文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I am irritating as much as not ordinary and remember.

2016年06月24日 22時58分07秒 | 日記

I am irritating as much as not ordinary and remember.

At the time of G7 only 1 month before.

The big risk which lurks in the world in now

To the fear that the crisis above the Lehman Shock occurs

G7 which must head the world

When Prime Minister Abe is struggling when it should incorporate not minding increasing public spending into the declaration, agreeing.

It is clear that it does it with the eyes of anyone.

Suppose that the risk like Lehman Shock doesn't exist in the world in now,

The appearance of Merkel in Germany and British Cameron which continued to take a cool attitude to Prime Minister Abe,

It doesn't know whether or not it is being well-informed in the secret understanding from the beginning with them though,

With these two having the right of the tremendous strength,

Suppose that Prime Minister Abe is a foolish human being.

With Asahi Shimbun making Hara Makoto to be (it will be the innocent of the all-time low) an editor in economic charge appear on the news show which is the signboard program of TV-Asahi,

In the remark of Prime Minister Abe, it is "it is a completely inconsequential remark". It made it say.

The Okada representative of people Susumu party that the article of Asahi Shimbun is the contents of the head blackened in the slandering with "it is using G7 where the risk above the Lehman Shock doesn't exist in the world for itself" to the remark of Prime Minister Abe.

The truth of the world proves that Prime Minister Abe was completely right, i.e. he proves that it is a completely right human being.

Above-mentioned human beings proved the thing which isn't exaggerated even if they said that they were hoodlums.

Now, above-mentioned Hara Makoto never apologizes or never be ashamed,

That really wicked what is not clowned about any more,

It is making a remark at the news station.

However, the camera was telling that he is the end as the speech person though.

Poorly, do the this doing of that this simple-mindedness is the actual state of Asahi Shimbun,

The youngster who has a suffrage this year,

Specifically, to burn into your memory,

To the wicked newspaper in such stupidity,

It must not make Japan lead.


2016年06月24日 22時30分57秒 | 日記




















The news station should make it make a remark, making him appear urgently tonight.

2016年06月24日 16時13分44秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

To this prime minister Abe, such as Hara Makoto in addition to having never done the work to earn 1 yen money, too, that it is foolish to be wrong and being childish, as it continued to take a wicked article, making persistent, (Only saying so now is proper), the hooligan,

As the prime minister of Japan who is a economic superpower very much in 2nd of the world even now actually, to the very much kosher remark of the Prime Minister Abe who headed G7 excellently, Hara said that it is an inconsequential remark.

The news station should make it make a remark, making him appear urgently tonight.

At the same time, as the intention of Asahi Shimbun, the reporter of the United Kingdom which was remarking in front of the camera that the risk which Prime Minister Abe worries about didn't exist at all, too, must make it appear on the global economy urgently tonight.

If it isn't made, the Japanese people should know broadcasting have to be stopped with the news station having today.

Specifically, the young who have a suffrage this year have to know how much this program is childish.

It is necessary to know that it is the wicked program which repeats a persistent attack to Japan.

It was proved that that I commented that it was a man in the one of the burst into laughter

2016年06月24日 15時50分40秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It made the man who tells the news station which is the signboard program of TV-Asahi which is the TV station of the subsidiary of Asahi Shimbun on the G7 day to be the editor of the economic responsibility article member appear.

It was proved that that I commented that it was a man in the one of the burst into laughter was completely right, too, today though.

This man, Hara Makoto made a remark to the remark of Prime Minister Abe, which was kosher really and natural opinion, Hara said that it was inconsequential in the despised style.

Prime Minister Abe is a democrat from the pith of the bone.

Because it grew up with the best environment which can be wanted as the politician, and lived in the much farther place from the stupidity which has been made the convict of the thought which became an exam honors student, doing exam study vehemently, e.g. advanced towards the University of Tokyo or Waseda and had distorted ideas and so on.

He continued to see a government and international politics straight.

In other words, it is an uncommon keen insight man.

This article continues

Today, the result of United Kingdom's referendum delivered the devastating blow as

2016年06月24日 15時27分56秒 | 日記

Today, the result of United Kingdom's referendum delivered the devastating blow as North Korea did outrageous violence just to the global economy.

If saying to the standard after 31 years in falling United Kingdom's pound, the risk above the Lehman Shock occurred.

