文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism appropriate for the great country.

2025年02月13日 07時56分05秒 | 全般
It is common in attitudes toward Japan, such as those of China and Russia.
The following is an excerpt from the paper by Toshihiro Minohara, professor of Kobe University Graduate School of Law, published in the Sankei Shimbun today.
According to President Moon Jae-in, these events seem to be a result of unfortunate history, but if one thinks ordinarily, a series of problems result from the lack of common sense in Korea.
Do not abide by international law without compiling with the agreement by the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty, etc., on Radar Irradiation; they repeatedly made excuses for backtracking.
It is not only myself who is frustrated with Korean dishonesty in passing responsibility to Japan.
Until now, the security relations between the two countries have not changed, even if they were jerky, because of problems such as the Illegal occupation of Takeshima, history recognition, and the construction of a comfort woman statue.
As soon as the Moon Jae-in administration was born and they leaned forward in approaching North Korea, it was not anti-Japanese as a convenient political tool, but rather as an anti-Japanese means of diplomacy appealing to the ties between the South and North Korea, and the nature changed.
For the first time here, a serious situation has arisen, and military relations between Japan and Korea have also been damaged.
Naturally, the views of each Japanese paper on dealing with the Korean government, deepening the conflict between Japan and Korea, are harsh.
In addition, despite the considerable differences in the size of Japan and South Korea's populations, GDPs, etc., there is no big difference in defense spending.
In other words, because Korea has given up on earlier relations with Japan, and thinks that there is no penalty, it has made calmly for a series of violations.
Viewed from the opposite side, it is a price that Japan has long been sluggish in Asia, and its influence has declined.
Japan still can not revise the Constitution and devote itself to an Exclusively Defense-Oriented Policy.
It would not be surprising if Korea underestimated Japan, which was protected by other countries' troops in the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) and did not take any actions like significant powers in the security area.
It is common in attitudes toward Japan, such as those of China and Russia.
As the influence of the United States gradually declines, the concept of power will become more widely used in future international politics than before.
In Japan, let's face the cold reality and exclude the populistic attitude.
I would like you to continue coverage on the basis of realism appropriate for the great country.


