文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

these 20 years and it is perfectly proved that our article was completely right, too

2016年06月22日 17時33分50秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

About the deflation.

As for the evil of the deflation, Mr. Tasker Peter which got the title of the stock analyst who is the best continuously of Japan of those days and I have the recognition to be permitted to say to be with completely.

As for the thing, it should know a reader well.

Very much for these 20 years and it is perfectly proved that our article was completely right, too.

He said so.The vested interest person, i.e. it already becomes Establishment and with the human beings who get a stable high income, the deflation isn't bad.

Being question is said to become for the youngster and the social weak in the times the blow is big or where it is very wrong for the entrepreneurs, too.

Even if it judges from this point at issue, the human beings of Asahi Shimbun are wicked and the wickedness includes the one for which it is difficult to render service to the explanation.

In other words, taking from them, the deflation is because it was good.

It is a making character in more than 10 million youngsters not to make 30 years old a regular occupation even if it passes and for the annual income not to fill even 2 million yen. Of course, also no way that you can, such as marriage.

Only the staff at the broadcast station of the line continued to enjoy the spring of the one's own world with Asahi Shimbun.

In the employment securities, and the pension life of the huge rock or the nice circumstances such as the professor installation in the university which is a sympathizer behind the mandatory retirement age in addition to more than 10 million yen of annual incomes.

However, since two years ago in August, but I think that it should not be as before.

This article continues.

Nevertheless, they have no reconsideration and it continues to do them such an evil.

2016年06月22日 17時13分06秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It says a state like a preceding chapter to be profiteering through mediation.

While making a situation beforehand by itself, it makes it tell the article to be fully loaded with the moralism of the put-on to the thing, mobilizing of the scholar and the men of culture all in the manner not to know at all.

It isn't necessary to say that it is proved that this state of doing is the way of Asahi Shimbun's going in the variety of the fabrication article which went so far.

Nevertheless, they have no reconsideration and it continues to do them such an evil.

If recollecting, Asahi Shimbun had only the understanding to be merely bubble, not noticing even that the turntable of civilization was turning to Japan.

If saying what they said then, surely, it was saying the advice of the deflation.

There should be a person who stores being the article which was suggested in the extensiveness of Asahi Shimbun as the editorial in the extensiveness of "the honest poverty thought" this in those days.

Then, I felt dubious, saying where on earth it drew such an odd article out of though.

This article continues

I ask that this article of mine reaches for Japan and the world.

2016年06月22日 16時52分41秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In other words, in the Asahi, Asahi Shimbun to have continued to make a shadow occur to the stock price in Japan is.

Mobilizing of the scholars of Asahi Shimbun orders all using all the paragraphs of the opinion page on Saturday in last week, it published the feature article of the streamer with "Abenomics, the dimming high stock prices".

Where will the wicked media be any more?

This year, by the young who have a suffrage, the house to the persons who live in the family which is subscribing to Asahi Shimbun, I ask that this article of mine reaches for Japan and the world.

This article continues.

which is the risk which is the biggest this year for the market in the world

2016年06月22日 16時37分24秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

They in addition to it repeated further evil.

Before Bank of Japan decision making meeting in the time before last, as for the market in the world, to continue to put economy on the grown-up track, evading the risk ( the risk such as the problem of the Chinese economy, in the meantime one which is big are the problem of present United Kingdom's referendum ) which lurks in the world, further monetary relaxation of the Bank of Japan was emitting the request to be necessary.

As for continuing to publish the article that Asahi Shimbun opposes further monetary relaxation at this time, it should know a subscriber.

As it knows a reader about Asahi Shimbun's penetrating various fields - each layer in Japan, i.e. my referring many times about the state to have headed Japan.

The Bank of Japan fixed maintenance of the status quo, being defeated to the article in the Asahi.

About after that strong yen which is rapid and as for that it choking of falling stock prices... rapid is done up, it isn't necessary to say the decline of the strength of a nation, the economic power of Japan.

At last Bank of Japan's decision making meeting, if it is not only the maintenance of the status quo by the Bank of Japan but prepare when the referendum of the United Kingdom which is the risk which is the biggest this year for the market in the world becomes the worst result to say to do the EU leaving about, if striking appropriate hand, only as this wasn't hoped as much as the time before last, become strong impact, if saying exaggeratedly a little, I think that the global economy will have been able to be rescued.