This time (indeed, it is irritatingly the rage which is not any more though), too, it was proved as much as saying that the right of my article was unpleasant.

The young who have a suffrage now are the proof example to do a case this time of... too much excellently, that the opposition of what the editorialists of Asahi Shimbun are saying always is right, i.e. that the truth is always in the opposite of their article in the politics and the economy though (I feel the rage of the true intention to the big damage which the foolishness of Asahi Shimbun, the brain of the schoolchild level continued to give the politics and the economy of Japan).

It is necessary to know that the way to carve in the heart as the best proof example and it should take as the Japanese people is the opposition of the opinion of the editorialists of Asahi Shimbun.

As the presidency holder of G7, in Prime Minister Abe, declared that the risk with Lehman Shock class lurks in the global economy.

To therefore, that declared that G7 which must head the world must take the reins of government not to mind even increasing public spending.

What did Asahi Shimbun do?

This article continues


2016年06月24日 15時10分49秒 | 日記



















Ces derniers jours, dans un temps qui songeait à diverses choses, sa voix a sonné.

2016年06月24日 10時06分49秒 | 日記

Comme beaucoup de gens partout dans le monde, au sujet de ma pensée que Edith Piaf est une chanteuse authentique, elle est la personne qui est née pour chanter, le lecteur est comme vous le savez.

Ces derniers jours, dans un temps qui songeait à diverses choses, sa voix a sonné. Il est comme si, dans une variété de choses, pour être vraiment important il y avait, elle était en réponse avec cette chanson.

Dans le bon endroit de YouTube, derrière sa chanson, il a découvert ce qui suit.

Je pense que cette Russie est vraiment merveilleux, mais s'il y a des enfants qui ont les sentiments d'avoir l'occasion de venir en contact avec cette chanson de Piaf chez les enfants au Japon et à sympathiser avec eux, il est convaincu qu'il est possible de chanter complètement de la même manière.

Pour certaines raisons?

Le Japon est le pays qui «la plaque tournante de la civilisation" tourne autour, car il est le pays qui doit diriger un autre 170 ans, le monde, ainsi que aux États-Unis, bien sûr et beaucoup de ces talents sont nécessaires.

Alors que les médias sotte utilise une onde électrique publique, dire la moralisme du put-on chez l'adulte, en plus ou, qui sont peu profonds et que seule que même la capacité de chanter loue des chanteurs douteux est adulte, autant que le permet à-dire l'intégralité, il est parce qu'il est jamais ne versait cette chanson d'Edith Piaf et ainsi à la télévision.


«Non, je ne regrette rien» (Edith Piaf) .Saida.The Voix Enfants Russie 2015.Finale. [Parties: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]

Negli ultimi giorni, in un tempo che stava pensando di varie cose

2016年06月24日 10時06分09秒 | 日記

Come molte persone in tutto il mondo, circa il mio pensiero che Edith Piaf è un vero e proprio cantante, lei è la persona che è nata per cantare, il lettore è come sapete.

Negli ultimi giorni, in un tempo che stava pensando di varie cose, la sua voce risuonò. È come se, in una varietà di cose, per essere veramente importante non c'era, era in risposta con questa canzone.

In buon posto di YouTube, dietro la sua canzone, ha scoperto quanto segue.

Credo che tale Russia è davvero meraviglioso, ma se ci sono bambini che hanno i sentimenti di avere l'opportunità di venire in contatto con questa canzone di Piaf nei figli in Giappone per e simpatizzare con loro, è convinto che sia possibile cantare completamente nello stesso modo.

Per qualche ragione?

Il Giappone è il paese che "il giradischi della civiltà" sta girando intorno, perché è il paese che deve andare altri 170 anni, il mondo così come gli Stati Uniti, da golf e un sacco di questi talenti sono necessari.

Mentre i media insensato usa un'onda elettrica pubblica, dire il moralismo della put-on nell'adulto, in aggiunta o, che sono poco profonde e che solo che anche la capacità di cantare le lodi cantanti in sofferenza è cresciuto-up, per quanto consentito a dire la completezza, è perché non è mai solo versando questa canzone di Edith Piaf e così in TV.


'Non, je ne regrette rien' (Edith Piaf) .Saida.The Voice bambini Russia 2015.Finale. [Parti: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]

En los últimos días, en un momento en que estaba pensando

2016年06月24日 10時05分32秒 | 日記

Al igual que muchas personas en todo el mundo, sobre mi forma de pensar que Edith Piaf es una cantante auténtica, que es la persona que nació para cantar, el lector es como usted sabe.

