文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

there is a human being who has the brain about which it isn't possible to say to be excellent at all

2016年06月07日 22時01分32秒 | 日記

I was surprised to search Wikipedia about Hakoda Tetsuya.

Firstly I was disgusted that he is Asahi Shimbun editorialist (the international responsibility).

He was born in Osaka in 1965, and in 1988, Ritsumeikan University literature department graduation.

As the introduction in the recentness, reading a paper in the real thing of Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, and searching some thing, the record of the lecture which the woman lecturer of the Korean name of the person did in Ritsumeikan University appeared.

I read this and I was really disgusted.

It is because it was logic itself of Matsui Yayori, who was a notorious activist reporter of Asahi Shimbun and Alexis Dudden who isn't exaggerated even if it says the agent of the anti-Japanese propaganda in Korea.

In other words, the lie that Ri Seung-man began as the anti-Japanese propaganda in Korea which firmed by the anti-Japanese education, and it took account of the false moralism of Asahi Shimbun, it doesn't endure to read nor to be bearable to hear, it is because it was messy anti-Japanese propaganda.

Though the students in Ritsumeikan University see frequently because I visit Ryouan-ji 50 times annually, all is the carefree young who don't have worry.

However, among them, there is a human being who has the brain about which it isn't possible to say to be excellent at all like this Hakoda Tetsuya, easily affects by the lecture on the woman lecturer of such a Korean name and the incautiousness to language study in Yonsei University in South Korea, too, and may exist of course.

Indeed, it is a fearful story.

In addition to being the same state, he seems to overlap with Alexis Dudden to language study in Yonsei University in South Korea.

This, too, is a fearful story.

This article continues

it is the appalling affair article which the owner with proper brain cannot write.

2016年06月07日 21時44分12秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

There is not CIA or FBI in Japan but there is Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office.

Even if it says, because it is as much as only 200 people according to Wikipedia, it is the organization which is equal to nothing if comparing in China and Korea and so on.

However, for example, leave Ritsumeikan University and so on, the human beings such as language study in Yonsei University in South Korea, if not watching over the investigation thoroughly, Japan is going to be losing the national interest to infinity.

Anyhow, it says Hakoda Tetsuya, it is the human being who was writing an article, placing Park Geun-hye who was repeating talebearing diplomacy, in the higher rank than Prime Minister Abe in the personality and humanly.

All the paragraph articles on May 17th and so on, it is the appalling affair article which the owner with proper brain cannot write.

He suppose that the complaint of one Korean woman who was sold as the harlot by the family or the relative and so on is right.

It doesn't concern even to have interviewed about comfort women articles which the Asahi has been making are a false report year before last in August, being official.

It is incorrigible, writing the article which diminishes Japan and Japanese, specifically, he diminishes the honor and the trust of the soldiers in Japan which fought for the country or the mother.

This article continues.

in appalling affair which is not the article which the owner with proper brain can write,

2016年06月07日 16時04分18秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

There is not CIA or FBI in Japan but there is Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office.

Even if it says, because it is as much as only 200 according to Wikipedia, it is the organization which is equal to nothing if comparing in China and Korea and so on.

For example, it investigates thoroughly and if not watching, the human beings as the language study studied abroad in the Yonse University in Korea, leaving Ritsumeikan University and so on will come for Japan to lose a national interest to the infinity.

Anyhow, it says Hakoda Tetsuya, it is the human being who was writing an article, placing Park Geun-hye who was repeating talebearing diplomacy in the higher rank than Prime Minister Abe in the personality and humanly.

All the paragraph articles on May 17th and so on, in appalling affair which is not the article which the owner with proper brain can write, suppose that the complaint of one Korean woman who was sold as the harlot by the family or the relative and so on is right then,

It doesn't concern even to have interviewed being a false report year before last in August, being official,

It is incorrigible, writing the article which diminishes Japan and Japanese, specifically, he diminishes the honor and the trust of the soldiers in Japan which fought for the country or the mother.

This article continues.

I read this and was really disgusted.

2016年06月07日 15時35分06秒 | 日記

I was surprised to search Wikipedia about Hakoda Tetsuya.

I am disgusted first by the title, Asahi Shimbun editorialist (the international responsibility).

Be born in Osaka in 1965, it says 1988 year Ritsumeikan University literature department graduation.

As the introduction in the recentness, reading a paper in the real thing of Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, and searching some thing, the record of the lecture which the woman lecturer of the Korean name of the person did in Ritsumeikan University appeared.

I read this and was really disgusted.

It is because it was logic itself surely of Matsui Yayori, she was a notorious activist reporter of Asahi Shimbun and Alexis Dudden who isn't exaggerated even if it says a spy in Korea.

