiro da cabeça de Nobunaga perde-se nas brumas da história, mas estavam intimamente ligados.
Se fosse escravo, não teria sido tão devoto de Nobunaga e, de qualquer forma, o povo japonês não tem qualquer conceito de escravatura.
Os japoneses odiavam a escravatura.
Em 1775, pouco antes de os Estados Unidos conquistarem a independência, o botânico sueco Thunberg veio a Nagasaki disfarçado de holandês.
Visitou também Edo e deixou um diário de viagem ao Japão, no qual escreveu que "os japoneses estavam seriamente zangados com a forma como os holandeses maltratavam e sobrecarregavam os seus escravos negros".
Os japoneses odiavam estes holandeses sem coração e até escreveram haikus sobre eles, como "Os holandeses que vêm ao castelo são seguidos por moscas porque não tomam banho e deixam o odor corporal flutuar".
Além disso, há uma história de que o Gabinete do Magistrado de Nagasaki teve pena dos negros oprimidos e tirou-os de Dejima para os deixar brincar no distrito de prostituição de Maruyama.
Lockley é altamente malicioso.
Adicionou algo à entrada "Yasuke" na Wikipédia e até violou a Encyclopædia Britannica.
Ele está deliberadamente a tentar difamar o Japão.
Aliás, Lockley também é descendente de judeus (o seu bisavô era judeu).
Está a ocorrer uma onda antijaponesa deliberada?
Na verdade, parece que a influência de Lockley levou à reportagem da BBC sobre "os samurais de África" e à CNN sobre "o legado duradouro de Yasuke", e o próprio Lockley está agora a aparecer em artigos nos meios de comunicação estrangeiros .
Se o seu discurso se espalhasse pelo mundo, os mal-entendidos sobre o Japão só aumentariam.
Conseguia andar mesmo estando constipado.
É uma história um pouco antiga. Ainda assim, em 1995, no 50º aniversário do fim da guerra, o académico judeu Lester Tenney (professor na Universidade do Arizona) escreveu um livro chamado “Bataan: The Road to the Far Side”.
Este homem participou na Marcha da Morte de Bataan, nas Filipinas. Fala das suas experiências, como quase ser decapitado por um oficial japonês a cavalo. Ainda assim, também escreve um monte de disparates descarados, como o de que os militares japoneses usaram o mesmo método de tortura por afogamento simulado que os militares dos EUA e que torturaram soldados americanos da mesma forma que os piratas fazem nos filmes de Gary Cooper .
Yukie Sasa escreveu um artigo em Bungeishunju (edição de Dezembro de 2005) sobre a sua experiência ao caminhar na Marcha da Morte de Bataan.
A Marcha da Morte de Bataan foi o início da guerra, onde combateram os exércitos japonês e americano.
No entanto, o general inimigo, MacArthur, fugiu rapidamente, e os restantes 70.000 soldados levantaram as mãos sem lutar quando os soldados filipinos da vanguarda foram derrotados.
Não havia um camião disponível para transportar um número tão grande de pessoas.
Então foram obrigados a andar.
Foi uma viagem de 80 km durante dois dias e uma noite.
Até a ex-membro da Força de Autodefesa, a Sra. Yasuko, correu 81 km na maratona do programa "24 Hour Television" da Nippon Television Network.
Não creio que seja uma distância que possa causar muitos problemas até a um grande soldado americano.
A Sra. Sasa escreveu também que conseguia andar mesmo estando constipada.
Depois, Lester Tenney atacou o artigo da Sra. Sasa.
“O que é esta zombaria e profanação daquela marcha da morte?”
Fez com que o Rev. Cooper do Centro Simon Wiesenthal falasse em seu nome e reclamou junto de Bungeishunjū.
A empresa estava a ser intimidada pela referida revista “Marco Polo”, pelo que se assustaram de imediato e publicaram a sua história na íntegra.
Escreveu que não havia descanso em Bataan, que se descansassem, o exército japonês os espancaria com a coronha de uma arma e que mataram impiedosamente prisioneiros que desmaiaram de exaustão.
O exército japonês não se comportou assim e não andou 80 km durante toda a noite.
Pernoitaram e também há fotos deles a fazer uma pausa para café durante o descanso.
Há uma marcha da morte tão descontraída?
Vi fotografias do exército japonês a servir chá a oficiais americanos e de prisioneiros de guerra a nadar.
Além disso, Iris Chang publicou "The Rape of Nanking" em 1997.
Iris Chang também estava a tentar escrever sobre a “Marcha da Morte de Bataan”, mas suicidou-se com uma arma a meio do processo.
Aliás, Ignatius Dain foi o vice-presidente da Overseas Chinese Association of America (Associação de Proteção da História da Guerra Anti-Japonesa da China Ultramarina) e foi ele quem providenciou para que Iris Chang conduzisse a sua investigação na China e foi a força motriz por trás O Estupro de Nanquim.
Dain foi o fundador da Associação de Proteção da História da Guerra Antijaponesa da China Ultramarina.
Era natural de Taiwan e da linhagem do Kuomintang.
Em 1978, mudou-se para os Estados Unidos e, em 1991, conheceu uma organização que realizava um serviço memorial pelo Massacre de Nanquim, em Nova Iorque, todos os anos, há 25 anos.orelhas.
Criou então uma organização antijaponesa.
Entrevistei-o duas vezes nos Estados Unidos.
No campus da Universidade de Sonoma, na Califórnia, existe um monumento memorial do Holocausto inspirado nos carris da ferrovia em Auschwitz.
Entre os trilhos, a Liga Antijaponesa incorporou uma placa de pedra gravada com as palavras "250 mil mulheres coreanas foram transformadas em escravas sexuais pelos militares japoneses", e realizam cerimónias como se o Japão fosse cúmplice do Holocausto.
Precisamos também de estar atentos aos movimentos antijaponeses das comunidades chinesa e coreana nos EUA.
Este artigo continua.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

Nous devons également surveiller de près les mouvements antijaponais des Chinois et

2024年09月27日 17時48分20秒 | 全般
Ce qui suit est extrait d'un dialogue entre Masayuki Takayama et Miki Otaka, publié dans le magazine mensuel WiLL, aux pages 184-200, sous le titre « Répliquons aux livres 'anti-japonais' scandaleux qui insultent le Japon ».
Ce dialogue prouve également que Masayuki Takayama est le plus méritant du prix Nobel de littérature ou du prix Nobel de la paix.
Il prouve également que l'interlocuteur, Miki Otaka, est un véritable journaliste.
Le discours anti-japonais y est lié.
Comment ne pas reconnaître les réalisations de Kiichiro Higuchi...
Contrer le livre scandaleux !
Il existe des forces partout dans le monde qui cherchent à saper le Japon.
En mars 2024, un livre absurde intitulé « L'Holocauste du Japon » (écrit par Brian Mark Rig / pas encore traduit en japonais) a été publié aux États-Unis.
Le livre contient des théories absurdes telles que la question des « femmes de réconfort », le massacre de Nankin et le « massacre de 30 millions de personnes en Asie par l'armée japonaise sur ordre de l'empereur ». De plus, l'auteur, M. Rig, se vante d'avoir « mené des recherches dans plus de 18 centres de recherche dans cinq pays ».
Malgré cela, il y a aussi des passages ridicules tels que « l'armée japonaise était pédophile, tout comme Jeffrey Epstein », qui compare l'armée japonaise à des courtiers en prostitution d'enfants, et le livre est rempli de délires de crimes de guerre comparables à ceux de Yoshida Seiji.
En réponse à un livre aussi ridicule, Mme Otaka a publié « Un nouveau regard sur l'Holocauste au Japon » (Businesssha).
Il réfute minutieusement le livre en utilisant ses vastes connaissances et ses compétences d'enquête.