Of course, at this time, too, the Asahi continued to carry an article to the direction that no decision makes it let out cautiously. Work on the media in addition to theAsahi, too.

This article continues

it attributes an effort by the government and the Bank of Japan, too, to come to nothing.

2016年06月22日 16時20分21秒 | 日記

Psychological itself of the consumer becomes a deflation when a deflation is prolonged.

If saying most clearly, the consumer doesn't buy high one. Or, it refrains from buying.

This deflation is over more than 20 years, continues, now, all over the world, detest falling into this Japanese-style deflation.

Exclude the reporter of just the small number of the Europe which is the sympathizer with Asahi Shimbun and so on.

The Bank of Japan cut a rudder in this deflation defeat to the end with Abe administration and took the daring policy to have been surprised at about the world, too.

This time, too, in addition to Asahi's continuing to write a negative skeptical article, and the one of the aunt of the title to say to be Doshisha University professor's theory of the strong yen is better, it continued to make it say on the paper or on TV.

As for the deflation avoidance which occupies the element that the psychological side is big, it denies this and if Asahi Shimbun which has 6.9 million pieces of the subscription number of households even now writes the article which does skepticism, it isn't necessary to say that it attributes an effort by the government and the Bank of Japan, too, to come to nothing.

This article continues


2016年06月22日 11時53分51秒 | 日記


















2016年06月22日 11時22分45秒 | 日記

















Il a été le fait de comprendre un enfant de l'école qui

2016年06月22日 10時23分17秒 | 日記

Dans la famille qui est abonné à Asahi Shimbun, avant-dernière année, comme moi jusqu'en Août, il a (il ne sait pas leur état réel du tout) aucun soupçon et en ce jour ou deux, il écrit un document de lecture nécessaire pour la même maintenant parcourant les gens bien.

Avec le Premier ministre Abe déclarer qu'il est la grande proposition du G7 cette fois comparant ce que le grand risque se cache dans l'économie mondiale au choc Lehman le jour du G7 à propos de Asahi Shimbun,

Que les différents pays qui composent G7 qui est le pays capitaliste, la démocratie qui doit diriger le monde ne doit pas hésiter à les dépenses publiques de plus en plus,

Faire Hara Makoto de l'éditeur de l'éditorialiste en charge économique apparaissent sur le programme de télévision à signboard Asahi qui leur est propre filiale, elle a dit "il est une remarque sans importance".

Faire un journaliste dans les journalistes ... Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne dans l'Europe qui est le sympathisant du Asahi Shimbun en plus et ainsi de suite apparaître et fait remarquer qu'il n'y avait pas du tout dans le monde un tel risque que le Premier ministre Abe inquiète.

Je pense depuis longtemps de l'autre jour, le journaliste du Royaume-Uni qui faisait une remarque à ce moment-là précisément à penser à ce que maintenant.

Il a été le fait de comprendre un écolier que le participant au marché dans le monde pensait que le résultat du référendum de l'UE de restant ou le départ du Royaume-Uni qui est prouvé le 24 était le risque qui est le plus grand cette année. Il est donc.

Cet article continue


Vous qui voyez ma photo tout en écoutant cette musique doit comprendre le droit de la plaque tournante avec la civilisation qui est le papier que je l'ai annoncé au monde en 2010.

Il devrait savoir celui qui est pas dans le monde, étant au Japon.

Tels que la Chine et la Corée du Sud, le mal abyssal, mentir de manière plausible les pays, afin de maintenir la légitimité de leur régime dans un mensonge, la propagande anti-japonaise qui est effectuée dans la communauté internationale, mais combien terrible, il doit être considéré en silence

Vous qui ont écouté leur propagande anti-japonaise, aussi, vous honte, sachant qu'il a pris part au mal qui ne sait pas dans le fond, le mensonge plausible.

Vérité du Japon, il est dans mes photos.
l'histoire japonaise est là.
Splendeur de la culture japonaise est là.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

E 'stato il fatto di comprendere un bambino scuola che

2016年06月22日 10時22分05秒 | 日記

Nella famiglia, che sta sottoscrivendo a Asahi Shimbun, due anni fa, come me fino ad agosto, non ha (non conoscere il loro stato attuale a tutti) alcun sospetto e in questo giorno o due, si scrive un documento di lettura necessaria per la anche ora indagando persone però.

