文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The number should become enormous day by day.

2013年06月26日 13時08分36秒 | 日記
Yesterday, the sentences which Akutagawa wrote about the published photograph collection became a topic in the morning in yesterday among the people in Giovanni publisher.

Akutagawa's sentences undoubtedly reach the world.
The number should become enormous day by day.

In Japan, the professors, the bureaucrat and the politician at Kasumigaseki, the people who stand in the top of the big businesses, i.e. are in the nucleus in Japan were reading Akutagawa's blog.

In the world, more people should be reading.

It is the news of the publishing today in the Amazon kindle store.

2013年06月26日 11時04分47秒 | 日記

Kyoto Botanical Garden is the only arboretum of Asia which is authorized by the AAS, the FS display garden.
However, in what the author visits 100 times already, the meaning of the thing is clear.
The flowers, the forest and the birds aren't exaggerated even if it says that it knows an author ready.
Whistle Nate however, there is an author.
When an author is spoken, the birds gather finally.
It should understand it if it is possible to see a photograph for it.

The following is the kindle store of every country.