Qui est l'auteur, Rig ?
Né en 1971, il est juif et vit aux États-Unis.
Il détient les titres d'historien de l'American Military University (histoire militaire allemande) et de l'Université Méthodiste du Sud à l'American Military University (histoire militaire allemande) et historien de l'Université Méthodiste du Sud.
Il est également un ancien officier du Corps des Marines et membre du conseil d'administration du Musée de l'Holocauste à Dallas.
Rigg a également publié un livre intitulé "Les soldats juifs d'Hitler" (pas encore traduit en japonais), mais il y a eu des allégations de plagiat.
Le livre parle des 150 000 personnes de l'armée allemande nazie qui ont été classées comme ayant une ascendance juive.
En raison des lois raciales promulguées pour la première fois au milieu des années 1930, un nombre étonnant de soldats allemands ont été classés par les nazis comme juifs ou comme "à moitié juifs".
En incluant cet aspect, Rigg a développé une critique du régime d'Hitler, mais lorsqu'il a écrit un article sur les "à moitié juifs" avant publication, il a été accusé de plagiat par un universitaire allemand.
D'ailleurs, le Dr Henry Turner, professeur à l'université de Yale et directeur de thèse de M. Rigg, a déclaré : « M. Rigg n'est pas vraiment un intellectuel ou un historien, et il n'est pas fait pour le monde universitaire, j'ai donc refusé de le recommander pour des études supérieures. »
Nous ne pouvons rien y faire.
Même si quelqu'un comme lui a écrit ce livre, le Washington Post a publié un article intitulé « Crimes de guerre commis au nom de l'empereur : pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon a commis de nombreuses atrocités contre ses voisins asiatiques. » "Les viols, les décapitations, les mutilations et les éventrations étaient monnaie courante pour l'armée japonaise, des soldats les moins gradés aux officiers les plus gradés."
(daté du 26 avril 2024), etc., et c'est un gros problème.
Andrew Roberts, un néo-conservateur, est répertorié comme signataire de la lettre japonaise sur l'Holocauste, qui justifiait la guerre en Irak en affirmant que l'Irak possédait des armes de destruction massive.
D'ailleurs, lorsqu'il a été découvert qu'il n'y avait pas d'armes de destruction massive, M. Roberts a fait des excuses très tendues.
En outre, la personne qui l'a recommandé, Lee R. Mandel, a déclaré : "La plupart des discussions sur l'Holocauste de la Seconde Guerre mondiale se concentrent sur les atrocités commises par l'Allemagne nazie. L'Holocauste commis par l'Empire du Japon a été peu étudié et encore moins reconnu. L'historien Brian Riggs a documenté ce qui est probablement l'étude définitive sur le sujet dans ses recherches exhaustives. (...), « L'Holocauste au Japon » est une lecture incontournable pour tout étudiant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. » Je doute vraiment qu'il ait écrit un tel compliment après avoir lu le livre.
Cela montre d'où vient le recommandateur.
Le discours anti-japonais est imbriqué
J'ai l'impression que le discours anti-japonais est imbriqué, non seulement dans « L'Holocauste au Japon » mais aussi plus récemment.
En 2017, Thomas Lockley, professeur associé à l'université Nihon, a publié « Nobunaga et Yashuke : le samouraï noir qui a survécu à Honnoji » (Ota Shuppan).
Il y écrit qu'« il semble qu'une tendance ait commencé au Japon pendant la période des Royaumes combattants pour que les notables locaux utilisent les esclaves africains comme symboles d'autorité ».
En d'autres termes, il essaie de dire que Yasusuke, le samouraï noir qui a servi Oda Nobunaga, était un esclave.
C'est complet absurdité.
Nobunaga s'est pris d'affection pour Yasusuke et l'a fait servir à ses côtés.
Il existe également une théorie selon laquelle ilaccompagna Oda Nobunaga au moment de l'incident de Honnoji et s'enfuit avec sa tête.
En fin de compte, l'endroit où se trouve la tête de Nobunaga est perdu dans les brumes de l'histoire, mais ils étaient si étroitement liés.
S'il avait été esclave, il n'aurait pas pu être aussi dévoué à Nobunaga, et de toute façon, le peuple japonais n'a aucune idée de l'esclavage.
Les Japonais détestaient l'esclavage.
En 1775, juste avant que les États-Unis n'obtiennent leur indépendance, le botaniste suédois Thunberg est venu à Nagasaki déguisé en Hollandais.
Il a également visité Edo et a laissé un récit de voyage au Japon, dans lequel il a écrit que « les Japonais étaient sérieusement en colère contre la façon dont les Hollandais maltraitaient et surmenaient leurs esclaves noirs ».
Les Japonais détestaient ces Hollandais sans cœur et ont même écrit des haïkus à leur sujet, tels que « Les Hollandais qui viennent au château sont suivis par des mouches parce qu'ils ne se baignent pas et laissent flotter leur odeur corporelle ».
De plus, il existe une histoire selon laquelle le bureau du magistrat de Nagasaki aurait eu pitié des Noirs opprimés et les aurait fait sortir de Dejima pour les laisser jouer dans le quartier chaud de Maruyama.
Lockley est extrêmement malveillant.
Il a ajouté à l'entrée "Yasuke" sur Wikipédia et a même falsifié l'Encyclopædia Britannica.
Il essaie délibérément de diffamer le Japon.
Par ailleurs, Lockley est également d'origine juive (son arrière-grand-père était juif).
Y a-t-il une vague délibérée anti-japonaise en cours ?
En fait, il semble que l'influence de Lockley ait conduit la BBC à faire un reportage sur "les samouraïs d'Afrique" et CNN à faire un reportage sur "l'héritage durable de Yasuke", et Lockley lui-même apparaît maintenant dans des articles de médias étrangers.
Si son discours se répandait dans le monde entier, les malentendus sur le Japon ne feraient qu'augmenter.
Je pouvais marcher même si j'avais un rhume.
C'est une vieille histoire. Pourtant, en 1995, à l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de la fin de la guerre, l'érudit juif Lester Tenney (professeur à l'Université d'Arizona) a écrit un livre intitulé "Bataan : The Road to the Far Side".
Cet homme a participé à la marche de la mort de Bataan aux Philippines. Il parle de ses expériences, comme celle d'avoir failli être décapité par un officier japonais à cheval. Pourtant, il écrit aussi beaucoup d'absurdités éhontées, comme celle selon laquelle l'armée japonaise utilisait la même méthode de torture que l'armée américaine, le waterboarding, et qu'elle torturait les soldats américains de la même manière que les pirates dans les films de Gary Cooper.
Yukie Sasa a écrit un article dans Bungeishunju (numéro de décembre 2005) sur son expérience de la marche de la mort de Bataan.
La marche de la mort de Bataan a marqué le début de la guerre, au cours de laquelle les armées japonaise et américaine se sont affrontées.
Cependant, le général ennemi, MacArthur, s'enfuit rapidement et les 70 000 soldats restants levèrent les bras sans combattre lorsque les soldats philippins de l'avant-garde furent défaits.
Il n'y avait pas de camion disponible pour transporter un si grand nombre de personnes.
Ils furent donc obligés de marcher.
Il s'agissait d'un voyage de 80 km en deux jours et une nuit.
Mme Yasuko, ancienne membre des Forces d'autodéfense, a même couru 81 km lors du marathon pour l'émission "24 Hour Television" de la chaîne de télévision japonaise.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit une distance qui poserait beaucoup de problèmes même à un grand soldat américain.
Mme Sasa a également écrit qu'elle pouvait marcher même si elle avait un rhume.
Puis Lester Tenney s'en est pris à l'article de Mme Sasa.
