文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The increase in temporary staff and the spread of pseudo-morality are two significant holes

2025年01月10日 16時42分51秒 | 全般
The following is an excerpt from the chapter sent out on January 6th, with supplementary notes.

As readers will know, this column began to receive access analysis tampering attacks around 2019.
This column used to receive approximately 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily, but one day, these numbers suddenly dropped to one-third of what they were.
Since then, the situation has remained miserable to look at.

Fortunately, at the end of last year, an extremely talented systems engineer solved this problem.
He quickly figured out the programming language and identified the company Goo was outsourcing to*.
I asked him if it would be possible for someone inside Goo to steal the password and tamper with the access analysis in this way.
He replied, "I suppose it would be possible if they were an insider..."
This criminal was also apparently working as a subcontractor for NTT, so it occurred to me that it would be easy for them to bribe someone inside the company to tamper.

I was surprised when I searched for information related to this chapter.
The first page of the results was all about an incident involving NTT West that happened in 2023
Nine million customer records were leaked.
The culprit was a temporary worker employed by NTT.
The worker was arrested after receiving 10 million yen in gratitude for the crime.
As a result, NTT banned the use of USBs for all employees.
There were many articles on the internet criticizing this decision.
Their conclusion was that this kind of incident occurs because the work is entrusted to temporary staff, and their pay is low.

Many Japanese companies began to outsource work to temporary staff at specific times.
Most of them would outsource specific tasks or outsource certain tasks.

Starting with the Asahi Shimbun, post-war mass media has been dominated by pseudo-morality.

In recent years, the intelligence agencies and agents of anti-Japanese countries such as China and the Korean Peninsula, which are the only two countries in the world that continue to practice anti-Japanese education in the name of Nazism, are taking advantage of the pseudo-morality that has spread not only in Japan but across the globe and are plotting to dismantle Japan.
It is a well-known fact that many agents operate in Japan's opposition parties, media, universities, etc.

Until then, I had been posting without using hashtags, but at a certain point, I thought it would be better to use them, so I started adding them to my posts.
However, after a while, something strange started happening.
Since most posts were related to China and the Korean Peninsula, I immediately guessed that "Aha, NTT Resonant has started hiring many Chinese and Korean residents in Japan."

"Zainichi Korean" cannot be used as a hashtag.
Then what should I say... I stopped adding hashtags, as I had done before, because it was getting silly.

In this article, I will make a unique point.
The two events mentioned above are endangering Japan's security and cyber security space.

South Korea has been conducting anti-Japanese education since the time of Syngman Rhee after the war ended.

To distract the attention of the Chinese people from the Tiananmen Square Incident, Jiang Zemin suddenly began anti-Japanese education, and this has continued to the present day in China.

Now, Japan is accepting workers from these two countries while completely ignoring the strict confidentiality obligations and identity verification (whether or not they hold anti-Japanese views) that come with them.

The astute observers have long realized that global warming and the SDGs are Chinese ploys.
The automobile industry has an extensive base and is the epitome of an industry that forms the foundation of a country.

Our diligence and national character in pursuing technological perfection—in other words, the world's highest-quality workers—have made Japan's automobile industry the best in the world.
In terms of manufacturing technology for internal combustion engines - gasoline-powered cars - China will never be able to beat Japan, no matter how hard it tries.

However, China could dominate the world if it were to produce simple electric vehicles.
The reality is that, as Hiroyuki Kawashima revealed in his famous book, China has a population of 1.4 billion. Still, 900 million people are engaged in slave labor.
In other words, China is the largest slave-owning nation in human history, and it is the worst dictatorship in history, capable of making workers work for the cheapest cost in the world.

As mentioned, this country has been promoting global warming and the SDGs through the United Nations.
The idea is to popularize electric vehicles and conquer the global market.
In other words, they are rewriting the world map of the automobile industry.

The people at the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and Tokyo Governor Koike enthusiastically help them.
Of course, the opposition and the Komeito party are involved, but many politicians in the ruling party are also involved.

When you look at all of this from a bird's eye view, you can't help but wonder who was behind the assassination of Abe.
Why didn't the mainstream media examine the background of the incident at all?
Why did they continue to report nonsense linking the incident to the Unification Church at the same time?

Following the example of the recent utter nonsense of Hyakuta Naoki, who has caused a stir worldwide, I would like to say "as science fiction." Still, I am convinced that if they were to start investigating, the mastermind would reveal the true nature of all the agents in Japan's ruling class.

This incident is too strange, even for something like this.
The trial has not even started yet.

Although this article is written "as science fiction,"
the truth is that the truth will never be revealed until the masterminds have completely suppressed Japan.

The Japanese automobile industry has existed as a vast, unwelcome obstacle for China, which has set its sights on world domination with electric cars.
In recent years, strange incidents have occurred, one after another, at Japanese automobile companies.
Last year, these incidents finally reached the main castle, Toyota.

There is no problem at all.
The problem is the harmful effects of Japan's bureaucratic administration and the excessive amount of unnecessary paperwork.
The engineers on the front line have omitted unnecessary items from the paperwork to keep production going.

The existing media in Japan don't report on this at all, but in China, incidents such as electric cars suddenly exploding, catching fire, and spreading fire are not rare.
The other day, a good friend of mine said, "I can't imagine living in a building in China, even just against strong winds."

There is no end to the number of accidents in which buildings in South Korea collapse suddenly.
It is a well-known fact that the same is true in China.
The number of examples of this sloppiness that have been pointed out since the accidents occurred is endless.

However, there are no examples of Japanese cars or buildings like those in South Korea or China.
Japanese workers are entirely different from them.
Japan is a country that hates "sloppy and careless" work.
On the other hand, China and South Korea are countries that "carelessly and carelessly do sloppy and careless work."
They are countries that lie without care, deceive people, and boast that "it is worse to be deceived than to deceive."

The dispatched workers, who probably include many Chinese and Koreans, are probably unaware of the implications of omitting even unimportant items.
On the contrary, if this is pointed out to them, they should be happy to receive a reward from their home country.
They may even be given a reward.

It is a world that has been covered in pseudo-morality.
The same is true of Japan's major corporations.
They are the ones who are taking the initiative to hire Chinese and Korean workers in Japan as dispatched workers.

They report to their home countries, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, etc., that these companies have omitted unnecessary documents and inspections.
For the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, etc., this is an excellent opportunity for self-deprecating material.
"Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder For these people, who are also patients, large companies are 'evil' and are a great source of attack, just like the Japanese government.
They are overjoyed and report on the front page as if they have captured the head of a demon.
Even Toyota cannot say that their reports do not affect the global market.
Nothing is more gratifying than for China to undermine the established reputation for excellence of Japanese cars worldwide.

As described above, existing media are completely blind to this simple picture that even an aspiring journalist should be able to notice.

The increase in temporary staff and the spread of pseudo-morality are two significant holes in Japan's security and cyber-attack defense posture.

This article continues.

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