ITニュース、ほか何でもあり。by KGR



2015-01-17 17:38:45 | 映画関連


A /
* アメリカン・スナイパー American Sniper
  主演男優賞 Actor in a Leading Role
  最優秀作品賞 Best Picture
  編集賞 Film Editing
  音響編集賞 Sound Editing
  録音賞 Sound Mixing
  脚色賞 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

* Aya
  Short Film (Live Action)

B /
* Begin Again
  Music (Original Song)

* Beyond the Lights
  Music (Original Song)

* ベイマックス Big Hero 6
  長編アニメーション映画賞 Animated Feature Film

* The Bigger Picture
  Short Film (Animated)

* バードマン Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
  主演男優賞 Actor in a Leading Role
  助演男優賞 Actor in a Supporting Role
  助演女優賞 Actress in a Supporting Role
  作品賞 Best Picture
  撮影賞 Cinematography
  監督賞 Directing
  音響編集賞 Sound Editing
  録音賞 Sound Mixing
  脚本賞 Writing (Original Screenplay)

* Boogaloo and Graham
  Short Film (Live Action)

* The Boxtrolls
  長編アニメーション映画賞 Animated Feature Film

* 6歳のボクが、大人になるまで。 Boyhood
  助演男優賞 Actor in a Supporting Role
  助演女優賞 Actress in a Supporting Role
  作品賞 Best Picture
  監督賞 Directing
  編集賞 Film Editing
  脚本賞 Writing (Original Screenplay)

* Butter Lamp (La Lampe au Beurre de Yak)
  Short Film (Live Action)

C /
* キャプテン・アメリカ ウィンター・ソルジャー Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  視覚効果賞 Visual Effects

* Citizenfour
  Documentary Feature

*Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1
  Documentary Short

D /
* The Dam Keeper
  Short Film (Animated)

* 猿の惑星 新世紀 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
  視覚効果賞 Visual Effects

F /
* Feast
  Short Film (Animated)

* Finding Vivian Maier
  Documentary Feature

* フォックスキャッチャー Foxcatcher
  主演男優賞 Actor in a Leading Role
  助演男優賞 Actor in a Supporting Role
  監督賞 Directing
  Makeup and Hairstyling
  脚本賞 Writing (Original Screenplay)

G /
* Glen Campbell … I'll Be Me
  Music (Original Song)

* ゴーン・ガール Gone Girl
  主演女優賞 Actress in a Leading Role

* グランド・ブタペスト・ホテル The Grand Budapest Hotel
  作品賞 Best Picture
  撮影賞 Cinematography
  Costume Design
  監督賞 Directing
  編集賞 Film Editing
  Makeup and Hairstyling
  Music (Original Score)
  Production Design
  脚本賞 Writing (Original Screenplay)

* ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー Guardians of the Galaxy
  Makeup and Hairstyling
  視覚効果賞 Visual Effects

H /
* ホビット 決戦のゆくえ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
  音響編集賞 Sound Editing

* How to Train Your Dragon 2
  長編アニメーション映画賞 Animated Feature Film

* Ida
  Foreign Language Film

* イミテーション・ゲーム The Imitation Game
  主演男優賞 Actor in a Leading Role
  助演男優賞 Actress in a Supporting Role
  作品賞 Best Picture
  監督賞 Directing
  編集賞 Film Editing
  Music (Original Score)
  Production Design
  脚色賞 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

* Inherent Vice
  Costume Design
  脚色賞 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

* インターステラー Interstellar
  Music (Original Score)
  Production Design
  音響編集賞 Sound Editing
  録音賞 Sound Mixing
  視覚効果賞 Visual Effects

* イントゥ・ザ・ウッズ Into the Woods
  助演女優賞 Actress in a Supporting Role
  Costume Design
  Production Design

* Joanna
  Documentary Short

* ジャッジ裁かれる判事 The Judge
  助演男優賞 Actor in a Supporting Role

* Last Days in Vietnam
  Documentary Feature

* The Lego Movie
  Music (Original Song)

* Leviathan
  Foreign Language Film

M /
* Maleficent
  Costume Design

* Me and My Moulton
  Short Film (Animated)

* ターナー 光に愛を求めて Mr. Turner
  撮影賞 Cinematography
  Costume Design
  Music (Original Score)
  Production Design

* Nightcrawler
  脚本賞 Writing (Original Screenplay)

O /
* Our Curse
  Documentary Short

P /
* Parvaneh
  Short Film (Live Action)

* The Phone Call
  Short Film (Live Action)
R /
* The Reaper (La Parka)
  Documentary Short

S /
* The Salt of the Earth
  Documentary Feature

* Selma
  作品賞 Best Picture
  Music (Original Song)

* A Single Life
  Short Film (Animated)

* Song of the Sea
  Animated Feature Film

* アリスのままで Still Alice
  主演女優賞 Actress in a Leading Role

T /
* かぐや姫の物語 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
  長編アニメーション映画賞 Animated Feature Film

* Tangerines
  Foreign Language Film

* 博士と彼女のセオリー The Theory of Everything
  主演男優賞 Actor in a Leading Role
  主演女優賞 Actress in a Leading Role
  作品賞 Best Picture
  Music (Original Score)
  脚色賞 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

* Timbuktu
  Foreign Language Film

* サンドラの週末 Two Days, One Night
  主演女優賞 Actress in a Leading Role

U /
* Unbroken
  撮影賞 Cinematography
  音響編集賞 Sound Editing
  録音賞 Sound Mixing

V /

* Virunga
  Documentary Feature

W /
* セッション Whiplash
  助演男優賞 Actor in a Supporting Role
  作品賞 Best Picture
  編集賞 Film Editing
  録音賞 Sound Mixing
  脚色賞 Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

* White Earth
  Documentary Short

* Wild
  主演女優賞 Actress in a Leading Role
  助演女優賞 Actress in a Supporting Role

* Wild Tales
  Foreign Language Film

X /
* X-MEM フューチャー&バスト X-Men: Days of Future Past
  視覚効果賞 Visual Effects

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