En los últimos días, en un momento en que estaba pensando en varias cosas, sonó su voz. Es como si, en una variedad de cosas, para ser realmente lo importante que había, que era en respuesta a esta canción.

En el buen sitio de YouTube, detrás de la canción, se descubrió lo siguiente.

Creo que tal Rusia es realmente maravilloso, pero si hay niños que tienen el sentimiento de tener la oportunidad de entrar en contacto con esta canción de Piaf en los niños en Japón y simpatizar con ellos, que está convencido de que es posible cantar completamente de la misma manera.

¿Por alguna razón?

Japón es el país que "el plato giratorio de la civilización" está dando la vuelta, ya que es el país que debe dirigirse a otros 170 años, el mundo, así como los EE.UU., el curso y una gran cantidad de estos talentos son necesarios.

Mientras que los medios tontos utiliza una onda eléctrica pública, decirle al moralismo de la put-a en el adulto, además de, o que son poco profundas y que sólo que incluso la capacidad de cantar alabanzas cantantes dudosos es mayor de edad, tanto como lo permita decir exhaustividad, es porque nunca es solamente vertiendo esta canción de Edith Piaf y así en la televisión.


"Non, je ne regrette rien '(Edith Piaf) .Saida.The Voz niños Rusia 2015.Finale. [Partes: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]

In den letzten Tagen, in einer Zeit, die von verschiedenen Dinge dachte

2016年06月24日 10時04分50秒 | 日記

Wie viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, über mein Denken, das Edith Piaf eine echte Sängerin ist sie die Person, die geboren wurde, zu singen, ist der Leser, wie Sie wissen.

In den letzten Tagen, in einer Zeit, die von verschiedenen Dinge dachte, klingelte ihre Stimme. Es ist, als ob in einer Vielzahl von Dingen, wirklich wichtige Sache, es war zu sein, war sie in Reaktion mit diesem Lied.

Im guten Platz von YouTube, hinter ihr Lied, entdeckte sie die folgenden.

Ich denke, dass eine solche Russland wirklich wunderbar ist, aber wenn es Kinder gibt, die die Gefühle haben, die Gelegenheit, in Kontakt mit diesem Lied von Piaf in den Kindern in Japan und sympathisieren mit ihnen zu kommen, es ist davon überzeugt, dass es möglich ist, vollständig in der gleichen Weise zu singen.

Aus irgendeinem Grund?

Japan ist das Land, das "die Drehscheibe der Zivilisation" um dreht, weil es das Land, das noch 170 Jahre fahren muss, die Welt als auch die US-, Kurs und viele solche Talente notwendig sind.

Während die dummen Medien eine öffentliche elektrische Welle verwendet, sagen Sie dem Moralismus der Put-on in den Erwachsenen, zusätzlich zu oder, das flach sind und dass nur, dass auch der Gesang Fähigkeit fraglich Sänger preist ist erwachsen, so viel wie erlaubt zu sagen, Vollständigkeit, es ist, weil es nie nur das Lied von Edith Piaf Gießen und so im Fernsehen.


"Non, je ne regrette rien" (Edith Piaf) .Saida.The Voice-Kids Russland 2015.Finale. [Teilen: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]

Nos últimos dias, numa altura em que estava

2016年06月24日 10時04分12秒 | 日記

Como muitas pessoas em todo o mundo, sobre o meu pensamento de que Edith Piaf é um cantor genuíno, ela é a pessoa que nasceu para cantar, o leitor é como você sabe.

Nos últimos dias, numa altura em que estava a pensar em várias coisas, a voz dela tocou. É como se, em uma variedade de coisas, para ser realmente importante não era, ela foi uma resposta com essa música.

No bom lugar de YouTube, atrás de sua música, ela descobriu o seguinte.

Eu acho que esse Rússia é realmente maravilhoso, mas se há crianças que têm os sentimentos de ter a oportunidade de entrar em contato com esta canção de Piaf nas crianças no Japão para e simpatizar com eles, ele está convencido de que é possível cante completamente da mesma maneira.

Por algum motivo?

