I like all Japanese people except for Prime Minister Abe...
October 17, 2020
It is a chapter that I sent out on July 17, 2019.
When the young Chinese woman working part-time at a shop in Arashiyama told me, "I like all Japanese people except for Prime Minister Abe..." I said, "That's strange..." I sent this chapter on December 16, 2018, under "That's Strange..."
In France, those bizarre demonstrations are continuing... Japanese TV reports that this is because France was a country during the May Revolution.
A few days ago, I left the channel and came across a TV Asahi talk show commenting on whether there was some conspiracy.
After showing images of Le Pen and others, the young announcer who was the host made a comment that was a criticism of President Trump and summed up the show by saying, "Is France going that way too...?"
As I watched this with a friend, I couldn't help but ask, "Which side are you on?"
My friend called me yesterday to say that the chapter I had sent out the day before was excellent.
He said," I was surprised when I read the editorial in the Sankei newspaper this morning..."
When I heard that, I immediately became convinced... that it would be easier for the intelligence agencies of South Korea and North Korea to win over the members of the Japan-Korea Parliamentary League
it would be easier to win over the members of the Japan-Korea Parliamentary League than to twist the hand of a baby...
Honey traps and money traps...
It would not be an exaggeration to say that not a single member of this group of Diet members has the insight or true patriotism to resist this.
They are a prime example of the fragility of democracy.
In the past, they were incited by the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers to go to war, and now they are being manipulated by them to engage in anti-Japanese activities.
What they all have in common is that they are all subscribers to and avid readers of the Asahi Shimbun, and I am 100% certain that this is the case...
As long as these people are around, Japan will never be able to lead the world as a country, turning the "turntable of civilization."
That is exactly what the intelligence agencies in China and the Korean Peninsula aim to achieve.
The title of the Sankei Shimbun editorial was "What on earth did they go there for?
My friend was surprised to learn that this delegation to South Korea (needless to say, they were Japanese Diet members)
kept the Sankei Shimbun out of the press conference.
The unprecedented proposal I made yesterday to Japan and the world...
Let's set aside a budget of over 10 billion yen to acquire deep throat from China and the Korean Peninsula as soon as possible...
Let's turn our intelligence agents...
Besides doing this, Japan cannot become a world leader alongside the United States...
We cannot stop the lies and anti-Japanese activities in Okinawa.
As my friend said to me on the phone this morning, "It was wonderful...",
I am even more convinced that my proposal is the only answer for Japan.
The foundation of a country that has been a one-party communist dictatorship for 70 years since the end of the war and that has been practicing a form of Nazism called "anti-Japanese education."
It is a constant propaganda campaign at home and abroad, and the people are monitored.
Democracy is not a solid foundation.
From the perspective of manipulators, manipulating is extremely easy and involves many pitfalls.
What they do to democratic nations is try to divide the people and public opinion.
In the case of Japan, they fabricate the Morikake scandal...
In the opinion polls that NHK frequently conducts, the announcer always reads the ridiculous statement "I don't trust Prime Minister Abe's character" as a reason for disapproving of the administration.
I once ran into the former prime minister before Abe in Kitashinchi...
needless to say, he was precisely the kind of person whose character you couldn't trust.
After seeing politicians like that for so long, it was no exaggeration to say that I was stunned when I encountered Shinzo Abe at the Nikko Hotel in Shinsaibashi.
I was getting off the escalator, and he was walking down the corridor toward the subway.
The way he was walking was utterly different from any politician I had seen before.
He was walking with his eyes fixed on the ground without looking aside.
He was walking with his eyes fixed on the ground, looking neither right nor left.
It was when he was out of power.
I realized in an instant:
He's different from all those other politicians. He's the real deal.
I was amazed.
After all, I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun and a regular reader then, so it was even more of a surprise.
I was surprised when he appeared on the TV program "Sokomade Itte IinKakai" (lit. "That's Enough, Committee") that I happened to be watching after he became prime minister again.
I was also surprised when he appeared on the late-night talk show on which Matsumoto Hitoshi was appearing.
However, at the time, I was amazed by the good personality of a man from a perfect family and the truly natural and wonderful sense of humor that came from that.
It was his truly natural and brilliant sense of humor.
I was convinced he would have been able to defuse the situation with his quick wit and prevent the meeting from breaking down,
even during the heated exchange between the US and France (I think) at the G7 when Obama was president.
Undoubtedly, 5% of the people who control the news and editorial departments of NHK are agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.
It is because the brains of the Chinese and Korean people are the brains that do not doubt the continuation of the foolish and inexcusable question of "I don't trust his character" to the people who have never met or spoken to Prime Minister Abe.
When the young Chinese woman who worked part-time at the shop in Arashiyama told me last year, "I like all Japanese people except Prime Minister Abe..."
I told her, "That's not right... The majority of Japanese people have elected Abe as their prime minister, so your logic is wrong...".
In other words, the will of China and the Korean Peninsula is the question of "I don't trust Abe's character."
NHK and others conduct public opinion polls at an abnormal frequency. Their intentions must also be at work here.
That is the very thing they are doing to brainwash their viewers.
By manipulating the results of public opinion polls in Japan, they make it look like there is a lot of opposition to the idea of amending the Constitution and preventing it from being amended...
They keep the opposition to nuclear power going, and they knock Japan down to a backward country in terms of nuclear technology, and they conquer the world's nuclear power...
The article I discovered in the Guardian this morning proved 100% that my argument was correct... I will introduce it in the next chapter.
NHK never reads the support rate for each party.
I don't trust Prime Minister Abe's character. They read this item every time, but they never read that the support rate for the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is around 5% or less, let alone 10% or less, compared to the Liberal Democratic Party's support rate of around 50%.
It is the way that NHK, which is Japan's national broadcaster, frequently behaves.
A country in this state cannot stop China's arrogance, but instead allows them to do as they please; in the end, it is only natural that countries like South Korea and North Korea would be able to trample all over our territory, territorial waters, honor, and trust.
The reason why this kind of deplorable situation has come about is, first and foremost, because NHK and the Asahi Shimbun are in their hands.
It is often said that a country's problems are magnified when they appear on remote islands...
Okinawa is precisely like that.
Okinawa is controlled by two newspapers equivalent to NHK and the Asahi Shimbun.
It was these two newspapers and the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun that incited the prefecture's residents to "die with honor" before and during the war and not to be taken prisoner alive.
The Asahi Shimbun's cowardice is also evident in the fact that you cannot search for the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun on the internet...
It is because it would be a fatal blow to them if the content of their pre-war and wartime reporting could be instantly searched for.
For example, I am not a writer, so I would not travel from Osaka to Tokyo to the National Diet Library to look into this matter. Most people would feel the same way.
As a result, the nature of the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun before and during the war is a black box to most people.
I think the two newspapers in Okinawa are similar.
If the FBI and CIA existed in Japan, and I were the director of those organizations...
I would immediately begin investigating the situation regarding contact between the two Okinawan newspapers and agents from China and the Korean Peninsula.
Okinawa is the perfect target for the invasion and seizure of Japanese territory and territorial waters to divide Japan and weaken it.
Not to mention other developed countries besides Japan...
China and the Korean Peninsula would be arrested on the spot for espionage, and in China, they would be executed for treason,
and in Korea, they would be punished... It is a country where things like making an example of people are rife, so they might be released if the government changes...
but it is clear beyond all doubt from what Shin Suk-ok is doing.
Even so, the behavior of the TV stations that frequently feature Sin Suk-ok on TV and the Asahi Shimbun newspaper that has even welcomed her to its affiliated company is beyond description.
This article continues.