"Qu'est-ce que cette moquerie et cette profanation de cette marche de la mort ?"
Il a demandé au révérend Cooper du Centre Simon Wiesenthal de parler en son nom et s'est plaint à Bungeishunjū.
L'entreprise était victime de harcèlement de la part du magazine "Marco Polo" mentionné plus haut, donc ils ont eu peur à l'époque et ont publié son histoire dans son intégralité.
Il a écrit qu'il n'y avait pas de repos à Bataan, que s'ils se reposaient, l'armée japonaise les frapperait à coups de crosse de fusil et qu'ils tuaient sans pitié les prisonniers qui s'effondraient d'épuisement.
L'armée japonaise ne s'est pas comportée de la sorte et n'a pas marché 80 km toute la nuit.
Elles sont restées toute la nuit, et il existe également des photos d'elles prenant une pause-café pendant leur repos.
Existe-t-il une marche de la mort aussi détendue ?
J'ai vu des photos de l'armée japonaise servant du thé à des officiers américains et de prisonniers de guerre nageant.
De plus, Iris Chang a publié "Le viol de Nankin" en 1997.
Iris Chang a également essayé d'écrire sur la "Marche de la mort de Bataan", mais elle s'est suicidée avec une arme de poing au milieu du processus.
Ignatius Dain était le vice-président de l'Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), et c'est lui qui a organisé la recherche d'Iris Chang en Chine et qui a été la force motrice du Viol de Nankin.
Dain était le fondateur de l'Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
Il était originaire de Taiwan et de la lignée du Kuomintang.
En 1978, il s'est installé aux États-Unis et, en 1991, il a rencontré une organisation qui organisait chaque année depuis 25 ans une cérémonie commémorative du massacre de Nankin à New York.
Il a ensuite créé une organisation anti-japonaise.
Je l'ai interviewé deux fois aux États-Unis.
Sur le campus de l'université de Sonoma en Californie, il y a un monument commémoratif de l'Holocauste sur le modèle des voies ferrées d'Auschwitz.
Entre les voies, la Ligue anti-japonaise a encastré une plaque de pierre sur laquelle sont gravés les mots « 250 000 femmes coréennes ont été transformées en esclaves sexuelles par l'armée japonaise », et organise des cérémonies comme si le Japon était complice de l'Holocauste.
Nous devons également surveiller de près les mouvements anti-japonais des communautés chinoise et coréenne aux États-Unis.
L'article continue.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

Wir müssen auch die antijapanischen Bewegungen der Chinesen und

2024年09月27日 17時45分54秒 | 全般
Das Folgende stammt aus einem Dialog zwischen Masayuki Takayama und Miki Otaka, der im Monatsmagazin WiLL auf den Seiten 184-200 unter dem Titel „Lasst uns zurückschlagen gegen die empörenden ‚antijapanischen‘ Bücher, die Japan beleidigen“ veröffentlicht wurde.
Dieser Dialog beweist auch, dass Masayuki Takayama den Nobelpreis für Literatur oder den Friedensnobelpreis am meisten verdient hat.
Er beweist auch, dass der Dialogpartner Miki Otaka ein echter Journalist ist.
Damit ist ein antijapanischer Diskurs verbunden.
Wie können sie nicht einmal die Leistungen von Kiichiro Higuchi anerkennen...
Gegen das empörende Buch!
Überall auf der Welt gibt es Kräfte, die versuchen, Japan zu untergraben.
Im März 2024 wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten ein absurdes Buch mit dem Titel „Japans Holocaust“ (geschrieben von Brian Mark Rig / noch nicht ins Japanische übersetzt) veröffentlicht.
Das Buch enthält absurde Theorien wie die „Trostfrauen“-Frage, das Nanking-Massaker und das „Massaker an 30 Millionen Menschen in Asien durch die japanische Armee auf Befehl des Kaisers“. Darüber hinaus prahlt der Autor, Herr Rig, dass er „an mehr als 18 Forschungseinrichtungen in fünf Ländern geforscht“ habe.
Trotzdem gibt es auch lächerliche Passagen wie „die japanische Armee war pädophil, genau wie Jeffrey Epstein“, die die japanische Armee auf eine Stufe mit Kinderprostitutionsvermittlern stellen, und das Buch ist voll von Kriegsverbrechenswahnvorstellungen, die denen von Yoshida Seiji ebenbürtig sind.
Als Reaktion auf solch ein lächerliches Buch veröffentlichte Frau Otaka „Ein neuer Blick auf den ‚Holocaust Japans‘“ (Businesssha).
Er widerlegt das Buch gründlich mit seinem umfassenden Wissen und seinen Ermittlungsfähigkeiten.
Wer ist der Autor, Rig?
Er wurde 1971 geboren, ist Jude und lebt in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Er ist Historiker der American Military University (deutsche Militärgeschichte) und der Southern Methodist University.
Er ist außerdem ehemaliger Offizier des Marine Corps und Vorstandsmitglied des Holocaust Museum in Dallas.
Rigg hat auch ein Buch mit dem Titel „Hitlers jüdische Soldaten“ veröffentlicht (noch nicht ins Japanische übersetzt), aber es gab Plagiatsvorwürfe.
Das Buch handelt von den 150.000 Menschen in der nationalsozialistischen deutschen Armee, die als jüdischer Abstammung eingestuft wurden.
Infolge der erstmals Mitte der 1930er Jahre erlassenen Rassengesetze wurde eine erstaunliche Anzahl deutscher Soldaten von den Nazis als Juden oder „Teiljuden“ eingestuft.
In diesem Zusammenhang entwickelte Rigg eine Kritik an Hitlers Herrschaft, aber als er vor der Veröffentlichung einen Artikel über „Teiljuden“ schrieb, wurde er von einem deutschen Gelehrten des Plagiats beschuldigt.
Übrigens sagte Dr. Henry Turner, Professor an der Yale University und Vorgesetzter von Herrn Rigg: „Herr Rigg ist kein Intellektueller oder Historiker und für die akademische Welt ungeeignet. Deshalb habe ich es abgelehnt, ihn für ein Graduiertenstudium zu empfehlen.“
Dagegen können wir nichts tun.
Obwohl jemand wie er dieses Buch geschrieben hat, erschien in der Washington Post ein Artikel mit dem Titel „Kriegsverbrechen im Namen des Kaisers: Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs beging Japan zahlreiche Gräueltaten an seinen asiatischen Nachbarn.“ Vergewaltigungen, Enthauptungen, Verstümmelungen und Ausweidungen waren für das japanische Militär, vom niedrigsten bis zum höchsten Dienstgrad, Routine.“
(vom 26. April 2024) usw., und das ist ein großes Problem.
Andrew Roberts, ein Neokonservativer, ist als Unterzeichner des Holocaust-Briefes Japans aufgeführt, der den Irakkrieg mit der Behauptung rechtfertigte, der Irak besitze Massenvernichtungswaffen.
Übrigens, als sich herausstellte, dass es keine Massenvernichtungswaffen gab, brachte Herr Roberts einige sehr angestrengte Entschuldigungen vor.
Außerdem sagte die Person, die ihn empfohlen hatte, Lee R. Mandel: „Der Großteil der Diskussion über den Holocaust des Zweiten Weltkriegs dreht sich um die von Nazideutschland begangenen Gräueltaten. Der Holocaust des japanischen Kaiserreichs wurde kaum untersucht und noch weniger anerkannt. Der Historiker Brian Riggs hat in seiner umfassenden Forschung die wahrscheinlich endgültige Studie zu diesem Thema dokumentiert. (...), „Japans Holocaust“ ist ein Muss für jeden, der sich mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg beschäftigt.“ Ich bezweifle wirklich, dass er ein solches Kompliment nach der Lektüre des Buches geschrieben hat.
