文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Whether they were intentional or not, even though they were only manipulated, they were handled to

2017年01月31日 22時34分54秒 | 日記

The following is from the article on 14 pages of today's Sankei Shimbun.

Korean anti-Japanese sentiment and shadow of the Asahi Newspaper

Conversation Comfort women problem as China's plot

Whether or not there was a compulsory takeoff, how do Korea and the Asahi Shimbun say are falsifying historical facts and being far from the realities of history?

So far the comfort women problem has been handled from this point of view.

But in fact this is not the case, about that degree, too - good - to - be - true stories.

It is an international plot and political work that is positioned as a national strategy of China to defeat the country of Japan, to pursue Japanese people, and such a tough recognition is essential.

In the Sound argument March month, Michael Yon, a journalist of the United States, journalist, Yoshihisa Komori talked about "the forefront of historic battle".

Mr. Komori says "Many Japanese think about comfort women's problem by Korean people, but in fact it is Chinese, the mainstay is China"

"Skillfully manipulating the ethnic temperament of the Korean people who will not forget the grudge, burning anti-Japanese feelings, you should not overlook China's work that is running extremely," Mr. Yon said.

It is subject to discrimination and attack just because the Japanese are Japanese, and eventually it escalates to the subject of killings and terrorism.

Even now China is struggling to build such a "Japanese enclosure network" all over the world. Something about comfort women is anything, let me think carefully.

Even so, it is. The Asahi Shimbun, which made the comfort women problem so far flame up, is still heavily responsible.

Whether they were intentional or not, even though they were only manipulated, they were handled to foreign plots and crafts, the day will be coming severely condemn that it was a betrayal of the Japanese people.

(Keita Ando)


2017年01月31日 22時11分55秒 | 日記



対談 中国の謀略としての慰安婦問題









今も中国はそのような「日本人包囲網」を世界中で築きあげようと奔走しているというのだ。 慰安婦問題とは一体何か、じっくり考えさせてくれる。 




as a matter of fact the subscriber knew that the words such as

2017年01月31日 21時45分36秒 | 日記

Actually, it is a traitor, and the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun, which is a betrayer of one's country, do not notice at all how malicious themselves are.

In fact it is a man who is totally with Ozaki Hotsumi they did not notice that.

In addition, they do not issue corrected advertisements around the world against fabricated reports such as comfort women.

As if to threaten the Japanese government, as a matter of fact the subscriber knew that the words such as the theory of independence of Okinawa were excited in the paper gladly.

Two newspapers in Okinawa, the worst child of the Asahi Shimbun, are piloted in Korea, the country of Nazism, and China, the country that is controlled by the one-party autocratists of the Communist Party, anti-Japanese propaganda that is their life line Having been done,

From the tax we put in the country (we worked hard enough to make death from overwork), despite the existence of a base to defend the country in various parts of Japan, only for Okinawa, we have thrown a large amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen each year.

Forgot its gratitude, being maneuvered with evil, they have become no more villains, no longer being repaired, Asahi Shimbun and Okinawa 2 papers, Onaga who are that really ugly apostate and so on If you are flying and independent, do it.

We declare to the world as a reincarnation of Kukai, Oda Nobunaga and so on, here to nuclear arms at that moment.

In order that the Communist Party dictators will not consider as much hair as trying to invade Japan even if it is mistaken, twice as much as now, reinforce armaments, Japan, the country with the world's highest intellect and freedom, Japan, the country where the turntable of civilization is turning on, strongly protect, I declare to the world now that we will continue to lead the world alongside the United States.

Regarding what we do so, the reality is that Korea, the Nazism state, and the international community that has continued to allow evil propaganda of the one party dictators of the Communist Party,

If the Okinawa prefecture was manipulated by their evil and became independent, the international community would not be able to arrest Japanese nuclear arms and reinforce armament twice as much as now I declare it here now that the international community cannot criticize a single word.

In the first place, your sham moralism is all the culprits.

as a result of continuing to invest a huge amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen

2017年01月31日 21時40分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

* Although I am emphasizing surplus in the sentence, as a result of continuing to invest a huge amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen in the population of 1.44 million prefectures for many years, investment in education and infrastructure development in Japan it can also be said that it was neglected.

