文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a discovery worthy of a Nobel Prize.

2025年02月26日 16時06分00秒 | 全般
If the US completely forgets and Japan is entirely dominated by masochists, the world itself, that is, humanity, will cease to exist.
November 15, 2016
As readers know, my writings about the next US president, Trump, have been highly restrained.
As I have already mentioned, the biggest reason is that he is the person most likely to become the next US president, that is, the candidate finally selected by the Republican Party.
As you know, I have written about his provocative remarks, saying that he instantly destroyed the lie of the non-nuclear myth that had covered Japan for 70 years since the end of the war and that he is, in fact, the greatest trickster of the postwar period.
About 10 years ago, I thought it was long past time to write the Turntable of Civilization, but when I thought I still had to, I realized that I had not considered the stock market, the foundation of capitalism.
So, as you know, I considered the stock market for several years and then wrote the Turntable of Civilization.
So, I asserted things that no one had mentioned at the time.
One of them is that the fair exchange rate between the dollar and the yen is 111 to 112 yen per dollar.
*The GDP of the United States is now just under four times what it was back then, and Japan's is the same as it was back then, so if you do the simple math, it's no exaggeration to say that 111 yen x 3 = 333 yen is at least the fair exchange rate.
**After coming home from dental treatment, I searched to confirm the above and was surprised. It wasn't as simple as just under four times.
It was a whopping 6.36 times!
When I first appeared as the "Turntable of Civilization" in 2010, Japan's GDP was 550 trillion yen, and the United States was 750 trillion yen.
In other words, the United States' GDP was 1.36 times that of Japan.
But now, wow! It's 6.36 times!
The Japanese media didn't report on this at all.
They only reported that Germany had overtaken Japan and was now in fourth place.
In other words, they had to conceal the astronomical damage they had been doing to Japan's economy, national power, and national wealth.

[Latest 2024] World GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Ranking (IMF)
Nominal GDP in 2024
Nominal GDP Growth Rate
United States
$29,167,779 million
$18,273,357 million
$4,710,032 million
$4,070,094 million
$3,889,130 million

In that case, the fair price of the dollar and the yen is, by simple calculation, 1 dollar = 705 yen!
These figures prove beyond shocking how much the Ministry of Finance and the mainstream media that has followed suit—or, more precisely, the people who make a living there—have implemented economic policies that have damaged Japan's national interests and weakened Japan's national power.
In other words, their incompetence and stupidity are beyond description.
Who on earth has been happy with and supported their stupidity and stupidity?
It could not be anyone other than China and the Korean Peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese countries in the world.
In other words, their operations have been entirely successful.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Ministry of Finance and the mainstream media that has followed it are an organization of anti-Japanese Japanese people, and the time has come to define them as such. *
If only they had corrected that, Japan's great stagnation would have been unnecessary and a great disaster for the world...It is now a historical fact that this created our perilous and unstable world.
However, the price was the "purchasing power parity" calculated by the World Bank, and not a single person in the media or the so-called intellectuals at the time noticed this.
They continued to say stupid things like a very strong yen was fine, creating Japan's loss of 20 years.
As mentioned above, they were the only ones who were unscathed, increased their income, and continued to live comfortable lives.

Many of the actual, genuine large companies representing Japan were suffering, and this was driving young people in Japan into incredible poverty, difficulty finding work, and difficulty getting married. They (the so-called establishment...you could say they were a bunch of egoists) continued to enjoy the good life.
Some companies further exacerbated deflation, and the IT world arrived, crushing Japan's natural hegemony alongside the United States, relegating Japan's world-renowned electronics manufacturers to the status of companies that manufacture PC boxes, creating countless suffering, and allowing men to rise to become one or two of the wealthiest people in Japan.
In other words, if we look for a flaw in the United States, it is a society of inequality (while denying all the greatness of the American Dream).
Still, in Japanese society, which had nothing to do with the American model, a small number of managers created the appearance of a society of inequality themselves.
Japan's miraculous recovery from the devastation after the war.
As a state based on the country's original history and culture,
the "turntable of civilization," God's providence, has turned to Japan as a country that must lead the world alongside the United States for the next 170 years.
Even a kindergartener can see that this is not 100% the result of people who stopped the progress of the "turntable of civilization" while becoming very rich.
The media, such as NHK and Asahi, and the so-called intellectuals who agreed with them didn't understand it.
The fact that some of them won the Nobel Prize and some were nominated is also undoubtedly the cause of the world we see today.
Going back to the main topic,
I am now convinced that here, too (in the events that stopped the progress of the turntable of civilization), there was secret activity by Korean and Chinese intelligence agencies,
in other words, there was manipulation of the media, such as NHK and Asahi, and the so-called intellectuals who agreed with them.
It is no exaggeration to say that just before the presidential election, contrary to the media reports, the only people who thought it was impossible to tell who would win were myself and an older man from Osaka who is one of the wealthiest people and whom I have known for a long time.
In particular, I thought that it would be strange to think that the American people, like me, have come to believe that newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post can't be right,
in other words, that the establishment continues to write biased articles,
and that they are not necessarily reporting the facts at all.
Or, since I am continuing to send out messages to the world, it would be strange to think that Americans have not begun to know that newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, like the Asahi Shimbun, have continued to write distorted, ignorant, crude, and false things, especially about Japan.
My words should have reached far more people.
That was the feeling I had.
I agreed with the old man above that the results would not be known until the lid was lifted.
There was a high possibility that Trump would win, and at that time, as a result of the instantaneous backlash against the completely opposite reporting, the Nikkei average stock price would fall by 1,000 yen in a day.
But the US is not China at all... there is no chance that the US will collapse just because Trump became president...
Due to concerns about China, I was convinced there would be no significant crashes like the one that occurred at the end of last year and the beginning of this year.
In other words, I was convinced this was the bottom and would bounce back to normal.
As I have mentioned, no one knows what China will be like in 10 years, but it is impossible to say that no one knows what the US will be like in 10 years.
On the contrary, everyone knows that the US will still be the US in 10 years.