Das zeigt, woher der Empfehler kommt.
Antijapanischer Diskurs ist ineinander verwoben
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass antijapanischer Diskurs ineinander verwoben ist, nicht nur in „Japans Holocaust“, sondern auch in jüngerer Zeit.
2017 veröffentlichte Thomas Lockley, außerordentlicher Professor an der Nihon University, „Nobunaga und Yashuke: Der schwarze Samurai, der Honnoji überlebte“ (Ota Shuppan).
Darin schrieb er, dass „es scheint, als ob während der Zeit der Streitenden Reiche in Japan ein Trend begann, bei dem lokale Honoratioren afrikanische Sklaven als Symbole der Autorität verwendeten.“
Mit anderen Worten, er versucht zu sagen, dass Yasusuke, der schwarze Samurai, der Oda Nobunaga diente, ein Sklave war.
Das ist völliger Unsinn.
Nobunaga mochte Yasusuke und hatte ihn an seiner Seite dienen.
Es gibt auch eine Theorie, dass erbegleitete Oda Nobunaga zur Zeit des Honnoji-Vorfalls und floh mit seinem Kopf.
Letztendlich verliert sich der Verbleib von Nobunagas Kopf im Nebel der Geschichte, aber sie waren so eng miteinander verbunden.
Wäre er ein Sklave gewesen, hätte er Nobunaga auf keinen Fall so ergeben sein können, und die Japaner haben ohnehin kein Konzept von Sklaverei.
Die Japaner hassten Sklaverei.
1775, kurz bevor die Vereinigten Staaten ihre Unabhängigkeit erlangten, kam der schwedische Botaniker Thunberg als Holländer verkleidet nach Nagasaki.
Er besuchte auch Edo und hinterließ einen Reisebericht über Japan, in dem er schrieb, dass „die Japaner ernsthaft wütend waren über die Art und Weise, wie die Holländer ihre schwarzen Sklaven misshandelten und überarbeiteten.“
Die Japaner hassten diese herzlosen Holländer und schrieben sogar Haikus über sie, wie etwa „Die Holländer, die zum Schloss kommen, werden von Fliegen verfolgt, weil sie nicht baden und ihren Körpergeruch umherwehen lassen.“
Außerdem gibt es eine Geschichte, wonach das Magistratsbüro von Nagasaki Mitleid mit den unterdrückten Schwarzen hatte und sie aus Dejima holte, um sie im Rotlichtviertel Maruyama spielen zu lassen.
Lockley ist höchst bösartig.
Er hat den Eintrag „Yasuke“ auf Wikipedia ergänzt und sogar die Encyclopædia Britannica manipuliert.
Er versucht absichtlich, Japan zu diffamieren.
Übrigens ist Lockley auch jüdischer Abstammung (sein Urgroßvater war Jude).
Gibt es eine absichtliche antijapanische Welle?
Tatsächlich scheint Lockleys Einfluss dazu geführt zu haben, dass die BBC über „die Samurai aus Afrika“ berichtete und CNN über „das bleibende Erbe von Yasuke“, und Lockley selbst erscheint jetzt in Artikeln in ausländischen Medien.
Wenn sich sein Diskurs weltweit verbreiten würde, würden die Missverständnisse über Japan nur noch zunehmen.
Ich konnte gehen, obwohl ich erkältet war.
Es ist eine etwas alte Geschichte. Dennoch schrieb der jüdische Gelehrte Lester Tenney (Professor an der University of Arizona) 1995 zum 50. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes ein Buch mit dem Titel „Bataan: The Road to the Far Side“.
Dieser Mann war Teilnehmer des Todesmarsches von Bataan auf den Philippinen. Er spricht über seine Erlebnisse, wie zum Beispiel, dass er beinahe von einem japanischen Offizier zu Pferd enthauptet worden wäre. Dennoch schreibt er auch jede Menge schamlosen Unsinn, zum Beispiel, dass das japanische Militär dieselbe Foltermethode des Waterboardings wie das US-Militär anwendete und dass sie amerikanische Soldaten auf dieselbe Weise folterten wie Piraten in Gary Cooper-Filmen.
Yukie Sasa schrieb einen Artikel in Bungeishunju (Ausgabe Dezember 2005) über ihre Erlebnisse beim Bataan-Todesmarsch.
Der Bataan-Todesmarsch war der Beginn des Krieges, in dem die japanische und die amerikanische Armee kämpften.
Der feindliche General MacArthur floh jedoch schnell, und die verbleibenden 70.000 Soldaten erhoben kampflos ihre Hände, als die philippinischen Soldaten in der Vorhut besiegt wurden.
Es gab keinen Lastwagen, um eine so große Zahl von Menschen zu transportieren.
Also mussten sie laufen.
Es war eine 80 km lange Reise in zwei Tagen und einer Nacht.
Selbst das ehemalige Mitglied der Selbstverteidigungsstreitkräfte, Frau Yasuko, lief 81 km im Marathon für „24 Hour Television“ des Nippon Television Network.
Ich glaube nicht, dass das eine Distanz ist, die selbst einem großen amerikanischen Soldaten große Probleme bereiten würde.
Frau Sasa schrieb auch, dass sie laufen konnte, obwohl sie erkältet war.
Dann wetterte Lester Tenney gegen Frau Sasas Artikel.
„Was soll diese Verhöhnung und Entweihung dieses Todesmarsches?“
Er ließ Rev. Cooper vom Simon Wiesenthal Center in seinem Namen sprechen und beschwerte sich bei Bungeishunjū.
Das Unternehmen wurde von der oben erwähnten Zeitschrift „Marco Polo“ schikaniert, hatte damals Angst und veröffentlichte seine Geschichte in voller Länge.
Er schrieb, dass es in Bataan keine Ruhepausen gab, dass die japanische Armee sie mit Gewehrkolben schlug, wenn sie sich ausruhten, und dass sie Gefangene, die vor Erschöpfung zusammenbrachen, gnadenlos töteten.
Die japanische Armee verhielt sich nicht so und marschierte nicht die ganze Nacht 80 km.
Sie blieben über Nacht, und es gibt auch Fotos von ihnen, wie sie während ihrer Ruhepause eine Kaffeepause machten.
Gibt es so einen entspannten Todesmarsch?
Ich habe Fotos gesehen, auf denen die japanische Armee amerikanischen Offizieren Tee servierte und Kriegsgefangene schwammen.
Außerdem veröffentlichte Iris Chang 1997 „The Rape of Nanking“.
Iris Chang versuchte auch, über den „Todesmarsch von Bataan“ zu schreiben, beging jedoch mitten im Prozess mit einer Pistole Selbstmord.
Ignatius Dain war übrigens der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), und er war es, der Iris Changs Forschungsarbeit in China ermöglichte, und er war die treibende Kraft hinter The Rape of Nanking.
Dain war der Gründer der Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
Er stammte aus Taiwan und war ein Angehöriger der Kuomintang.
1978 zog er in die USA und 1991 lernte er eine Organisation kennen, die seit 25 Jahren jedes Jahr einen Gedenkgottesdienst für das Nanking-Massaker in New York abhielt.Ohren.
Dann gründete er eine antijapanische Organisation.
Ich habe ihn zweimal in den Vereinigten Staaten interviewt.
Auf dem Campus der Sonoma University in Kalifornien gibt es ein Holocaust-Denkmal, das den Gleisen von Auschwitz nachempfunden ist.
Zwischen den Gleisen hat die Antijapanische Liga eine Steintafel mit den eingravierten Worten „250.000 koreanische Frauen wurden vom japanischen Militär zu Sexsklavinnen gemacht“ eingelassen und sie halten Zeremonien ab, als ob Japan am Holocaust beteiligt gewesen wäre.