Statistics that one in six children are growing up in poor families, the Itoigawa Great Fire as a result of insufficient maintenance for firefighting equipment, or lack of defense against disasters repeated with various natural disasters.

The actual situation is Korea which is the country of Nazism, and China, the country that the one-party dictators of the Communist Party dominates, prefecture which is being caught by people who keep pace with their anti - Japanese propaganda,

As mentioned above, from within the bright days, also people who are singing relaxingly drinking Awamori ... For those who are complicit in jeopardizing the survival of Japan,

Japanese citizens, sacrifice various events like the above, we continued to invest a huge amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen.

In other words, we brought up people who are being piloted by Korean and Chinese anti-Japanese propaganda work with taxes.

We have subsidized South Korea and China anti-Japanese propaganda by tax.

Before this rigorous fact, Okinawa Notes, as a result of the mass of pretended morality and pretended communism, he wrote a totally crippling book, he made them grow up presumptuous, it is making the terrible sight of the evil at Okinawa in now, Oe Kenzaburo, and it goes without saying that I am despised strongly.

In the first place, your sham moralism is all the culprits.

2017年01月31日 21時03分07秒 | 日記

Actually, it is a traitor, and the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun, which is a betrayer of one's country, do not notice at all how malicious themselves are ... in fact it is a man who is totally with Ozaki Hotsumi they did not notice that,

In addition, they do not issue corrected advertisements around the world against fabricated reports such as comfort women,

As if to threaten the Japanese government, as a matter of fact the subscriber knew that the words such as the theory of independence of Okinawa were excited in the paper gladly.

Two newspapers in Okinawa, the worst child of the Asahi Shimbun, are piloted in Korea, the country of Nazism, and China, the country that is controlled by the one-party autocratists of the Communist Party, anti-Japanese propaganda that is their life line Having been done,

From the tax we put in the country (we worked hard enough to make death from overwork), despite the existence of a base to defend the country in various parts of Japan, only for Okinawa, we have thrown a large amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen each year.

Forgot its gratitude, being maneuvered with evil, they have become no more villains, no longer being repaired, Asahi Shimbun and Okinawa 2 papers, Onaga who are that really ugly apostate and so on If you are flying and independent, do it.

We declare to the world as a reincarnation of Kukai, Oda Nobunaga and so on, here to nuclear arms at that moment.

In order that the Communist Party dictators will not consider as much hair as trying to invade Japan even if it is mistaken, twice as much as now, reinforce armaments, Japan, the country with the world's highest intellect and freedom, Japan, the country where the turntable of civilization is turning on, strongly protect, I declare to the world now that we will continue to lead the world alongside the United States.

Regarding what we do so, the reality is that Korea, the Nazism state, and the international community that has continued to allow evil propaganda of the one party dictators of the Communist Party,

If the Okinawa prefecture was manipulated by their evil and became independent, the international community would not be able to arrest Japanese nuclear arms and reinforce armament twice as much as now I declare it here now that the international community cannot criticize a single word.

In the first place, your sham moralism is all the culprits.

We have subsidized South Korea and China anti-Japanese propaganda by tax.

2017年01月31日 20時41分00秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

* Although I am emphasizing surplus in the sentence, as a result of continuing to invest a huge amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen in the population of 1.44 million prefectures for many years, investment in education and infrastructure development in Japan It can also be said that it was neglected.

Statistics that one in six children are growing up in poor families, the Itoigawa Great Fire as a result of insufficient maintenance for firefighting equipment, or lack of defense against disasters repeated with various natural disasters.

The actual situation is Korea which is the country of Nazism, and China, the country that the one-party dictators of the Communist Party dominates, prefecture which is being caught by people who keep pace with their anti - Japanese propaganda,

As mentioned above, from within the bright days, also people who are singing relaxingly drinking Awamori ... For those who are complicit in jeopardizing the survival of Japan,

Japanese citizens, sacrifice various events like the above, we continued to invest a huge amount of taxes far exceeding 300 billion yen.