In other words, the lie that Ri Seung-man begun to the anti-Japanese propaganda in Korea which firmed by the anti-Japanese education, and it took account of the false moralism of Asahi Shimbun, it doesn't endure to read nor to be bearable to hear, it is because it was messy anti-Japanese propaganda.

Though the students in Ritsumeikan University see frequently because I visit Ryouan-ji 50 times annually, all is the carefree young who don't have worry.

However, among them, there is a human being who has the brain about which it isn't possible to say to be excellent at all like this Hakoda Tetsuya, easily affects by the lecture on the woman lecturer of such a Korean name and the incautiousness to language study in Yonsei University in South Korea, too, and may exist of course.

Indeed, it is a fearful story.

In addition to being the same state, these two seem to overlap with Alexis Dudden the language study studying abroad time, too.

This, too, is a fearful story.

This article continues


2016年06月07日 14時40分46秒 | 日記




















Supposant qu'il écrit la chose plus tard, maintenant, il écrit ce qui suit.

2016年06月07日 10時39分32秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki qui a présenté hier est la femme que Osaka produit.
Elle a en effet un excellent travail.
Sur la façon de voir les fleurs de cerisier du Bureau Mint, de l'ami proche qui, lui aussi, est un lecteur éminent au Japon, je qui a entendu le contenu de son livre PHP Institute publié, immédiatement, il a consenti à certains, dans d'autres mots, le travail de la chose réelle de Tanizaki m'a donné grande source d'inspiration.

Supposant qu'il écrit la chose plus tard, maintenant, il écrit ce qui suit.

Mme Tanizaki est la personne qui concerne la Chine depuis que je travaille pour la société de négoce de commerce de la Chine, qui est une joint-venture dans la Daiei, Inc. et la Chine.
Il est la personne de résidence de Pékin, la 15e année à l'heure actuelle, étudier à l'étranger dans les départements de l'économie de l'Université de Bejing à partir de 2001.
Par exemple, elle dit que Asahi Shimbun et les gens de la génération du baby-boom ont indiqué qu'ils pensaient de la Chine comme un pays très honorable.
Moi qui a entendu le mot de l'ami proche immédiatement pensé.

Asahi Shimbun, parce qu'il était le journal qui a le numéro d'abonnement des ménages qui ne croit pas en l'Europe et en Amérique, être soutenue par Asahi Shimbun jamais, étant amené à passer en Corée du Nord
comme les femmes mariées japonaises qui ont vu l'enfer, de nombreuses entreprises qui ont progressé vers la Chine ont eu une grande expérience, si dire du point de vue économique, il aurait vu l'enfer.

Cet article continue

나중에 일을 기록하는

2016年06月07日 09時55分28秒 | 日記

어제 소개 Ms.Hikari 다니 자키 오사카가 생성되는 여성이다.
그녀는 참으로 훌륭한 일을했다.
역시 일본의 저명한 리더 인 친한 친구에서 조폐 국의 벚꽃을 볼 수있는 방법, 나는에게 다른에서, PHP 연구소가 즉시 게시 그녀의 책의 내용, 그것은 일부에 동의 들어 본 사람 단어, 다니 자키의 진짜의 작품은 나에게 큰 영감을 주었다.

나중에 일을 기록하는 가정하면, 지금은 다음 사항을 기록합니다.

양 다니 자키는 다이, Inc. 및 중국에 합작 회사 인 중국 무역 무역 회사에 근무 이후 중국을 우려하는 사람입니다.
그것은 2001 년부터 북경 대학 경제의 부서에서 유학 베이징 거주하는 사람, 현재 15 년이다.
예를 들어, 그녀는 아사히 신문과 베이비 붐 세대의 사람들이 매우 명예로운 국가처럼 중국을 생각하고 있다고 댓글을 말한다.
가까운 친구의 말을 듣고 나는 즉시 생각했다.

는 유럽과 미국 믿을 수 없을 정도 가구의 등록 번호가 신문 이었기 때문에 아사히 신문, 아사히 신문 이제까지 북한에 전달하게 됨으로써 지원
경제적 관점에서 말하는, 그것은 지옥을 보았다하는 경우는 지옥을 보았다 일본어 기혼 여성처럼 중국에 진출 많은 기업, 좋은 경험을했다.

이 문서는 계속

Supposant qu'il écrit la chose plus tard, maintenant, il écrit ce qui suit.

2016年06月07日 09時54分13秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki qui a présenté hier est la femme que Osaka produit.
Elle a en effet un excellent travail.
Sur la façon de voir les fleurs de cerisier du Bureau Mint, de l'ami proche qui, lui aussi, est un lecteur éminent au Japon, je qui a entendu le contenu de son livre PHP Institute publié, immédiatement, il a consenti à certains, dans d'autres mots, le travail de la chose réelle de Tanizaki m'a donné grande source d'inspiration.