Wir müssen auch die antijapanischen Bewegungen der chinesischen und koreanischen Gemeinschaften in den USA genau im Auge behalten.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

También debemos seguir de cerca los movimientos antijaponeses de los chinos y

2024年09月27日 17時41分36秒 | 全般
Lo que sigue es un fragmento de un diálogo entre Masayuki Takayama y Miki Otaka, publicado en la revista mensual WiLL, en las páginas 184-200, bajo el título "Contraataquemos los escandalosos libros 'antijaponeses' que insultan a Japón".
Este diálogo también demuestra que Masayuki Takayama es el más merecedor del Premio Nobel de Literatura o del Premio Nobel de la Paz.
También demuestra que el interlocutor, Miki Otaka, es un periodista genuino.
El discurso antijaponés está vinculado a él.
¿Cómo es posible que ni siquiera reconozcan los logros de Kiichiro Higuchi...?
¡Contrarrestar el escandaloso libro!
Hay fuerzas en todo el mundo que buscan socavar a Japón.
En marzo de 2024, se publicó en Estados Unidos un libro absurdo llamado "El Holocausto de Japón" (escrito por Brian Mark Rig / aún no traducido al japonés). Ootaka
El libro contiene teorías absurdas como la cuestión de las "mujeres de solaz", la Masacre de Nanking y la "masacre de 30 millones de personas en Asia por parte del ejército japonés bajo las órdenes del emperador". Además, el autor, el Sr. Rig, se jacta de haber "realizado investigaciones en más de 18 centros de investigación en cinco países".
A pesar de esto, también hay pasajes ridículos como "el ejército japonés era pedófilo, al igual que Jeffrey Epstein", que habla del ejército japonés al mismo nivel que los intermediarios de la prostitución infantil, y el libro está lleno de delirios sobre crímenes de guerra a la par de los de Yoshida Seiji.
En respuesta a un libro tan ridículo, la Sra. Otaka publicó "Una nueva mirada al 'Holocausto de Japón'" (Businesssha).
Rebate minuciosamente el libro utilizando su amplio conocimiento y habilidades de investigación.
¿Quién es el autor, Rig?
Nacido en 1971, es un judío que vive en los Estados Unidos. Tiene los títulos de historiador de la American Military University (historia militar alemana) y de la Southern Methodist University.
También es un ex oficial del Cuerpo de Marines y miembro de la junta del Museo del Holocausto en Dallas.
Rigg también ha publicado un libro llamado "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" (aún no traducido al japonés), pero hubo acusaciones de plagio.
El libro trata sobre las 150.000 personas del ejército nazi alemán que fueron clasificadas como de ascendencia judía.
Como resultado de las leyes raciales promulgadas por primera vez a mediados de la década de 1930, una asombrosa cantidad de soldados alemanes fueron clasificados por los nazis como judíos o como "parcialmente judíos".
Incluyendo este aspecto, Rigg desarrolló una crítica del gobierno de Hitler, pero cuando escribió un artículo sobre los "parcialmente judíos" antes de su publicación, un erudito alemán lo acusó de plagio. Por cierto, el Dr. Henry Turner, profesor de la Universidad de Yale que fue supervisor del Sr. Rigg, dijo: "El Sr. Rigg no es en realidad un intelectual ni un historiador, y no es apto para el mundo académico, por lo que me negué a recomendarlo para la escuela de posgrado".
No hay nada que podamos hacer al respecto.
Aunque alguien como éste escribió este libro, el Washington Post publicó un artículo titulado "Crímenes de guerra cometidos en nombre del Emperador: Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Japón cometió numerosas atrocidades contra sus vecinos asiáticos". Violaciones, decapitaciones, mutilaciones y destripamientos eran hechos rutinarios para el ejército japonés, desde los soldados de menor rango hasta los oficiales de mayor rango".
(fechado el 26 de abril de 2024), etc., y es un gran problema.
Andrew Roberts, un neoconservador, figura como firmante de la carta del Holocausto de Japón, que justificó la guerra de Irak afirmando que Irak poseía armas de destrucción masiva.
Por cierto, cuando se descubrió que no había armas de destrucción masiva, el Sr. Roberts presentó algunas excusas muy forzadas.
Además, la persona que lo recomendó, Lee R. Mandel, dijo: "La mayor parte de la discusión sobre el Holocausto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se centra en las atrocidades cometidas por la Alemania nazi. El Holocausto cometido por el Imperio de Japón ha sido poco estudiado y aún menos reconocido. El historiador Brian Riggs ha documentado lo que probablemente sea el estudio definitivo sobre el tema en su exhaustiva investigación. (...), 'El Holocausto de Japón' es una lectura obligada para cualquier estudiante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial". Realmente dudo que haya escrito un cumplido así después de leer el libro.
Muestra de dónde es el recomendador.
El discurso antijaponés está entrelazado
Siento que el discurso antijaponés está entrelazado, no solo en "El Holocausto de Japón", sino también más recientemente.
En 2017, Thomas Lockley, profesor asociado de la Universidad de Nihon, publicó "Nobunaga y Yashuke: el samurái negro que sobrevivió a Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
En él, escribió que "parece que durante el período de los Estados Combatientes comenzó una tendencia en Japón de que los notables locales usaran esclavos africanos como símbolos de autoridad".
En otras palabras, está tratando de decir que Yasusuke, el samurái negro que sirvió a Oda Nobunaga, era un esclavo.
Eso es una completa tontería.
A Nobunaga le gustaba Yasusuke y lo hizo servir a su lado.
También existe una teoría de que él
Acompañó a Oda Nobunaga en el momento del incidente de Honnoji y huyó con su cabeza.
Al final, el paradero de la cabeza de Nobunaga se pierde en las brumas de la historia, pero estaban tan estrechamente relacionados.
Si era un esclavo, no hay forma de que hubiera sido tan devoto de Nobunaga, y en cualquier caso, el pueblo japonés no tiene ningún concepto de esclavitud.
Los japoneses odiaban la esclavitud.
En 1775, justo antes de que los Estados Unidos obtuvieran la independencia, el botánico sueco Thunberg llegó a Nagasaki disfrazado de holandés.
También visitó Edo y dejó un diario de viaje por Japón, en el que escribió que "los japoneses estaban seriamente enojados por la forma en que los holandeses maltrataban y hacían trabajar demasiado a sus esclavos negros".
Los japoneses odiaban a estos holandeses despiadados e incluso escribieron haikus sobre ellos, como "Los holandeses que vienen al castillo son perseguidos por moscas porque no se bañan y dejan que su olor corporal se esparza por el aire". Además, hay una historia que dice que la Oficina del Magistrado de Nagasaki se apiadó de los negros oprimidos y los sacó de Dejima para dejarlos jugar en el distrito rojo de Maruyama.
Lockley es muy malicioso.
Añadió información a la entrada "Yasuke" en Wikipedia e incluso manipuló la Enciclopedia Británica.
Está intentando difamar deliberadamente a Japón.
Por cierto, Lockley también es de ascendencia judía (su bisabuelo era judío).
¿Se está produciendo una ola antijaponesa deliberada?
De hecho, parece que la influencia de Lockley ha llevado a que la BBC informe sobre "los samuráis de África" y la CNN sobre "el legado perdurable de Yasuke", y el propio Lockley aparece ahora en artículos en medios extranjeros.
Si su discurso se difundiera por todo el mundo, los malentendidos sobre Japón no harían más que aumentar.
Podría caminar aunque estuviera resfriado.
Es una historia un poco vieja. En 1995, en el 50 aniversario del fin de la guerra, el erudito judío Lester Tenney (profesor de la Universidad de Arizona) escribió un libro titulado "Bataan: The Road to the Far Side" (Bataán: el camino al otro lado).