In other words, we brought up people who are being piloted by Korean and Chinese anti-Japanese propaganda work with taxes.

We have subsidized South Korea and China anti-Japanese propaganda by tax.

Before this rigorous fact, Okinawa Notes, as a result of the mass of pretended morality and pretended communism, he wrote a totally crippling book, he made them grow up presumptuous, it is making the terrible sight of the evil at Okinawa in now, Oe Kenzaburo, and it goes without saying that I am despised strongly.


2017年01月31日 19時31分06秒 | 日記













At that time, the municipalities used about 40% of taxes for education.

2017年01月31日 18時43分56秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Japan will go wrong enough to do individualism. There was an article like the following in the preamble omitting part of the interview feature article (monthly magazine HANADA this month issue p68) between Mr. Takeshi Nakano and Mr. Ryuichiro Matsubara introduced as entitled.

Preamble abbreviation.

Limit of individualism


Let's examine individualism or alternatives to individualism.

I think that Japan cannot go ahead unless it makes "co-op" (common) once again.

At the time of the Meiji Restoration, the leaders realized that individualism alone cannot do just fine.

Even though there was a Terakoya, it was a charge.

Therefore, it made read and write abacus compulsory education and thickened the cultural capital.

It was not a Terakoya of elitism where some human beings go, but let's learn everyone with compulsory education.

By raising this communication skill, it tried to make "co-op" between individuals and the whole.

It thought that primary education is necessary to make "co-op".

Mori Arinori and so on, they are using the money tremendously for the educational system.

At that time, the municipalities used about 40% of taxes for education.

Ronald Philip Dore, who told Nakano's story earlier, pointed out that this huge investment promoted modernization of Japan.

In Meiji Restoration, on the other hand, we placed the emperor as a symbol of "co-op", and then liberalized further.

This worked pretty well.

After the war, we put the community inside the company, and once again revived the "co-op".

This is human relations capital.

Ronald Philip Dore, in America, technological innovation only occurs within the head of individuals, yet why Japanese organizations were intrigued by whether technology innovation will occur in 'co-owners'.



2017年01月31日 17時56分03秒 | 日記





























2017年01月31日 17時22分09秒 | 日記











Comme avec la guerre civile, le plan de défense

2017年01月31日 09時56分51秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

La loi fédérale américaine est également similaire. Dans Reagan, le fait que le marteau ordinaire a été livré à l'armée était d'une pièce 400 dollars a été mis en lumière, la Loi sur les dénonciateurs (loi informelle) a été établie.

Il était né à l'époque de la guerre civile. Un canon inférieur a été livré et le champ de bataille a été affecté. Afin d'éviter cela, une personne qui a annoncé la fraude du vendeur a fait une loi "pour donner 50% du prix du contrat."

Il ya aussi un caractère national. Une rumeur de snitch s'est produite, la plupart des commerçants ont été informés, ainsi la livraison a cessé et la guerre a été temporairement incapable de continuer.

Cette loi a été rétablie. Bien que le montant de la récompense est de 20 pour cent, par exemple, si Hughes stealth fraude de fraude est impliqué, les récompenses coûtent des centaines de millions de dollars.

Comme avec la guerre civile, le plan de défense national a cessé, et seulement les avocats ont fait un bénéfice.

Ce projet se poursuit.

Come per la guerra civile, il piano di difesa

2017年01月31日 09時56分17秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

La legge federale degli Stati Uniti è anche simile. In Reagan, il fatto che il martello ordinario consegnato al militare era un pezzo 400 dollari è venuto alla luce, la legge Whistleblower (legge informale) è stato istituito.

E 'stato originariamente nato al tempo della guerra civile. Una pistola inferiore è stato consegnato e il campo di battaglia è stata influenzata. Al fine di evitare che, una persona che ha annunciato la frode del venditore fatto una legge "per dare fuori il 50% del prezzo del contratto."

