The following is a rough draft.
I watched today's Morning 8, where Mako Ganaha made a guest appearance from Davos.
Ms. Kaoru Arimoto also wrote of her great admiration and appreciation for her appearance, and I must also express my great gratitude.
Recently, when I encountered the expression "the organizer of Davos," I had some doubts, so I immediately searched the Internet and sent out the story of how I was surprised to learn from Wikipedia that the conference was started by a single German, who, like me, was utterly unknown to most of the Japanese public.
Ms. Kaoru Arimoto also wrote of her great admiration and appreciation for her appearance, and I must also express my great gratitude.
Recently, when I encountered the expression "the organizer of Davos," I had some doubts, so I immediately searched the Internet and sent out the story of how I was surprised to learn from Wikipedia that the conference was started by a single German, who, like me, was utterly unknown to most of the Japanese public.
I also mentioned that I was convinced then that the Davos meeting was another Chinese plot.
I was also convinced that the Davos meeting was also one of China's schemes because it clarified the reason for the close relationship between China, perhaps the worst nation in history, and the Davos meeting.
I was also convinced that the Davos meeting was also one of China's schemes because it clarified the reason for the close relationship between China, perhaps the worst nation in history, and the Davos meeting.
Mako-san's answer to my intuition (following the example of Hiroshi Furuta, a professor at the University of Tokyo) was even more important because it revealed to me a core fact.
I knew from Wikipedia that the founder, German Klaus Schwab, was a disciple of Kissinger.
That alone was a sufficient answer to my suspicions.
That alone was a sufficient answer to my suspicions.
As readers know, Kissinger was such a fool that he recognized Japan and China as the exact opposites, so it is no wonder the ugly reality of the Davos meeting is now being exposed.
Today, Mako-san mentioned two of Klaus Schwab's most influential figures, Kissinger and another Brazilian priest (the one who strikes at the heart of his work), whose names were difficult to find.
I have just now finally discovered them.
I have just now finally discovered them.
Hélder Pessoa Câmara...I am sure it is him.
Mako-san said that she thinks we make a mistake because we think of the Davos Forum organized by Klaus Schwab as a leading institution of globalism.
Instead, she said, we should think of it as global totalitarianism.
She got at the heart of Klaus Schwab and the Davos meeting.
Instead, she said, we should think of it as global totalitarianism.
She got at the heart of Klaus Schwab and the Davos meeting.
Klaus Schwab was so enamored of Erdel Camara that he wanted him to speak at Davos, even over the objections of those around him.
That also perfectly clarified the reason for his unusually close relationship with Xi Jinping.
The following is from "Eldel Camara," Wikipedia.
Preamble omitted.
Camara's pamphlet, "The Spiral of Violence" (1971), was written at the end of the Vietnam War, where he not only showed how structural injustice (stage 1 violence) leads to insurgency (stage 2 violence) and repression against it (stage 3 violence), Camara urged the youth of the world to take steps to break that spiral into which adults have been plunged He urged them to take steps to break it.
Preamble omitted.
Camara's pamphlet, "The Spiral of Violence" (1971), was written at the end of the Vietnam War, where he not only showed how structural injustice (stage 1 violence) leads to insurgency (stage 2 violence) and repression against it (stage 3 violence), Camara urged the youth of the world to take steps to break that spiral into which adults have been plunged He urged them to take steps to break it.
*It is no exaggeration to say that Elder Camara is the brainwasher of the Japanese SEALs, the Swedish Gretas, and the idiots in Europe who are painting masterpieces of art and these foolish low-lives. *
The book was out of print in the UK for almost 20 years but has been reevaluated and scanned after Camara's death and is available on the web.
In 1973, Kamala was nominated by the American Friends Service Corps (AFSC) for the Nobel Peace Prize [1].
He was awarded the Peace Prize on Earth. This award is named after John XXIII's 1963 encyclical, "Peace on Earth."
He was awarded the Peace Prize on Earth. This award is named after John XXIII's 1963 encyclical, "Peace on Earth."
Kamala was a close personal friend of Ivan Ilyich.
Ivan Ilyich, known for his critique of modern industrial society, must also be connected to the core of Klaus Schwab's work.
To be continued.
To be continued.

2023/1/25, at Osaka