Este hombre participó en la Marcha de la Muerte de Bataán en Filipinas. Habla de sus experiencias, como cuando casi fue decapitado por un oficial japonés a caballo. Sin embargo, también escribe un montón de tonterías descaradas, como que el ejército japonés utilizó el mismo método de tortura del ahogamiento simulado que el ejército estadounidense y que torturaron a los soldados estadounidenses de la misma manera que los piratas en las películas de Gary Cooper.
Yukie Sasa escribió un artículo en Bungeishunju (número de diciembre de 2005) sobre su experiencia caminando por la Marcha de la Muerte de Bataán.
La Marcha de la Muerte de Bataán fue el comienzo de la guerra, donde lucharon los ejércitos japonés y estadounidense.
Sin embargo, el general enemigo, MacArthur, huyó rápidamente, y los 70.000 soldados restantes levantaron las manos sin luchar cuando los soldados filipinos en la vanguardia fueron derrotados.
No había ningún camión disponible para transportar a una cantidad tan grande de personas.
Así que se vieron obligados a caminar.
Fue un viaje de 80 km en dos días y una noche.
Incluso la ex miembro de la Fuerza de Autodefensa, la Sra. Yasuko, corrió 81 km en el maratón del programa "24 Hour Television" de la cadena de televisión japonesa.
No creo que esa sea una distancia que le causaría muchos problemas ni siquiera a un gran soldado estadounidense.
La Sra. Sasa también escribió que podía caminar a pesar de estar resfriada.
Luego, Lester Tenney arremetió contra el artículo de la Sra. Sasa.
"¿Qué es esta burla y profanación de esa marcha de la muerte?"
Hizo que el reverendo Cooper del Centro Simon Wiesenthal hablara en su nombre y se quejó ante Bungeishunjū. La compañía estaba siendo intimidada por la mencionada revista "Marco Polo", por lo que en ese momento se asustaron y publicaron su historia en su totalidad.
Escribió que no había descanso en Bataan, que si descansaban, el ejército japonés los golpearía con la culata de una pistola y que mataban sin piedad a los prisioneros que se desplomaban de agotamiento.
El ejército japonés no se comportó así y no caminó 80 km toda la noche.
Se quedaron a pasar la noche y también hay fotos de ellos tomando un café durante su descanso.
¿Existe una marcha de la muerte tan relajada?
He visto fotos del ejército japonés sirviendo té a oficiales estadounidenses y de prisioneros de guerra nadando.
Además, Iris Chang publicó "La violación de Nanking" en 1997.
Iris Chang también estaba tratando de escribir sobre la "Marcha de la Muerte de Bataan", pero se suicidó con una pistola en medio del proceso. Por cierto, Ignatius Dain era vicepresidente de la Asociación de Chinos de Ultramar de Estados Unidos (Asociación de Protección de la Historia de la Guerra Antijaponesa de los Chinos de Ultramar), y fue la persona que organizó que Iris Chang llevara a cabo su investigación en China y fue la fuerza impulsora detrás de La violación de Nanking.
Dain fue el fundador de la Asociación de Protección de la Historia de la Guerra Antijaponesa de los Chinos de Ultramar.
Era de Taiwán y de linaje del Kuomintang.
En 1978, se mudó a los Estados Unidos y en 1991, conoció a una organización que había estado celebrando un servicio conmemorativo por la Masacre de Nanking en Nueva York todos los años durante 25 años.orejas.
Luego creó una organización antijaponesa.
Lo he entrevistado dos veces en Estados Unidos.
En el campus de la Universidad de Sonoma, en California, hay un monumento conmemorativo del Holocausto inspirado en las vías del tren de Auschwitz.
Entre las vías, la Liga Antijaponesa ha incrustado una placa de piedra grabada con las palabras "250.000 mujeres coreanas fueron convertidas en esclavas sexuales por el ejército japonés", y celebran ceremonias como si Japón fuera cómplice del Holocausto.
También debemos seguir de cerca los movimientos antijaponeses de las comunidades china y coreana en Estados Unidos.
Este artículo continúa.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

Dobbiamo anche tenere d'occhio i movimenti anti-giapponesi dei cinesi e

2024年09月27日 17時38分36秒 | 全般
Quanto segue è tratto da un dialogo tra Masayuki Takayama e Miki Otaka, pubblicato sulla rivista mensile WiLL, alle pagine 184-200, con il titolo "Rispondiamo agli scandalosi libri 'anti-giapponesi' che insultano il Giappone".
Questo dialogo dimostra anche che Masayuki Takayama è il più meritevole del Premio Nobel per la letteratura o del Premio Nobel per la pace.
Dimostra anche che il partner del dialogo, Miki Otaka, è un autentico giornalista.
il discorso anti-giapponese è collegato ad esso.
Come possono non riconoscere nemmeno i risultati di Kiichiro Higuchi...
Contrastare il libro scandaloso!
Ci sono forze in tutto il mondo che cercano di indebolire il Giappone.
Nel marzo 2024, un libro assurdo intitolato "Japan's Holocaust" (scritto da Brian Mark Rig / non ancora tradotto in giapponese) è stato pubblicato negli Stati Uniti.
Il libro contiene teorie assurde come la questione delle "donne di conforto", il massacro di Nanchino e il "massacro di 30 milioni di persone in Asia da parte dell'esercito giapponese su ordine dell'imperatore". Inoltre, l'autore, il signor Rig, si vanta di aver "condotto ricerche in più di 18 centri di ricerca in cinque paesi".
Nonostante ciò, ci sono anche passaggi ridicoli come "l'esercito giapponese era pedofilo, proprio come Jeffrey Epstein", che discute dell'esercito giapponese alla pari dei mediatori di prostituzione minorile, e il libro è pieno di deliri sui crimini di guerra alla pari di quelli di Yoshida Seiji.
In risposta a un libro così ridicolo, la signora Otaka ha pubblicato "Un nuovo sguardo all'Olocausto del Giappone" (Businesssha).
Confuta completamente il libro usando la sua vasta conoscenza e capacità investigative.
Chi è l'autore, Rig? Ohtaka
Nato nel 1971, è un ebreo che vive negli Stati Uniti.
Ha i titoli di American Military University (storia militare tedesca) e storico della Southern Methodist University presso l'American Military University (storia militare tedesca) e storico della Southern Methodist University.
È anche un ex ufficiale del corpo dei Marines e membro del consiglio dell'Holocaust Museum di Dallas.
Rigg ha anche pubblicato un libro intitolato "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" (non ancora tradotto in giapponese), ma ci sono state accuse di plagio.
Il libro parla delle 150.000 persone nell'esercito nazista tedesco che erano classificate come aventi origini ebraiche.
A seguito delle leggi razziali promulgate per la prima volta a metà degli anni '30, un numero sorprendente di soldati tedeschi fu classificato dai nazisti come ebrei o come "parzialmente ebrei". Includendo questo aspetto, Rigg sviluppò una critica del governo di Hitler, ma quando scrisse un articolo sui "parzialmente ebrei" prima della pubblicazione, fu accusato da uno studioso tedesco di plagio.
Per inciso, il dott. Henry Turner, un professore della Yale University che era il supervisore del signor Rigg, disse: "Il signor Rigg non è in realtà un intellettuale o uno storico, e non è adatto al mondo accademico, quindi mi sono rifiutato di raccomandarlo per la scuola di specializzazione".
Non c'è niente che possiamo fare al riguardo.
Nonostante qualcuno come lui abbia scritto questo libro, il Washington Post pubblicò un articolo intitolato "Crimini di guerra commessi in nome dell'imperatore: durante la seconda guerra mondiale, il Giappone commise numerose atrocità contro i suoi vicini asiatici". stupri, decapitazioni, mutilazioni e sventramenti erano all'ordine del giorno per l'esercito giapponese, dai soldati di grado più basso agli ufficiali di grado più alto." (datato 26 aprile 2024), ecc., ed è un grosso problema.