Con il primo ministro Abe dichiarare che è la grande proposta di G7 questa volta il confronto che il grosso rischio si annida nell'economia globale al Shock Lehman nel giorno del G7 su Asahi Shimbun,

Che i vari paesi che compongono il G7, che è il paese capitalista, la democrazia, che deve guidare il mondo non deve esitare circa la spesa pubblica in aumento,

Fare Hara Makoto dell'editor editorialista responsabile economico appaiono sul programma cartello di TV Asahi, che è una propria controllata, ha reso dire "si tratta di un'osservazione irrilevante".

Fare un giornalista nei giornalisti ... Regno Unito, Germania in Europa, che è il simpatizzante di Asahi Shimbun in aggiunta ad esso e così via apparire e ne ha fatto rimarcare che non c'era affatto nel mondo un tale rischio che il Primo Ministro Abe preoccupa.

Credo che per un lungo periodo di tempo da l'altro giorno, il giornalista del Regno Unito, che stava facendo una battuta in quel momento specifico per pensare di ciò che ora.

E 'stato il fatto di comprendere uno scolaro che il partecipante al mercato in tutto il mondo pensava che il risultato del referendum di UE del rimanente o l'uscita del Regno Unito, che è dimostrato il 24 era il rischio, che è il più grande di quest'anno. Pertanto, è.

Questo articolo continua


Voi che state vedendo la mia fotografia durante l'ascolto di questa musica dovrebbe comprendere il diritto del giradischi con la civiltà che è la carta che ho annunciato al mondo nel 2010.

Si dovrebbe sapere quello che non è nel mondo, essendo in Giappone.

Come la Cina e la Corea del Sud, il male abissale, di plausibilmente si trovano paesi, al fine di mantenere la legittimità del loro regime in una bugia, propaganda anti-giapponese che si svolge nella comunità internazionale, ma come terribile dovrebbe essere visto in silenzio

Voi che ascoltò la loro propaganda anti-giapponese, troppo, sarà vergogna, sapendo che essa ha preso parte il male che non è noto nella parte inferiore, la menzogna plausibile.

La verità del Giappone vi è nelle mie foto.
storia giapponese è lì.
Splendore della cultura giapponese è lì.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

Fue el hecho de comprender un niño en edad escolar que

2016年06月22日 10時20分45秒 | 日記

En la familia que está suscribiendo a Asahi Shimbun, el año anterior al último, como yo hasta agosto, tiene (no conocer su estado real en absoluto) ninguna sospecha y en este día o dos, se escribe una lectura requerida para el papel incluso ahora hojeando las personas sin embargo.

Con el primer ministro Abe declarar que es la gran propuesta del G7 este tiempo comparando que el gran riesgo se esconde en la economía mundial para el choque de Lehman en el día del G7 sobre Asahi Shimbun,

Que los distintos países que componen el G7, que es el país capitalista, la democracia que debe dirigirse el mundo no debe dudar en el gasto público cada vez mayor,

Haciendo Hara Makoto del editor editorialista responsable económica aparece en el programa de TV de señal en Asahi, que es su propia filial, lo hizo decir "es una observación sin importancia".

Hacer un reportero en los reporteros ... Reino Unido, Alemania, en la Europa que es el simpatizante del Asahi Shimbun, en adición a la misma y así sucesivamente aparece y hace que comentar que no había nada en absoluto en el mundo tal riesgo que el primer Ministro Abe preocupa.

Creo que por un largo tiempo desde el otro día, el reportero del Reino Unido, que estaba haciendo una observación en ese momento específicamente a estar pensando en lo que ahora.

Fue el hecho de comprender un escolar que el participante en el mercado en el mundo pensó que el resultado del referéndum de la UE restante o su salida del Reino Unido que se demuestra en el 24 era el riesgo que es el más grande de este año. Por tanto, es.

Este artículo continúa


Usted está viendo que mi fotografía mientras se escucha esta música debe comprender la derecha de la mesa giratoria con la civilización que es el papel que anuncié al mundo en 2010.