O Japão é o país que "a plataforma giratória da civilização" está girando ao redor, porque é o país que deve ir mais 170 anos, o mundo, bem como os EUA, claro e um monte de tais talentos são necessários.

Enquanto a mídia tola utiliza uma onda elétrica pública, diga o moralismo da put-on no adulto, em complemento ou, que são superficiais e que só que mesmo a habilidade para cantar elogia cantores duvidosos é adulto, tanto quanto permitido dizer integralidade, é porque nunca é única verter esta canção de Edith Piaf e assim por diante TV.


', Je ne regrette rien Não' (Edith Piaf) .Saida.The Voz Crianças Rússia 2015.Finale. [Partes: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]


2016年06月24日 10時03分40秒 | 日記









“不,JE NE regrette奧布萊恩”(伊迪絲琵雅芙).Saida.The語音童裝俄羅斯2015.Finale。 [部分:eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]


2016年06月24日 10時03分09秒 | 日記









“不,JE NE regrette奥布莱恩”(伊迪丝琵雅芙).Saida.The语音童装俄罗斯2015.Finale。 [部分:eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]


2016年06月24日 10時02分28秒 | 日記

당신이 알고있는 에디트 피아프 그녀가 노래 태어난 사람, 진짜 가수 내 생각에 대한 전 세계의 많은 사람들처럼, 독자입니다.

지난 몇 일, 여러 가지 생각을 할 때 한 번 시간에, 그녀의 목소리가 울렸다. 정말 거기 중요한 것은으로, 사물의 다양한, 것처럼, 그녀는이 노래에 대한 응답이었다.

유튜브의 좋은 장소에서, 그녀의 노래 뒤에, 다음을 발견했다.

나는 그런 러시아가 정말 훌륭하다고 생각하지만, 일본의 어린이 피아프의 노래에 그들과 함께 공감하는 연락 올 수있는 기회를 갖게하기 위해 감정을 가지고 자녀가있는 경우, 할 수 있다는 확신 동일한 방식으로 완전히 노래.

몇 가지 이유?

또 다른 1백70년 머리를해야하는 나라이기 때문에 일본이 "문명의 턴테이블"주위를 선회하는 국가이며, 세계뿐만 아니라 미국, 코스와 같은 인재가 많이 필요하다.

어리석은 미디어 공공 전파를 사용하지만, 얕은하고 있음은 심지어 노래 능력은 의심 가수를 칭찬하는,뿐만 아니라, 성인에 넣어 온의 도덕을 말할 또는 허용 된만큼 어른이고, 그것은 결코 만이 에디트 피아프의 노래 등 TV에 쏟아져 없습니다 때문입니다, 완전성 대답.


'비, 이인제 북동 regrette의 리엔'(에디트 피아프) .Saida.The 보이스 키즈 러시아 2015.Finale. [부품 : eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]

разных вещах

2016年06月24日 10時01分54秒 | 日記

Как и многие люди во всем мире, о моем мышлении, что Эдит Пиаф является подлинным певцом, она является человеком, который был рожден, чтобы петь, читатель, как вы знаете.

В последние несколько дней, в то время, что думал о разных вещах, раздался ее голос. Это как если бы, во множестве вещей, чтобы быть действительно важная вещь там была, она была в ответ на эту песню.

В хорошем месте YouTube, за ее песни, он обнаружил следующее.

Я думаю, что такое Россия действительно замечательно, но если есть дети, у которых есть свои чувства, чтобы иметь возможность войти в контакт с этой песней Пиаф у детей в Японии и сопереживать с ними, она убеждена в том, что можно петь совершенно таким же образом.

По какой-то причине?

Япония является страной, которая "поворотный стол цивилизации" вращается вокруг, потому что это страна, которая должна возглавить еще 170 лет, мир, а также США, конечно, и много таких талантов нужны.

В то время как глупы СМИ использует публичную электрическую волну, скажите морализм пут-на у взрослого человека, в дополнение или, что мелкие и что только то, что даже способность пения хвалит сомнительных певцов повзрослевшая, столько, сколько разрешено сказать, полноту, это потому, что он никогда не только поливают эту песню Эдит Пиаф и так по телевизору.


"Non, JE пе regrette Rien" (Эдит Пиаф) .Saida.The Голос России Дети 2015.Finale. [Частей: eNozsjJkhAOz1FQjkyTTlKjc9CyLiAhXd + 9iJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAARkAkS]