It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2021/3/13. 2025年03月13日 09時17分45秒 | 全般 1If air pollutants cause global warming, then China is entirely responsible.2トップページ3If air pollution is the cause of climate change, the biggest source is China4本稿は現生でも彼らを罰する事が出来る事を初めて世界に告げるものである。5地球温暖化が大気汚染ガスに依るとするならば全ての責任は中国にある6It would be better if you would seriously criticize these two countries7From Roosevelt to Nixon to Obama, the US continued to support such a corrupt nation8What we have here is our daily lives taken away by Xi Jinping and the CCP9the United States is a genius at mistaking friends for a foe10施行から73年間、条文を一言一句変えていない日本国憲法は、やはり異常なのです11In China, if you tell the truth, you get the death penalty.12However, if you make the right choice, the devils will play Chinese agents in the US13U.S. Society Under Pressure for Freedom of speech and Press14The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing15decent and well-meaning people, are easily swayed by propaganda.16Biden and the Democrats. You were once completely ignorant about Japan17Changing the Constitution is common sense in the world. 18TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」19これら政府がつくった数字は、やはり現実を隠し切れなくて、どこかで尻尾が出てしまうものなのだと思う20記事一覧21Anyway, it's time to ask Biden about the origin of the Constitution.22レジ袋有料化で取っ手つきのポリ袋、買うようになったのに。また愚策。使い捨てスプーン 有料化検討24No entanto, se você fizer a escolha certa, os demônios farão o papel de agentes25Personne d'autre n'a fait cela, sauf les États-Unis, Biden, vous.26it is a popular page yesterday27Greta rarely directs her criticism at China; instead, she mainly targets the US and Europe28molte donne in tributo portate in Cina per 500 anni sono state completamente29Enfim, é hora de perguntar a Biden sobre a origem da Constituição.30it is a popular page yesterday31O Japão não deve emular os EUA, mas usá-lo como um exemplo negativo.32Sin embargo, si toma la decisión correcta, los demonios jugarán como agentes33NHK je historik, stejně jako Asahi.34the top 50 searches for the past week35Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out (Live From Austin City Limits)36the top 50 searches for the past week37現地視察に訪れ、一般作業員の前で怒鳴り散らす姿…「指導者の資質を考えざるを得なかった」38NHK is 'n geskiedenisfaker, net soos Asahi.39Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics) #Shakeout2020 #2021Revised40Cependant, si vous faites le bon choix, les démons joueront aux agents chinois41Environmental NGOs Cannot Speak Out Against China.42中国では、嘘の統計をつくると死刑になります(笑)。だから、みんな嘘をつかない43首相が災害に乗じて民主主義を廃して、日本を一気に独裁国家にしてしまうとでも言いたいのでしょうか。すさまじい想像力に感心します44Ninguém mais fez isso, exceto os Estados Unidos, Biden, você.45以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 5:40 on Mach 1046Inviting a crisis in Japan, The Decarbonization Trap - China behind it47以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 2:2048The EU is surprisingly unaware of how much of a security threat China is49就像朝日一样,NHK是一个历史造假者。50Krize vrytá do historie « It was a popular page yeste... | トップ | It was a popular page yeste... »
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