Supposant qu'il écrit la chose plus tard, maintenant, il écrit ce qui suit.

Mme Tanizaki est la personne qui concerne la Chine depuis que je travaille pour la société de négoce de commerce de la Chine, qui est une joint-venture dans la Daiei, Inc. et la Chine.
Il est la personne de résidence de Pékin, la 15e année à l'heure actuelle, étudier à l'étranger dans les départements de l'économie de l'Université de Bejing à partir de 2001.
Par exemple, elle dit que Asahi Shimbun et les gens de la génération du baby-boom ont indiqué qu'ils pensaient de la Chine comme un pays très honorable.
Moi qui a entendu le mot de l'ami proche immédiatement pensé.

Asahi Shimbun, parce qu'il était le journal qui a le numéro d'abonnement des ménages qui ne croit pas en l'Europe et en Amérique, être soutenue par Asahi Shimbun jamais, étant amené à passer en Corée du Nord
comme les femmes mariées japonaises qui ont vu l'enfer, de nombreuses entreprises qui ont progressé vers la Chine ont eu une grande expérience, si dire du point de vue économique, il aurait vu l'enfer.

Cet article continue

Supponendo che scrive la cosa più tardi, ora, scrive quanto segue.

2016年06月07日 09時53分47秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki che ha introdotto ieri è la donna che ha prodotto Osaka.
Lei ha fatto davvero grande lavoro.
Sulla strada per vedere i fiori di ciliegio del Bureau Zecca, dal caro amico che, troppo, è un lettore di eminente in Giappone, io che sentito il contenuto del suo libro che PHP Institute pubblicato, subito, è consentito ad alcuni, in altri parole, il lavoro di cosa reale di Tanizaki mi ha dato grande ispirazione.

Supponendo che scrive la cosa più tardi, ora, scrive quanto segue.

La signora Tanizaki è la persona che riguarda la Cina da quando lavora per l'azienda di commercio commerciale della Cina, che è una joint venture nel Daiei, Inc. e la Cina.
E 'la persona di residenza di Pechino, il 15 ° anno al momento, studiare all'estero nei dipartimenti di sviluppo economico di Pechino University dal 2001.
Ad esempio, lei dice che Asahi Shimbun e il popolo della generazione del baby-boom ha commentato che stavano pensando di Cina come un paese molto onorevole.
Io che ha sentito la parola dal caro amico pensato immediatamente.

Asahi Shimbun, perché era il giornale che ha il numero di sottoscrizione di famiglie che non si ritiene in Europa e in America, essere supportato da Asahi Shimbun mai, essendo fatto passare alla Corea del Nord
come le donne sposate giapponesi che hanno visto l'inferno, molte aziende che avanzate per la Cina ha avuto una grande esperienza, per dire dal punto di vista economico, avrebbe dovuto visto l'inferno.

Questo articolo continua

Suponiendo que escribe la cosa más adelante, ahora, se escribe lo siguiente.

2016年06月07日 09時53分18秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki que se presentó ayer es la mujer a la que produce Osaka.
Lo hizo de hecho un gran trabajo.
En el camino para ver los cerezos en flor de la Mesa de la menta, del amigo cercano que, también, es un lector eminente en Japón, lo que escuchan el contenido de su libro que publicó PHP Institute, de inmediato, que dieron su consentimiento para algunos, en otra Es decir, el trabajo de lo real de Tanizaki me dieron gran inspiración.

Suponiendo que escribe la cosa más adelante, ahora, se escribe lo siguiente.

La Sra Tanizaki es la persona que se refiere a China desde que trabaja para la empresa comercial del comercio de China, que es una empresa conjunta en el Daiei, Inc. y China.
Es la persona de residencia de Beijing, el año 15 en la actualidad, estudios en el extranjero en los departamentos de economía de la Universidad de Pekín de 2001.
Por ejemplo, se dice que Asahi Shimbun y el pueblo de la generación del baby boom comentaron que estaban pensando en China, como un país muy honorable.
Me habían oído la palabra del amigo cercano pensé inmediatamente.

Asahi Shimbun, porque era el periódico que tiene el número de identificación de los hogares que no se cree en la Europa y América, con el apoyo de Asahi Shimbun nunca, se hace pasar a Corea del Norte
al igual que las mujeres casadas japonesas que han visto el infierno, muchas empresas que avanzaban a China tenían una gran experiencia, si diciendo desde el punto de vista económico, que debería haber visto el infierno.

Este artículo continúa

Angenommen, dass es die Sache später, jetzt, schreibt es die folgende schreibt.