Andrew Roberts, un neoconservatore, è elencato come firmatario della lettera giapponese sull'Olocausto, che giustificava la guerra in Iraq sostenendo che l'Iraq possedeva armi di distruzione di massa.
Per inciso, quando si scoprì che non c'erano armi di distruzione di massa, il signor Roberts inventò delle scuse molto forzate.
Inoltre, la persona che lo ha raccomandato, Lee R. Mandel, ha detto: "La maggior parte della discussione sull'Olocausto della seconda guerra mondiale si concentra sulle atrocità commesse dalla Germania nazista. L'Olocausto commesso dall'Impero del Giappone è stato poco studiato e ancora meno riconosciuto. Lo storico Brian Riggs ha documentato quello che è probabilmente lo studio definitivo sull'argomento nella sua esauriente ricerca. (...), "Japan's Holocaust" è una lettura obbligata per qualsiasi studioso della Seconda guerra mondiale." Dubito fortemente che abbia scritto un complimento del genere dopo aver letto il libro.
Dimostra da dove proviene il consigliere.
Il discorso anti-giapponese è interconnesso
Penso che il discorso anti-giapponese sia interconnesso, non solo in "Japan's Holocaust" ma anche più di recente.
Nel 2017, Thomas Lockley, professore associato alla Nihon University, ha pubblicato "Nobunaga and Yashuke: The Black Samurai Who Survived Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
In esso, ha scritto che "sembra che durante il periodo degli Stati Combattenti sia iniziata in Giappone una tendenza per i notabili locali a usare gli schiavi africani come simboli di autorità".
In altre parole, sta cercando di dire che Yasusuke, il samurai nero che servì Oda Nobunaga, era uno schiavo.
È una totale assurdità.
Nobunaga prese in simpatia Yasusuke e lo fece servire al suo fianco.
C'è anche una teoria secondo cui luiaccompagnò Oda Nobunaga al momento dell'incidente di Honnoji e fuggì con la sua testa.
Alla fine, il luogo in cui si trovava la testa di Nobunaga si perde nella nebbia della storia, ma erano così strettamente collegati.
Se fosse stato uno schiavo, non sarebbe mai stato così devoto a Nobunaga e, in ogni caso, il popolo giapponese non ha alcun concetto di schiavitù.
I giapponesi odiavano la schiavitù.
Nel 1775, poco prima che gli Stati Uniti ottenessero l'indipendenza, il botanico svedese Thunberg arrivò a Nagasaki travestito da olandese.
Visitò anche Edo e lasciò un diario di viaggio del Giappone, in cui scrisse che "i giapponesi erano seriamente arrabbiati per il modo in cui gli olandesi maltrattavano e facevano lavorare troppo i loro schiavi neri".
I giapponesi odiavano questi olandesi senza cuore e scrissero persino degli haiku su di loro, come "Gli olandesi che vengono al castello sono seguiti dalle mosche perché non si lavano e lasciano che il loro odore corporeo si diffonda". Inoltre, c'è una storia secondo cui l'ufficio del magistrato di Nagasaki ebbe pietà dei neri oppressi e li portò fuori da Dejima per lasciarli giocare nel quartiere a luci rosse di Maruyama.
Lockley è molto malizioso.
Ha aggiunto alla voce "Yasuke" su Wikipedia e ha persino manomesso l'Encyclopædia Britannica.
Sta deliberatamente cercando di diffamare il Giappone.
Tra l'altro, Lockley è anche di origine ebraica (il suo bisnonno era ebreo).
Si sta verificando un'ondata anti-giapponese deliberata?
In effetti, sembra che l'influenza di Lockley abbia portato la BBC a parlare dei "samurai dall'Africa" e la CNN a parlare della "duratura eredità di Yasuke", e Lockley stesso ora appare in articoli sui media esteri.
Se il suo discorso si diffondesse in tutto il mondo, i malintesi sul Giappone non farebbero che aumentare.
Potevo camminare anche se avevo il raffreddore. Takayama
È una vecchia storia. Tuttavia, nel 1995, nel 50° anniversario della fine della guerra, lo studioso ebreo Lester Tenney (un professore all'Università dell'Arizona) scrisse un libro intitolato "Bataan: The Road to the Far Side".
Quest'uomo partecipò alla marcia della morte di Bataan nelle Filippine. Racconta delle sue esperienze, come quella di essere stato quasi decapitato da un ufficiale giapponese a cavallo. Tuttavia, scrive anche un sacco di sciocchezze spudorate, come quella che l'esercito giapponese usava lo stesso metodo di tortura del waterboarding dell'esercito statunitense e che torturavano i soldati americani nello stesso modo in cui fanno i pirati nei film di Gary Cooper.
Yukie Sasa scrisse un articolo su Bungeishunju (numero di dicembre 2005) sulla sua esperienza durante la marcia della morte di Bataan.
La marcia della morte di Bataan fu l'inizio della guerra, in cui combatterono gli eserciti giapponese e americano. Tuttavia, il generale nemico, MacArthur, fuggì rapidamente e i restanti 70.000 soldati alzarono le mani senza combattere quando i soldati filippini in avanguardia furono sconfitti.
Non c'era nessun camion disponibile per trasportare un numero così elevato di persone.
Così furono costretti a camminare.
Fu un viaggio di 80 km in due giorni e una notte.
Anche l'ex membro delle Forze di autodifesa, la signora Yasuko, corse 81 km nella maratona per "24 Hour Television" della Nippon Television Network.
Non credo che sia una distanza che causerebbe molti problemi anche a un grosso soldato americano.
La signora Sasa scrisse anche che poteva camminare nonostante il raffreddore.
Poi Lester Tenney si scagliò contro l'articolo della signora Sasa.
"Cos'è questa presa in giro e questa profanazione di quella marcia della morte?"
Fece parlare a suo favore il reverendo Cooper del Simon Wiesenthal Center e si lamentò con Bungeishunjū. La società era vittima di bullismo da parte della suddetta rivista "Marco Polo", quindi all'epoca erano spaventati e pubblicarono la sua storia per intero.
Scrisse che non c'era riposo a Bataan, che se si fossero riposati, l'esercito giapponese li avrebbe picchiati con il calcio di un fucile e che avevano ucciso senza pietà i prigionieri che crollavano per la stanchezza.
L'esercito giapponese non si comportò così e non camminò per 80 km tutta la notte.
Rimasero lì per la notte e ci sono anche foto di loro che facevano una pausa caffè durante il riposo.
Esiste una marcia della morte così rilassata?
Ho visto foto dell'esercito giapponese che serviva il tè agli ufficiali americani e di prigionieri di guerra che nuotavano.
Inoltre, Iris Chang pubblicò "The Rape of Nanking" nel 1997.
Anche Iris Chang stava cercando di scrivere della "Bataan Death March", ma si suicidò con una pistola nel bel mezzo del processo. Per inciso, Ignatius Dain era il vicepresidente dell'Overseas Chinese Association of America (Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association), ed era la persona che aveva organizzato la ricerca di Iris Chang in Cina ed era la forza trainante dietro The Rape of Nanking.
Dain era il fondatore dell'Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese War History Protection Association.
Era di Taiwan e di sangue del Kuomintang.
Nel 1978 si trasferì negli Stati Uniti e nel 1991 incontrò un'organizzazione che aveva tenuto un servizio commemorativo per il massacro di Nanchino a New York ogni anno per 25 anni.orecchie.
Poi fondò un'organizzazione anti-giapponese.