Se debe saber la que no está en el mundo, siendo en Japón.

Tales como China y Corea del Sur, el mal abismal, de manera plausible mentir países, con el fin de mantener la legitimidad de su régimen en una mentira, la propaganda anti-japonesa que se lleva a cabo en la comunidad internacional, pero lo terrible que debe ser visto en silencio

Ustedes que escuchó su propaganda contra el Japón, también, serás confundida, sabiendo que participó en el mal que no se conoce en la parte inferior, la mentira plausible.

Verdad de Japón no está en mis fotos.
la historia de Japón está allí.
Esplendor de la cultura japonesa está allí.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

Es war die Tatsache, ein Schulkind zu verstehen, dass

2016年06月22日 10時19分34秒 | 日記

In der Familie, die Asahi Shimbun, vorletztes Jahr abonniert, wie ich bis August, es hat (es nicht weiß, ihre Ist-Zustand überhaupt) keinen Verdacht und an diesem Tag oder zwei, es schreibt die ein Papier Pflichtlektüre auch jetzt, obwohl die Menschen durchlesen.

Mit Premierminister Abe erklären, dass er der große Satz von G7 ist dieses Mal zu vergleichen, dass das große Risiko in der Weltwirtschaft auf den Schock Lehman lauert auf dem G7-Tag über Asahi Shimbun,

Dass die verschiedenen Länder, die G7 zusammenzustellen, die das kapitalistische Land ist, die Demokratie, die die Welt Kopf darf nicht über die Erhöhung der öffentlichen Ausgaben zögern müssen,

Herstellung Hara Makoto der Leitartikler Redakteur Wirtschafts Ladung erscheinen auf dem Schild Programm von TV-Asahi, die ihre eigene Tochter ist, es machte es sagen: "Es ist eine belanglose Bemerkung".

Einen Reporter in den Reportern ... Großbritannien, Deutschland in Europa, die die Sympathisant von Asahi Shimbun neben es und so weiter erscheinen und machte sie bemerken, dass es sie überhaupt nicht in der Welt ein solches Risiko war die Prime Minister Abe macht sich Sorgen um.

Ich denke, für eine lange Zeit von den anderen Tag, der Reporter des Vereinigten Königreichs, der eine Bemerkung zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu machen wurde speziell jetzt, was zu denken.

Es war die Tatsache, einen Schüler zu verstehen, dass die Marktteilnehmer in der Welt gedacht, dass das Ergebnis des Referendums vom EU verbleibenden oder dem Verlassen des Vereinigten Königreichs, die am 24. bewiesen war das Risiko, das der größte in diesem Jahr. Daher ist es.

Dieser Artikel setzt


Sie haben mein Foto sehen, während man diese Musik hört sollte das Recht der Drehscheibe mit der Zivilisation zu verstehen, die das Papier, die ich im Jahr 2010 in der Welt bekannt gegeben.

Es sollte man wissen, welche nicht in der Welt ist, in Japan zu sein.

Wie China und Südkorea, abgründig Bösen, von plausibler Länder liegen, um die Legitimität ihres Regimes in einer Lüge, antijapanische Propaganda zu halten, die in der internationalen Gemeinschaft durchgeführt wird, aber wie schrecklich es sollte still zu sehen

Sie, die zu ihren antijapanischen Propaganda zugehört, wird auch schämen, zu wissen, dass es an dem Übel nahm, die nicht im Boden bekannt ist, die plausible Lüge.

Die Wahrheit von Japan gibt es in meinen Fotos.
Japanische Geschichte ist da.
Splendor der japanischen Kultur ist da.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

Foi o fato de compreender uma criança da escola que

2016年06月22日 10時18分16秒 | 日記

Na família que está assinando Asahi Shimbun, ano retrasado, como eu até agosto, ele tem (não conhecer o seu estado real em tudo) nenhuma suspeita e neste dia ou dois, ele grava uma leitura obrigatória papel para a mesmo agora folheando as pessoas embora.

