Resending! The opposite of the abysmal evil and plausible lies of China and South Korea. That is the sound and humanity of the 21st century.
March 12, 2025
That is the opposite of the abysmal evil and plausible lies of China and South Korea. That is the sound and humanity of the 21st century.
September 11, 2020
It was a long time ago, but one day, I learned about Last FM, which two young people in the UK had set up.
My life was a life that was hard for my classmates to believe.
My best friend from high school, whom I will love forever, sums it up when he says, "What in the world is more unbelievable than the fact that you are a real estate agent?"
Or, the night I met up with my old classmates who had become executives at the most prestigious companies in Osaka and at a chemical company that represented Japan, we had a few bottles of sake at a nice izakaya in Yodoyabashi.
When we changed locations and dropped in at my regular bar in Kitashinchi, they said, "I had no idea you were having such problems at home..."
I joined the company as a mid-career hire in response to a recruitment advertisement from Hasegawa Construction (now Hasegawa Corporation).
I learned from a phone call from a relative in Sendai that it had taken two and a half months to investigate my background.
My life was so unbelievable.
I spent my working life in the real estate business and Osaka.
For one year, I only had two days off.
I did an outstanding job as a real estate agent in Osaka, working for a single storefront and a company unknown in Japan.
Just as I was about to reap the rewards of my work, on March 27, 1990, I encountered the total volume control, which was administrative guidance given to financial institutions by the Japanese Ministry of Finance at the time.
This restriction was on loans to the real estate and construction industries, banks, and other financial institutions.
The entrepreneurs in the story committed suicide.
It is no exaggeration to say that I hardly listened to music for the ten years before 2000.
After I discovered Last FM, I continued to search every night for the sounds of the 21st century, like water seeping into a desert.
The total amount of music I purchased on iTunes was over 500,000 yen.
I got to know many excellent bands and singers with the sounds of the 21st century.
As you know, one of them was Arcade Fire.
I was still watching the Grammy Awards when they won, and I was overjoyed.
It was a big upset in the eyes of the world, but as I mentioned above, it was just as I had predicted.
Last night, on YouTube music, I searched for "recommended mixes" at high speed because I was surprised by The Temper Trap, a band I had only discovered the other day.
Of Monsters and Men is my most significant discovery since Arcade Fire.
I felt that Arcade Fire and Feist inspired them.
Of Monsters and Men has skillfully adapted the achievements of these remarkable pioneers and created an excellent sound.
They are one of the best things of the 21st century.
They are the opposite of the abysmal evil and plausible lies of countries like China and South Korea.
That is the sound and the people of the 21st century.
Of Monsters And Men - Mountain Sound (Official Lyric Video)