It is because it is no exaggeration to say that the United States is no longer the United States when the world is disappearing.

No matter how outrageous Xi Jinping is as a dictator and aims for world hegemony, no one in the world wants a one-party dictatorship under the Communist Party.
In other words, Xi Jinping is nothing more than a naked emperor.

The United States, along with Japan, is a country with the greatest intelligence and freedom in the world, and it must lead the world.
As the first country in human history to drop an atomic bomb on humans, there is no escaping it, and it is God's providence that it must remain the world's leader forever.
The United States has forgotten this providence a little, and the situation in which the Asahi Shimbun and others have taken control of Japan has returned.
It would be more accurate to say that they are not making Japan stronger and bigger but are being manipulated by countries like Korea and China.
The world has become as unstable and dangerous as it is today because they have continued to belittle and oppress Japan, working together with the United Nations, which is controlled by people like Bokova, who grew up in a one-party communist dictatorship.
If the US had forgotten entirely its position and role, and if the Democratic Party leaders had fallen into China's money trap, in other words, if Biden, the worst president in history, had continued,
if Japan had continued to be dominated by masochists,
the world itself, in other words, humanity, would not exist.
The time has come for the media, such as Asahi and NHK, and the so-called intellectuals who agree with them, as well as people around the world who are like them, to know that this is the providence of God.

*The following may seem unrealistic, but 2010 when I first appeared as the "Turntable of Civilization," Japan's GDP was about 550 trillion yen, and the US's was about 750 trillion yen.
Now, 15 years later, the difference is six times!
It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time an advanced nation has adopted such a foolish economic policy.
Despite this, the Bank of Japan has begun raising interest rates, claiming that Japan is currently experiencing inflation and that a hike is necessary.
It is obvious that Japan has been foolishly ruined by the Bank of Japan, the Ministry of Finance, the old media that merely follows them, and the politicians who do their bidding (with the exception of the Abe administration).
How foolish and incompetent they have been is shown by the fact that in just 15 years, the fair value of the yen has become 1 dollar = 705 yen. I dare to state in this article that 1 dollar = 705 yen to inform the Japanese people and the world of this fact.
Not only is he a man whose only redeeming feature is that he graduated from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law, but he also committed a crime and served time in prison.
It is not only because he graduated from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law but also because he committed a crime and served time in prison. Now, he is making a big splash on social media with the attitude of being wise.
It has become clear that he is one of the leading figures in the Conservative Party of Japan.
It is no exaggeration to say that Akari Iiyama is not only the greatest female scholar in the postwar period but also an extremely honest and genuine conservative.
He called her eccentric as the height of his own stupidity and pettiness.
Stating 1 dollar = 705 yen is a way of using that eccentricity in the truest sense and clarifying the situation.
In this sense, this man attacked Akari Iiyama by calling her eccentric, and now he is attacking Mr. Yukihiro Hasegawa by calling him "senile."
He is genuinely a "senile bastard."
This man, who goes out drinking in Minato Ward every night with the inheritance of the company his parents created and talks about Minato Ward girls, etc., is revealed to be one of the masterminds behind the Conservative Party of Japan.
Another man, who calls himself a former yakuza, is unaware that it is he who is insane and has been exposed to the world.
He calls himself a conservative based on a book he must have read by chance against a top scholar who is the epitome of sanity and who substantiates everything he criticizes.
He is hurling violent insults at all those who criticize the Conservative Party of Japan, of which he reigns as one of the masterminds.
It is no exaggeration to say that these two are the true backbone of the Conservative Party of Japan.
When the truth was revealed, my friends and I were so angry that we had paid 20,000 yen x 2 in annual fees to these people.
Even today, a friend called me and said, "That 40,000 yen is worth 40 million yen!"
* Only when the exchange rate reaches 705 yen to the dollar will Japan regain its prosperity and national power as a country where the "turntable of civilization" is turning as God's providence.
Then, Japan can lead the world for another 170 years alongside the United States!
It is a discovery worthy of a Nobel Prize.
Only when the exchange rate reaches 705 yen to the dollar will Japan's entire population become prosperous.
All of Japan's world-class companies will be revived as leading companies worldwide.
If any companies fall, they will only be those run by a small number of people who took advantage of deflation and became billionaires because deflation continued.
In other words, this phenomenon has been going on for over 30 years.
The Japanese will return to a life where, on average, they were the happiest in the world.
The era in which only a very small minority of people who rose to power through deflation accumulated astronomical amounts of wealth will end.
A society where all citizens are prosperous and middle-class is better than a society where these people have more money than they can spend, no matter how many times they are reborn.
This column was the first in the world to realize that 1 dollar = 705 yen was God's providence, and today, we are sending this out to the world.
The turntables of civilization are the true geniuses, the people of the Six White Gold Star.
To be continued.