C'è anche carattere nazionale. Si è verificato un rush spia, la maggior parte dei commercianti sono stati informati, in modo da la consegna cessò e guerra era temporaneamente in grado di continuare.

Tale legge è stata ripristinata. Anche se la quantità premio è del 20 per cento, per esempio, se Hughes 'frode bombardiere stealth è coinvolto, i premi costano centinaia di milioni di dollari.

Come per la guerra civile, il piano di difesa nazionale cessò, e solo gli avvocati realizzato un profitto.

Questo progetto continua.

Al igual que con la Guerra Civil, el plan

2017年01月31日 09時55分47秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

La ley federal de los Estados Unidos también es similar. En Reagan, el hecho de que el martillo ordinario entregado al ejército fue una pieza de 400 dólares salió a la luz, la Ley de Denunciantes (ley informal) se estableció.

Originalmente nació en la época de la Guerra Civil. Un arma inferior fue entregada y el campo de batalla fue afectado. Con el fin de evitar que, una persona que anunció el fraude del vendedor hizo una ley "para dar el 50% del precio del contrato."

También hay carácter nacional. Se produjo un ataque rápido, la mayoría de los comerciantes fueron informados, por lo que la entrega cesó y la guerra fue temporalmente incapaz de continuar.

Esa ley fue restablecida. Aunque el monto de la recompensa es del 20 por ciento, por ejemplo, si el fraude de los bombarderos furtivos de Hughes está involucrado, las recompensas cuestan cientos de millones de dólares.

Al igual que con la Guerra Civil, el plan de defensa nacional cesó, y sólo los abogados obtuvieron ganancias.

Este proyecto continúa.

Wie beim Bürgerkrieg hörte der nationale

2017年01月31日 09時55分15秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorigen Kapitels.

Das US-Bundesgesetz ist auch ähnlich. In Reagan, die Tatsache, dass die gewöhnlichen Hammer an das Militär geliefert wurde ein Stück 400 Dollar ans Licht kam, wurde die Whistleblower Act (informelles Recht) gegründet.

Es war ursprünglich zur Zeit des Bürgerkrieges geboren. Eine untergeordnete Waffe wurde ausgeliefert und das Schlachtfeld war betroffen. Um dies zu verhindern, machte eine Person, die den Betrug des Verkäufers angekündigt, ein Gesetz ", um 50% des Vertragspreises auszugeben".

Es gibt auch nationalen Charakter. Ein Schnüffel kam vor, die meisten Händler wurden informiert, so dass die Lieferung eingestellt wurde und der Krieg vorübergehend nicht fortgesetzt werden konnte.

Dieses Gesetz wurde wieder eingeführt. Obwohl die Belohnung Betrag ist 20 Prozent, zum Beispiel, wenn Hughes Stealth Bomber Betrug beteiligt ist, belohnt Kosten Hunderte von Millionen von Dollar.

Wie beim Bürgerkrieg hörte der nationale Verteidigungsplan auf, und nur die Anwälte machten einen Gewinn.

Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

Como com a Guerra Civil, o plano de defesa

2017年01月31日 09時54分46秒 | 日記

A seguir está a continuação do capítulo anterior.

A lei federal dos EUA também é semelhante. Em Reagan, o fato de que o martelo comum entregue ao exército foi uma peça 400 dólares veio à luz, o Whistleblower Act (lei informal) foi estabelecida.

Nasceu originalmente na época da Guerra Civil. Uma arma inferior foi entregue eo campo de batalha foi afetado. A fim de evitar que, uma pessoa que anunciou a fraude do vendedor fez uma lei "para dar 50% do preço do contrato."

Há também caráter nacional. Ocorreu uma corrida de pomo, a maioria dos comerciantes foi informada, então a entrega cessou ea guerra foi temporariamente incapaz de continuar.

Essa lei foi restabelecida. Embora o valor da recompensa seja de 20 por cento, por exemplo, se a fraude de terror furtivo da Hughes está envolvida, as recompensas custam centenas de milhões de dólares.

Como com a Guerra Civil, o plano de defesa nacional cessou, e apenas os advogados fizeram um lucro.

Este projecto continua.