2016年06月07日 09時52分50秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki, die gestern eingeführt ist die Frau, die Osaka produziert.
Sie tat wirklich großartige Arbeit.
Auf dem Weg, um die Kirschblüten des Mint-Büro, aus dem engen Freund, der auch zu sehen, ist ein hervorragender Leser in Japan, der ich hörte, wie die Inhalte ihres Buches, das PHP-Institut veröffentlicht, sofort, es zu einigen zugestimmt, in anderen Worte, gab die Arbeit von Tanizaki wirkliche Sache mir große Inspiration.

Angenommen, dass es die Sache später, jetzt, schreibt es die folgende schreibt.

Frau Tanizaki ist die Person, die China betrifft, für den Handel mit China Handelsgesellschaft seit arbeiten, die ein Joint Venture in der Daiei, Inc. und China ist.
Es ist die Person von Peking Residenz, das 15. Jahr derzeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Ausland in den Abteilungen der Wirtschafts der Bejing Universität zu studieren.
Zum Beispiel, sagt sie, dass Asahi Shimbun und die Leute von Baby-Boom-Generation kommentiert, dass sie von China wie ein sehr ehrenwert Land dachten.
Ich, der das Wort von der engen Freund hörte dachte sofort.

Asahi Shimbun, weil es der Zeitung war, die das Abonnement Zahl der Haushalte hat, die in Europa und Amerika glaubte nicht, jemals von Asahi Shimbun unterstützt werden, unternommen werden, um Nordkorea zu passieren
viele Unternehmen wie japanische verheiratete Frauen, die Hölle gesehen, die nach China voran hatte eine große Erfahrung, wenn aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht zu sagen, sollte es die Hölle gesehen haben.

Dieser Artikel setzt

Supondo que ele grava a coisa mais tarde, agora, ele escreve o seguinte.

2016年06月07日 09時52分22秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki, que introduziu ontem é a mulher que Osaka produzido.
Ela fez realmente grande trabalho.
No caminho para ver as flores de cerejeira do Bureau Mint, a partir do próximo amigo que é, também, um leitor eminente no Japão, eu que ouviu o conteúdo de seu livro que PHP Institute publicados, imediatamente, ele consentiu em alguns, em outros palavras, o trabalho da coisa real de Tanizaki me deu grande inspiração.

Supondo que ele grava a coisa mais tarde, agora, ele escreve o seguinte.

Ms. Tanizaki é a pessoa que diz respeito a China desde a trabalhar para a China empresa de comércio de comércio, que é uma joint venture na Daiei, Inc. e China.
É a pessoa de Beijing residência, o 15º ano no presente, estudando no exterior nos departamentos de economia da Universidade de Pequim, de 2001.
Por exemplo, ela diz que Asahi Shimbun e as pessoas da geração baby-boom comentou que eles estavam pensando em China como um país muito honrosa.
I que ouviram a palavra do amigo próximo pensou imediatamente.

Asahi Shimbun, porque era o jornal que tem o número de inscrição das famílias que não se acredita na Europa e na América, ser apoiada por Asahi Shimbun nunca, a ser feito para passar à Coreia do Norte
como as mulheres casadas japonesas que viram o inferno, muitas empresas que avançaram para a China tinha uma grande experiência, se dizendo a partir do ponto de vista económico, que deveria ter visto o inferno.

Este artigo continua


2016年06月07日 09時51分50秒 | 日記







2016年06月07日 09時51分19秒 | 日記







2016年06月07日 09時50分37秒 | 日記

Ms.Hikari Tanizaki который представил вчера женщина, которую произвел Осака.
Она сделала действительно большую работу.
По пути, чтобы увидеть вишни в цвету монетного двора бюро, от близкого друга, который тоже является выдающийся читатель в Японии, я, кто слышал, содержание ее книги, которую PHP Институт опубликовал, сразу же, он согласился на некоторые, в других слова, работа реальной вещи Tanizaki дал мне большое вдохновение.

Предположив, что он пишет вещь позже, сейчас, пишет следующее.

Г-жа Tanizaki это человек, который касается Китая, поскольку работает в Китае торговой торговой компанией, которая является совместным предприятием в Daiei, Inc. и Китая.
Это лицо Пекина жительства, 15-й год в настоящее время обучаются за рубежом в отделах экономического университета в Bejing с 2001 года.
Например, она говорит, что Asahi Shimbun и люди поколения бэби-бума отметили, что они думают о Китае как очень почетной стране.
Я слушавших слово от близкого друга тут же подумал.

Asahi Shimbun, потому что это была газета, которая имеет подписку на число семей, которые не верили в Европе и Америке, при поддержке Asahi Shimbun когда-либо, сделавшись пройти в Северную Корею
как японские замужних женщин, которые видели ад, многие компании, которые продвинулись к Китаю был большой опыт, если говоря с экономической точки зрения, это надо было видеть ад.

Эта статья продолжает