Com o primeiro-ministro Abe declarar que é a grande proposição da G7 desta vez comparando que o grande risco se esconde na economia global ao Choque Lehman no dia G7 sobre Asahi Shimbun,

Que os vários países que compõem o G7 que é o país capitalista, a democracia, que deve dirigir o mundo não deve hesitar sobre o aumento da despesa pública,

Fazendo Hara Makoto do editor editorialista encarregado económico apresentado no programa quadro indicador da TV-Asahi, que é a sua própria subsidiária, ele fez dizer "é uma observação inconsequente".

Fazendo um repórter nos noticiários ... Reino Unido, Alemanha na Europa, que é o simpatizante do Asahi Shimbun além-lo e assim por diante aparecer e fez notar que não era nada disso no mundo tal risco que Prime Ministro Abe se preocupa.

Eu acho que por um longo tempo do outro dia, o repórter do Reino Unido, que estava fazendo uma observação naquele tempo especificamente para ser pensando no que agora.

Foi o fato de compreender um aluno que o participante no mercado em todo o mundo pensou que o resultado do referendo de permanecer de ou a sua saída do Reino Unido que é provado no dia 24 da UE era o risco que é o maior deste ano. Portanto, é.

Este artigo continua


Vocês que estão vendo a minha fotografia quando ouvir essa música deve compreender o direito da plataforma giratória com a civilização que é o papel que eu anunciou ao mundo em 2010.

Deve saber a que não é em todo o mundo, sendo no Japão.

Tais como China e Coreia do Sul, o mal abismal, de forma plausível mentir países, a fim de manter a legitimidade de seu regime em uma mentira, propaganda anti-japonesa que é realizado na comunidade internacional, mas quão terrível deve ser visto em silêncio

Você que ouviu a sua propaganda anti-japonesa, também, vai ter vergonha, sabendo que participaram do mal que não se sabe no fundo, a mentira plausível.

Verdade do Japão não está em minhas fotos.
história japonesa está lá.
Esplendor da cultura japonesa está lá.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away


2016年06月22日 10時16分41秒 | 日記















Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away


2016年06月22日 10時15分09秒 | 日記















Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

ребенок школьного

2016年06月22日 10時13分48秒 | 日記

В семье, которая не подписавшись на Asahi Shimbun, за год до последней, как я до августа, то есть (она не знает их фактическое состояние вообще) не подозревает, и в этот день или два, он записывает на бумаге необходимое чтение к даже сейчас просматривал людей, хотя.

С Премьер-министром Японии Синдзо Абэ заявляют, что это большое предложение из G7 в этот раз сравнивая, что большой риск таится в мировой экономике к шоку Леман на G7 день о Asahi Shimbun,

Тот факт, что различные страны, которые составляют G7, которая является капиталистической страной, демократия, которая должна возглавить мир не должен колебаться по поводу увеличения государственных расходов,

Создание Hara Макото редактора редакционных статей в экономической заряда появляются на программе вывеске TV-Asahi, которая является их собственной дочерней компании, он сделал это сказать: "это несущественным замечание".

Создание репортера в репортерами ... Великобритания, Германия в Европе, которая является сочувствующим Asahi Shimbun в дополнение к нему и так далее появляются и сделал это заметить, что не было его вообще в мире такой риск, который премьер министр Эйб беспокоится о.

Я думаю, что в течение длительного времени, с другой день, репортер Соединенного Королевства, которое делает замечание в то время конкретно думать о чем в настоящее время.

Это было то, чтобы понять школьнику, что участник рынка в мире думали, что результат референдума ЕС оставшегося или оставлении Соединенного Королевства, который доказал на 24-м был риск, который является крупнейшим в этом году. Поэтому.

Эта статья продолжает


Вы, которые видят мою фотографию, слушая эту музыку следует понимать право поворотного стола с цивилизацией, которая является бумага, которую я объявил всему миру в 2010 году.

Он должен знать тот, который не находится в мире, находясь в Японии.

Такие, как Китай и Южная Корея, бездонного зла, правдоподобно лежат страны, в целях поддержания легитимности их режима во лжи, антияпонской пропаганды, которая осуществляется в рамках международного сообщества, но как ужасно это должно быть видно молча

Вы, кто слушал их антияпонской пропаганды, тоже будет стыдно, зная, что он принял участие в зло, которое не известно в нижней части, правдоподобной лжи.

Правда Японии есть на моих фотографиях.
Японская история есть.
Великолепие японской культуры есть.

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away