L'ho intervistato due volte negli Stati Uniti.
Nel campus della Sonoma University in California, c'è un monumento commemorativo dell'Olocausto modellato sui binari ferroviari di Auschwitz.
Tra i binari, la Lega anti-giapponese ha incastonato una lapide con incise le parole "250.000 donne coreane sono state trasformate in schiave sessuali dall'esercito giapponese", e tengono cerimonie come se il Giappone fosse complice dell'Olocausto.
Dobbiamo anche tenere d'occhio i movimenti anti-giapponesi delle comunità cinese e coreana negli Stati Uniti.
Questo articolo continua.

2024/9/26 in Umeda

anti-japansk diskurs är kopplad till det ... Att motverka den upprörande boken!

2024年09月27日 17時32分48秒 | 全般
Följande är från en dialog mellan Masayuki Takayama och Miki Otaka, publicerad i månadstidningen WiLL, på sidorna 184-200, under titeln "Låt oss slå tillbaka på de upprörande 'anti-japanska' böckerna som förolämpar Japan."
Denna dialog bevisar också att Masayuki Takayama är den mest förtjänta av Nobelpriset i litteratur eller Nobels fredspris.
Det bevisar också att dialogpartnern Miki Otaka är en genuin journalist.
antijapansk diskurs är kopplad till det.
Hur kan de inte ens erkänna Kiichiro Higuchis prestationer...
Motverkar den upprörande boken!
Det finns krafter över hela världen som försöker underminera Japan.
I mars 2024 publicerades en absurd bok kallad "Japan's Holocaust" (skriven av Brian Mark Rig / ännu inte översatt till japanska) i USA.
Boken innehåller absurda teorier som "trösta kvinnor"-frågan, Nankingmassakern och "massakern på 30 miljoner människor i Asien av den japanska armén under order från kejsaren". Dessutom skryter författaren, Mr. Rig, med att han "drev forskning vid mer än 18 forskningsanläggningar i fem länder".
Trots detta finns det också löjliga stycken som "den japanska armén var pedofiler, precis som Jeffrey Epstein", som diskuterar den japanska armén i paritet med mäklare av barnprostitution, och boken är komplett med krigsförbrytelser i nivå med de av Yoshida Seiji.
Som svar på en sådan löjlig bok publicerade Otaka "A New Look at the 'Japan's Holocaust'" (Businesssha).
Han motbevisar boken grundligt med hjälp av sina omfattande kunskaper och undersökande färdigheter.
Vem är författaren, Rig?
Han är född 1971 och är en jude som bor i USA.
Han innehar titlarna American Military University (tysk militärhistoria) och Southern Methodist University historiker vid American Military University (tysk militärhistoria) och Southern Methodist University historiker.
Han är också en före detta marinkårsofficer och styrelseledamot i Holocaust Museum i Dallas.
Rigg har också publicerat en bok som heter "Hitlers judiska soldater" (ännu inte översatt till japanska), men det förekom anklagelser om plagiat.
Boken handlar om de 150 000 personer i den nazistiska tyska armén som klassades som judiska anor.
Som ett resultat av de raslagar som först antogs i mitten av 1930-talet, klassificerades ett häpnadsväckande antal tyska soldater av nazisterna som judar eller som "deljudar".
Inklusive denna aspekt utvecklade Rigg en kritik av Hitlers styre, men när han skrev en artikel om "deljudar" innan publiceringen anklagades han av en tysk forskare för plagiat.
För övrigt sa Dr. Henry Turner, en professor vid Yale University som var Mr. Riggs handledare, "Mr. Rigg är faktiskt inte en intellektuell eller en historiker, och han är inte lämpad för akademin, så jag vägrade att rekommendera honom för forskarskolan ."
Det finns inget vi kan göra åt det.
Även om någon som denna skrev den här boken, publicerade Washington Post en artikel med titeln "Krigsförbrytelser begångna i kejsarens namn: Under andra världskriget begick Japan åtskilliga grymheter mot sina asiatiska grannar." våldtäkt, halshuggning, stympning och urtagning var rutinmässiga händelser för den japanska militären, från de lägst rankade soldaterna till de högst rankade officerarna."
(daterad 26 april 2024) etc., och det är ett stort problem.
Andrew Roberts, en nykonservativ, anges som undertecknare av Japans förintelsebrev, som motiverade Irakkriget genom att hävda att Irak hade massförstörelsevapen.
För övrigt, när det upptäcktes att det inte fanns några massförstörelsevapen, kom Mr. Roberts med några mycket ansträngda ursäkter.
Personen som rekommenderade honom, Lee R. Mandel, sa också: "Det mesta av diskussionen om andra världskrigets förintelse handlar om grymheterna som begåtts av Nazityskland. Förintelsen som begicks av imperiet i Japan har studerats lite och till och med mindre erkänd Historikern Brian Riggs har dokumenterat vad som förmodligen är den definitiva studien i ämnet i sin uttömmande forskning (...), "Japans förintelse" är ett måste för alla studenter från andra världskriget. Jag tvivlar verkligen på att han skrev en sådan komplimang efter att ha läst boken.
Den visar varifrån rekommendatorn kommer.
Anti-japansk diskurs är sammankopplad
Jag känner att anti-japansk diskurs hänger ihop, inte bara i "Japans Förintelse" utan också på senare tid.
2017 publicerade Thomas Lockley, en docent vid Nihon University, "Nobunaga and Yashuke: The Black Samurai Who Survived Honnoji" (Ota Shuppan).
I den skrev han att "det verkar som om en trend började i Japan under de krigande staternas period för lokala notabiliteter att använda afrikanska slavar som symboler för auktoritet."
Med andra ord, han försöker säga att Yasusuke, den svarta samurajen som tjänade Oda Nobunaga, var en slav.
Det är fullständigt nonsens.
Nobunaga gillade Yasusuke och lät honom tjäna vid sin sida.
Det finns också en teori om att hanföljde med Oda Nobunaga vid tidpunkten för Honnoji-incidenten och flydde med huvudet.
I slutändan försvinner var Nobunagas huvud befinner sig i historiens dimmor, men de var så nära förbundna.
Om han var en slav, finns det inget sätt att han skulle ha varit så hängiven Nobunaga, och i vilket fall som helst har det japanska folket inget begrepp om slaveri.
Japanerna hatade slaveri.
1775, strax innan USA blev självständigt, kom den svenske botanikern Thunberg till Nagasaki förklädd till holländare.
Han besökte också Edo och lämnade en reseberättelse om Japan, där han skrev att "japanerna var allvarligt arga på hur holländarna misshandlade och överarbetade sina svarta slavar."
Japanerna hatade dessa hjärtlösa holländare och skrev till och med haiku om dem, som "Holländarna som kommer till slottet följs av flugor eftersom de inte badar och låter sin kroppslukt flöda omkring."
Dessutom finns det en historia om att Nagasaki Magistrate's Office förbarmade sig över de förtryckta svarta människorna och tog dem ut från Dejima för att låta dem spela i Maruyamas red-light district.
Lockley är mycket skadlig.
Han lade till "Yasuke"-inlägget på Wikipedia och manipulerade till och med Encyclopædia Britannica.
Han försöker medvetet att förtala Japan.
Lockley är för övrigt också av judisk härkomst (hans farfarsfar var judisk).
Förekommer det en medveten antijapansk våg?
Det verkar faktiskt som att Lockleys inflytande har lett till att BBC rapporterat om "samurajerna från Afrika" och CNN rapporterar om "det bestående arvet efter Yasuke", och Lockley själv är nu med i artiklar i utländska medier.
Om hans diskurs spreds över hela världen skulle missförstånden om Japan bara öka.
Den här artikeln fortsätter.

2024/9/26 in Umeda